Fey Races in Jeweled Amber
Amber Fey
Amber Fey[edit]
Working in progress. Fey races known to exist in the Amber, Golden Circle, Amber Sway realms. Fey spread out to Chaos and are unbiquitous. These are just ones im likely to put in play. Maybe. There are a lot of others. One not on this list may be found elsewhere but at this time are not in my head canon for game play.
Seelie Court[edit]
(Scottish) – A court of benevolent fairies and elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- These will be the basis of the ruling elven-Fey races in Amber, lead by Queen Titiana and her court in Amber.
Unseelie Court[edit]
(Scottish) – A group of dangerous and malevolent elves and fey. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- an Enemy court.
Fey Swirls[edit]
- Fey Swirls are societies of Fey gathered for many different reasons. Often political and very often regional. Membership spans races and may include non-fey.
Fey Adjacent Races[edit]
Fey Working List[edit]
- Impundulu – Lightning bird that brings storms and misfortune=African Folklore
- Jengu – Benevolent water spirits that bring good luck and healing=African Folklore
- Jiangshi – Hopping vampire-like creature that feeds on life force -
- Lamassu (adopted in broader Chinese lore) – Winged, protective beings* Chinese
- Qilin – Gentle, dragon-like protector of purity and virtue* Chinese
- Xiangliu – Multi-headed serpent demon of floods and destruction* Chinese
- Rakshasa – Demonic shape-shifters with tiger-like features* Chinese Main
- Naga – Serpentine beings associated with wisdom and water*
- Kitsune – Shape-shifting fox spirits with magical abilities* Japanese
- Onryō – Vengeful ghosts that seek revenge for past wrongs* Japanese
- Zashiki-warashi – Playful household spirits that bring good fortune* Japanese
- Banshee – Wailing spirits that foretell death* Irish
- Selkie – Seal creatures that transform into humans by shedding their skin* Irish
- Merrow – Sea-dwelling merfolk with green hair and webbed fingers* Irish
- Púca (Pooka) – Shape-shifting tricksters, often appearing as horses, goats, or rabbits* Irish
- Leanan Sídhe – Beautiful muses who inspire artists but drain their life force* Irish
- Brownie – Small, industrious household spirits* Scottish
- Kelpie – Shape-shifting water horses that lure people to their doom*
- Nuckelavee – A terrifying, skinless sea demon* Scottish
- Redcap – Bloodthirsty goblins with red hats dyed in human blood* Scottish
- Gwragedd Annwn – Beautiful water maidens of Welsh lakes* Welsh
- Will-o’-the-Wisp – Floating orbs of light that lead travelers astray* English
- Boggarts – Malevolent spirits that cause fear and poltergeist-like disturbances* English
- Nain Rouge – A small, red-skinned goblin associated with disaster* English
- Bogeyman – Shadowy monster used to frighten children* English
- Trow – Small, troll-like beings fond of music* Orkney
- Draugr – Undead warriors who haunt burial sites* Norse & Scandinavian
- Fossegrim – Water spirits that teach music in exchange for sacrifices* Norse & Scandinavian
- Fenrir – A giant wolf prophesied to bring destruction* Norse & Scandinavian
- Huldra – Beautiful women with hollow, bark-covered backs* Norse & Scandinavian
- Dryad – Tree spirits that embody and protect specific trees* Greek
- Naiads – Freshwater nymphs associated with rivers, springs, and lakes* Greek
- Hippocampus – Half-horse, half-fish creatures of the sea* Greek
- Manticore – A lion-bodied, scorpion-tailed beast* Greek Main beasts in Arden.
- Chimera – A fire-breathing monster with a lion, goat, and serpent head* Greek
- Domovoi – Household spirits that protect homes and families* Slavic
- Leshy – A forest guardian spirit who misleads travelers* Slavic
- Sasquatch – Large, ape-like humanoid of the forests*
- Efreet – Powerful and often malevolent fire spirits* Middle Eastern Folklore
- Lamassu – Winged, protective beings from Mesopotamian mythology* Middle Eastern Folklore
- Korrigan – Female water fairies tied to wells and springs* French
- Bogeyman – Shadowy figure used to scare children
- Will-o’-the-Wisp – Mysterious floating lights that appear in swamps and marshes
- Rübezahl – A trickster mountain spirit from German folklore.
- The Wild Hunt – A spectral host of supernatural hunters riding through the sky.
- Tomte (Nisse) – A small gnome-like house spirit that protects farms. Nordic & Scandinavian
- Trolls – Large, often dim-witted creatures that live in mountains or under bridges. Nordic & Scandinavian
- King Oberon – The fairy king from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A shadow of Oberon. Possibly from Diaga who comes east.
- Queen Titania – The fairy queen from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shadows of Titania.Possibly from Diaga who comes east.
- Spriggans – Small but dangerous goblin-like creatures that guard treasure.
