Kolat Assassin

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Kolat Assassin [Ninja][edit]


Skills: Stealth 5, Knives 5

Other: Must belong to the Kolat. Minimum Insight Rank 3, 2 if Lotus Sect


Rank 1 Technique: The Tiger’s Claw

A Kolat assassin cannot afford to allow an opponent the chance to strike back. On the first round of any combat when you are attacking an opponent that is unaware of your presence, you may make an additional attack per round against that opponent. In addition, you always gain one Free Raise when attacking any opponent unaware of your presence.

Rank 2 Technique: Steal the Light

You have been trained to strike precise nerve clusters that can cripple an opponent’s senses. You may take two Raises on any melee attack to roll an additional die of damage and render the target blind, deaf, or mute (your choice) for a number of rounds equal to your Water Ring. This Technique may only be used on humans.

Rank 3 Technique: Cast a Deep Shadow

In the round he is discovered to be hiding, the Kolat Assassin may perform an extra attack that must be directed at a target within 30 feet. This need not be the character that discovered the Assassin, and can stack with the Rank 1 technique.