IPC:T'lurra Grace-of-Mind
Female Psychic Space Lizard Princess

- Agility: d8
- Smarts: d8
- Spirit: d6
- Strength: d6
- Vigor: d6
Derived Attributes
- Rank: Novice
- Bennies: 3
- Parry: 6
- Toughness: 9 (4) with armor
- Pace: 6"
- Melee: Molecular knife 1d6, damage 2d6+2 AP 3
- Ranged laser pistol 1d6, damage 2d6 AP 2
- Curious (M)
- Loyal (m)
- Mild-mannered (m)
- Environmental Weakness: Cold (m, racial)
- Habit: Licks Own Eyes (m, racial)
- Obligation: IPC (M)
- Alertness (+2 Notice, racial)
- Infravision
- AB: Super Powers
- AB: Psionics
- Mystic Powers (monk)
- Athletics: d8
- C. Knowledge d6
- Fighting: d6
- Language (Sem): Native
- Notice: d6+2
- Persuasion: d6
- Psionics: d8+1
- Shooting: d6
- Stealth: d6
- Taunt: d6
Super Powers
- Additional Actions (5): Ignore 2 points of MAP each round
- Genius (2): Free reroll on all Smarts-based Trait rolls
- Mind Shield (1): Mind reading and mind control attempts are at -2. Enemy takes Fatigue on a failed roll, Stunned with a raise
- Skill Bonus (2): +1 on Psionics rolls
- Super Edge (2): Mystic Powers (monk)
- Telepathy (2): Communicate with any or all intelligent minds within 24”.
- Wall Walker (1): Can walk on vertical surfaces at full Pace, ceilings at half Pace.
Mystic Powers
PP: 10
Limited free action to trigger power as standard success; +2 PP for raise.
- Boost Trait (Agility, Athletics, Fighting, Spirit): PP 3, duration 5
- Deflection (-2 ranged/melee attacks; both w/raise): PP 2, duration 5
- Smite (+2 melee damage, +4 w/raise): PP 2, duration 5
Psionic Powers
PP: 10
- Empathy (PP 1; Range: Smarts; Duration: 5) Insight into target's emotions, +1 on social skills
- Stun (PP 2; Range: Smarts; Duration: Instant) Target must roll Vigor or be Stunned
- Hyperweave ballistic body armor (+4 armor, weight 4, min Str d4, $200)
- Dueling claw (molecular short sword, Str + d6 + 2, AP 3, min Str d6, $400)
- Laser pistol (range 15/30/60, damage 2d6, AP 2, RoF 1, shots 50, min Str d4, weight 2, $250)
- Pistol batteries [2] (weight 0.5, $40)
- Standard clothing ($20)
- MRE [5] ($50)
- First aid kit ($10)
The sem known as T’lurra Grace-of-Mind (sometimes called Grace or Gracie by her non-sem friends) is the true-hatched princess of the planet of Tsemuya, daughter of A’thaurrel Strength-in-Hand. When her cousin H’athael Crystal-in-Grasp led a rebellion against her father, T’lurra took part in the defense of her family and her nation. After several battles, she led a team of Imperial Claws as they boarded H’athael’s flagship, the Silence, in an area of space perilously near a black hole. Seeing that the battle was lost, H’athael triggered an experimental doomsday weapon meant to break down atomic bonds on a massive scale, effectively disintegrating whole moons at a single stroke. The device overloaded and affected the Silence even as it plunged past the black hole’s event horizon. Expecting to be spaghettified into oblivion, T’lurra instead found herself falling through a strange gray void, and ended up in the cracks between reality.
T’lurra is a skilled diplomat and trained in the psionic Way of the Crystal Egg, though she keeps the latter fact quiet unless around trusted friends. She is a friendly and personable creature, though humans sometimes find her unblinking stare and habit of licking her own eyes disturbing. She has recently started painting eyelashes on her brows in an effort to appear more welcoming.
Her pink coloration, slight build, short stature (she is barely five feet tall) and naturally chirpy voice combine to make her a remarkably un-threatening creature. Nevertheless, she is a trained warrior and a passable shot with a laser pistol; she still keeps a set of dueling claws packed away in her luggage, and more than one burly thug has underestimated this slender reptilian lady, to his regret.