- Zmey Gorynych – A three-headed dragon from Russian fairy tales. Slavic-Possibly from Regor
- The Djinn (Genies) – Supernatural beings that grant wishes but twist them. Arabian- Djinn are known and common but may have connections to Av Reet.
- Gnomes – Small, bearded earth spirits that guard underground treasure.
- Dwarves – Master craftsmen who live in mountains and mine for gold. Differentiated from Dwarves the race.
- Pegasus – A winged horse, often associated with Greek mythology.
- The Basilisk – A serpent-like creature that can kill with its gaze. Enemy of Chanticleer.
- The Magic Mirror (Snow White) – A sentient mirror that reveals the truth. An artifact with a bound Masoja of Truth.
- The Magic Carpet – A flying carpet from One Thousand and One Nights. Many kinds of magic carpets exist. Could be bound with a dufiro
Elves in Amber[edit]
Here’s a list of creatures called Elves, Elf, or Elven, grouped by region:
- Seelie Court (Scottish) – A court of benevolent fairies and elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- These will be the basis of the rulling elven races in Amber, lead by Queen Titiana and her court.
- Unseelie Court (Scottish) – A group of dangerous and malevolent elves and fey. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- an Enemy court.
- Huldra (Norse/Scandinavian) – Beautiful forest beings that sometimes resemble elves but have animalistic features.
- Ellyllon (Welsh) – Small, mischievous elves associated with nature and mushrooms. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Tylwyth Teg (Welsh) – A beautiful, fairy-like race often equated with elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Sidhe (Aos Sí) (Irish) – The supernatural race of Irish mythology, often compared to elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Brown Elves (Scottish) – A type of house spirit similar to brownies. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Fir Darrig (Irish) – Trickster elves that enjoy playing pranks on humans. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Schrat (German) – A mischievous woodland elf-like creature. Germanic & Central European
- Heinzelmännchen (German) – Small, helpful elves that work in secret at night. Germanic & Central European
- Haltija (Finnish) – A broad category of spirit beings, including elf-like household guardians. Finnish & Sami
- Tonttu (Finnish) – Small elf-like house spirits similar to the Scandinavian Tomte. Finnish & Sami
- Folletti (Italian) – Small, playful elves often linked to household mischief.
- Domovoi (Slavic) – Household spirits that have some elven-like qualities. Slavic-Regorian
- Peri (Persian) – Beautiful, elf-like spirits that can be benevolent or malevolent. Middle Eastern Folklore
- Tolkien’s Elves (The Lord of the Rings) – Tall, wise, immortal beings based on Norse and Celtic myths.
- Alux (Mayan) – Small, elf-like nature spirits that protect crops. Mayan-Azcalan
- Chaneque (Aztec) – Mischievous elf-like beings in Mexican folklore. Aztec-Azcalan
- Koro-pok-guru (Ainu/Japanese) – A diminutive, elf-like race that lived in harmony with nature. Japanese
Amber Fey
Amber Fey[edit]
Working in progress. Fey races known to exist in the Amber, Golden Circle, Amber Sway realms. Fey spread out to Chaos and are unbiquitous. These are just ones im likely to put in play. Maybe. There are a lot of others. One not on this list may be found elsewhere but at this time are not in my head canon for game play.
- Impundulu – Lightning bird that brings storms and misfortune=African Folklore
- Jengu – Benevolent water spirits that bring good luck and healing=African Folklore
- Jiangshi – Hopping vampire-like creature that feeds on life force -
- Lamassu (adopted in broader Chinese lore) – Winged, protective beings* Chinese
- Qilin – Gentle, dragon-like protector of purity and virtue* Chinese
- Xiangliu – Multi-headed serpent demon of floods and destruction* Chinese
- Rakshasa – Demonic shape-shifters with tiger-like features* Chinese Main
- Naga – Serpentine beings associated with wisdom and water*
- Kitsune – Shape-shifting fox spirits with magical abilities* Japanese
- Onryō – Vengeful ghosts that seek revenge for past wrongs* Japanese
- Zashiki-warashi – Playful household spirits that bring good fortune* Japanese
- Banshee – Wailing spirits that foretell death* Irish
- Selkie – Seal creatures that transform into humans by shedding their skin* Irish
- Merrow – Sea-dwelling merfolk with green hair and webbed fingers* Irish
- Púca (Pooka) – Shape-shifting tricksters, often appearing as horses, goats, or rabbits* Irish
- Leanan Sídhe – Beautiful muses who inspire artists but drain their life force* Irish
- Brownie – Small, industrious household spirits* Scottish
- Kelpie – Shape-shifting water horses that lure people to their doom*
- Nuckelavee – A terrifying, skinless sea demon* Scottish
- Redcap – Bloodthirsty goblins with red hats dyed in human blood* Scottish
- Gwragedd Annwn –Gwragedd Annwn of Amber Beautiful water maidens of Welsh lakes* Welsh
- Will-o’-the-Wisp – Floating orbs of light that lead travelers astray* English
- Boggarts – Malevolent spirits that cause fear and poltergeist-like disturbances* English
- Nain Rouge – A small, red-skinned goblin associated with disaster* English
- Bogeyman – Shadowy monster used to frighten children* English
- Trow – Small, troll-like beings fond of music* Orkney
- Draugr – Undead warriors who haunt burial sites* Norse & Scandinavian
- Fossegrim – Water spirits that teach music in exchange for sacrifices* Norse & Scandinavian
- Fenrir – A giant wolf prophesied to bring destruction* Norse & Scandinavian
- Huldra – Beautiful women with hollow, bark-covered backs* Norse & Scandinavian
- Dryad – Tree spirits that embody and protect specific trees* Greek
- Naiads – Freshwater nymphs associated with rivers, springs, and lakes* Greek
- Hippocampus – Half-horse, half-fish creatures of the sea* Greek
- Manticore – A lion-bodied, scorpion-tailed beast* Greek Main beasts in Arden.
