Neon Xtinction
As far back as records have been kept, there have always been those with extraordinary abilities. Heroes and demigods, legends and myths, their exploits are woven through history. They are supers, men and women born with - or gifted - incredible powers, to be used for good or evil as they see fit.
Likewise, monsters have always been a part of human history - enormous beasts, terrible predators, and hybrids that belong to no sane world. Some were clearly allegorical, representing fears, sins, and natural disasters, but some truly existed, endangering humanity with their terrible power. But when a monster threatens, heroes rise to stop it.
In 1954 the first kaiju, Dakkuma, emerged in Japan and proceeded to lay waste to the city of Okinawa. The monstrous reptile-arthropod hybrid was soon engaged by Captain Cosmic, the world’s preeminent (and most powerful) superhero. Their battle lasted for three days, covered hundreds of miles, and ended with Captain Cosmic tired but triumphant and Dakkuma apparently dead at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
Since then, the kaiju have become a constant threat to humanity: building-sized monstrosities resembling no form of natural life, but with traits of reptiles, insects, crustaceans, and stranger things, possibly massive strength, limitless endurance, and strange and alien powers. They appear without warning, often from the sea or from large stretches of wilderness, and seem driven to crush and destroy the cities of humanity. Since the appearance and fall of Dakkuma there have been many more, and of late their attacks have increased in frequency and intensity.
Coinciding with the rise of the kaiju, supers - always a rare presence in the world - have become more common, and have demonstrated increasingly potent powers. Though none has yet come to light who can match the powers of Captain Cosmic, the masked vigilantes and super-athletes of old have given way to supers with far greater powers, including flight, elemental control, strength and toughness almost equal that of a kaiju, and more exotic abilities.
Project Gilgamesh was founded to make use of these young heroes and their talents. The brainchild of TITAN, the Tactical Initiative for Threat Anomaly Neutralization, Project Gilgamesh recruits teenagers who demonstrate extraordinary superhuman abilities with the aim of training them into a fighting force capable of defending humanity against the increasing threat of the kaiju.
The first recruits for Project Gilgamesh have been gathered.
This is their story.