Into the Storm:Leo
- Human Fighter 1
- XP: 0/2,000
- XP Modifier: +5%
- Alignment: Lawful
- Retainer of Ilyush
- 13 STR (+1)
- 11 INT
- 09 WIS
- 16 DEX (+2)
- 07 CON (-1)
- 09 CHA
- Languages
- Common
- General Skills
- Riding: Can attack from horseback
- Survival: Herbalism (Skilled), Naturalist (Skilled)
- Class Abilities
- Cleave once per round, once per day
- Can negate a single physical attack, once per day
- When fighting with 2H weapons, roll damage with advantage
- Fighting Style: Ranged (+1 bonus to hit with ranged weapons, may fire into melee with no penalty)
- Combat Maneuvers: Disarm (Proficient), Knock-out (Skilled)
- Knacks
- Toughness: rolls d10 for HP
- AC: 18 (19 w/shield)
- HP: 4
- Movement Rate: 60'/20'
- Initiative Modifier: +1
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword | +1 to hit | 1d8+1 dmg
- Primary Ranged Attack: Long Bow | +3 to hit | 1d6+2 dmg | 5'-70', 71'-140', 141'-210' range
- Saves:
- 14 Petrification & Paralysis
- 12 Poison & Death
- 15 Blast & Breath
- 13 Staves & Wands
- 16 Spells
- Gear, Armor, Weapons
- Plate Mail
- Shield
- Sword
- Long Bow
- Quiver w/20 arrows
- Backpack
- Hammer, small
- Iron spikes x12
- Lantern
- Oil flask x5
- Rope, 50'
- Tinder box
- Waterskin
- Balto | Horse, riding | 240'/80' movement | 3,000 cn max load
- Saddle and bridle
- Saddle bags (300 cn)
- Rations, iron (14/14)