- Chimera – A fire-breathing monster with a lion, goat, and serpent head* Greek
- Domovoi – Household spirits that protect homes and families* Slavic
- Leshy – A forest guardian spirit who misleads travelers* Slavic
- Sasquatch – Large, ape-like humanoid of the forests*
- Efreet – Powerful and often malevolent fire spirits* Middle Eastern Folklore
- Lamassu – Winged, protective beings from Mesopotamian mythology* Middle Eastern Folklore
- Korrigan – Female water fairies tied to wells and springs* French
- Bogeyman – Shadowy figure used to scare children
- Will-o’-the-Wisp – Mysterious floating lights that appear in swamps and marshes
- Rübezahl – A trickster mountain spirit from German folklore.
- The Wild Hunt – A spectral host of supernatural hunters riding through the sky.
- Tomte (Nisse) – A small gnome-like house spirit that protects farms. Nordic & Scandinavian
- Trolls – Large, often dim-witted creatures that live in mountains or under bridges. Nordic & Scandinavian
- King Oberon – The fairy king from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A shadow of Oberon. Possibly from Diaga who comes east.
- Queen Titania – The fairy queen from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shadows of Titania.Possibly from Diaga who comes east.
- Spriggans – Small but dangerous goblin-like creatures that guard treasure.
- Zmey Gorynych – A three-headed dragon from Russian fairy tales. Slavic-Possibly from Regor
- The Djinn (Genies) – Supernatural beings that grant wishes but twist them. Arabian- Djinn are known and common but may have connections to Av Reet.
- Gnomes – Small, bearded earth spirits that guard underground treasure.
- Dwarves – Master craftsmen who live in mountains and mine for gold. Differentiated from Dwarves the race.
- Pegasus – A winged horse, often associated with Greek mythology.
- The Basilisk – A serpent-like creature that can kill with its gaze. Enemy of Chanticleer.
- The Magic Mirror (Snow White) – A sentient mirror that reveals the truth. An artifact with a bound Masoja of Truth.
- The Magic Carpet – A flying carpet from One Thousand and One Nights. Many kinds of magic carpets exist. Could be bound with a dufiro
Elves in Amber[edit]
Here’s a list of creatures called Elves, Elf, or Elven, grouped by region:
- Huldra (Norse/Scandinavian) – Beautiful forest beings that sometimes resemble elves but have animalistic features.
- Ellyllon (Welsh) – Small, mischievous elves associated with nature and mushrooms. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Tylwyth Teg (Welsh) – A beautiful, fairy-like race often equated with elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Sidhe (Aos Sí) (Irish) – The supernatural race of Irish mythology, often compared to elves. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Brown Elves (Scottish) – A type of house spirit similar to brownies. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Fir Darrig (Irish) – Trickster elves that enjoy playing pranks on humans. Celtic & British Isles Folklore
- Schrat (German) – A mischievous woodland elf-like creature. Germanic & Central European
- Heinzelmännchen (German) – Small, helpful elves that work in secret at night. Germanic & Central European
- Haltija (Finnish) – A broad category of spirit beings, including elf-like household guardians. Finnish & Sami
- Tonttu (Finnish) – Small elf-like house spirits similar to the Scandinavian Tomte. Finnish & Sami
- Folletti (Italian) – Small, playful elves often linked to household mischief.
- Domovoi (Slavic) – Household spirits that have some elven-like qualities. Slavic-Regorian
- Peri (Persian) – Beautiful, elf-like spirits that can be benevolent or malevolent. Middle Eastern Folklore
- Tolkien’s Elves (The Lord of the Rings) – Tall, wise, immortal beings based on Norse and Celtic myths.
- Alux (Mayan) – Small, elf-like nature spirits that protect crops. Mayan-Azcalan
- Chaneque (Aztec) – Mischievous elf-like beings in Mexican folklore. Aztec-Azcalan
- Koro-pok-guru (Ainu/Japanese) – A diminutive, elf-like race that lived in harmony with nature. Japanese