Shimo the Icerat
- Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d6
- Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Survival d6
- Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9; Power Points: 15
- Edges: Acrobat, Alertness, AB: Gifted, Extraction
- Hindrances: Curious, Greedy, Loyal
- Special Abilities:
- Bite: Str+d4
- Size: 2
- Wall Walker: Can move at full Pace on vertical surfaces, and at half Pace on ceilings
- Icy Breath: Cone or Stream template, 2d6 cold damage. Uses Focus.