Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.43
- [This scene takes place some time after Zal'Kazzir frees the imp, in the time FOLLOWING his introduction "speach" to the group. In the time when you're looking around Vrolk's Laboratory and into the evening when you rest, the little Imp (who has said he is now "bound" to Zal'Kazzir) comes up to you to chat... Think of it as "networking" or "small talk"... hehe...]

ZAL'KAZZIR's PRIVATE talk with Nazif, your courtesan imp=
"MASTER? T'would I be impolite were I to call you by your given name? Zal'Kazzir, is it that your fellow pathwalkers call you? May I speak to you in such a familiar tone?", the small green-gray skinned imp quaries as its eyelids slowly flicker as if the very light beyond its former cage, burns its bulbous eyes... Looking to you in hopes of acceptance...
"I can only hope that you would speak to me in kind. I am Nazif by name, those I call friend know me as the king-maker and riches-finder. I am most happy to make your aquaintence. Is it true that you have the glory of destroying an eye of the dark god... a mirror into his soul?? I would be in debt to you good sir, if you were to tell the tale of this most wounderous of deads.", Nazif, sits his bottom to the wooden floors that grow unnaturally out of the obsidian gemstone of the Spire. He sits without bending his body, focusing his eyes looking into your's directly. He seems ever-so inquisitive and even aids you when he notices you picking up anything or moving anything.
[Kev, I don't want to bias your opinion of this conversation, but to get the 'voice' for how this is said, think Palpatine from Star Wars]
Nazif, it is a tale of both glory and serendipidy, and one that I would be glad to recount for you. However, before the fires burn low, and the time for tales comes around again, let us make use of the lively hours yet remaining us to discuss a few... minor points.
What I am about to propose to you is likely not what you expect, but is, I believe more than hoped to hear. I have no use for a toady or a slave; you are better than that, and we both know it. I shant treat you as a servant, and you should not treat me as a fool. You are, as you say, a king-maker and a riches-finder, and of this, I have no doubt. But we now live in a world where no kings rule and where riches are worthless, and it is with this in mind that I must bestow upon you new titles, roles in which I expect you will perform admirably.
Nazif, I wish for you to be my deal-maker and my spirit-bringer; my knower-of-names, and my herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Correct me if I am remiss, but I understand that there are many 'outsiders' as you call yourselves, who are trapped, or who are bodiless and who wander in search of substance and purpose. Again, correct me if I am remiss, but I also understand that many of them seethe with hatred and a lust for vengeance on the corpse-god and all of his works; I know that the harm done them has been grievous, and there is no greater poultice for such bitter wounds than sweet revenge.
As my herald and envoy, I want you to seek other outsiders who wish to fight the dark one, not in suicidal, foolish battle, but those who wish to corrupt the corrupt, to infiltrate and poison the very veins of his power; to put out his foul soul-eyes and see their stain expunged as with a great fire, leaving his minions blinded and in chaos. Find them, find their names and together we shall call them, initiate them and grant them freedom to join with us in our profound work.
Bring my call to them, Nazif, and let us bind them together into a force; a beautiful, terrible, secret network of power and freedom and righteous fury! *Zal'Kazzir's ink-black eyes stare unblinkingly into Nazif's, as a wry smile crosses his face* In fact, it may be I, and not you who becomes the kingmaker, and though you are richly garbed now, we both know that power feels much softer than sable. Do this for me, be my true herald and envoy and serve me faithfully, and we shall both be softly clothed indeed! What say you, Nasif? Will you join me? Will you spread the clarion call? Will you help me to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions? What say you. What say you!
[Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no]
kevin / Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful
Q: [Kev, there is a social check here, I prefer diplomacy, obviously, but you might also consider this an intimidate check, as there is definately an unspoken consequence if he says no]
A: No need. I'd rather use the role-play to dictate my answers. With the note (for myself) that Nazif's intentions "need" to be slanted your way. From this point on I will treat Nazif/Banal as a full NPC as I do Eranon's worf or your and Kyuad's familiars. Moreso, I'll treat him as your hireling - your words and actions will further temper his feelings.
"Forgive MASTER, the name burns my heart. I thank you for the new moniker of Belal. And with this my MASTER I offer you what I promised - my open togue. Do not take my words as agressors against yours, take them as the road you have not yet taken. See my challenges to your thoughts not as disrespect, but utmost respect and well intention. If I do not give you that, I do not give... I take.
As you speak open and plainly, in private so shall I. You are astute and correct in your thought. I AM neither slave nor toady. While my words in front of your lesser companions, with minds that do not know the ways of words and word-smithing - I do intend to give them this falsehood. For it is my intention to support you within their troupe. I see the sneer in their lip when they speak with you well enough to know that while they travel with you, you have not yet earned their trust. That is sad happenstance. It is obvious that such men, elf and orc of lesser means are want to disbelieve your good intention. They see your educated tongue as forked. They know not what it takes to survive within the halls of evil.
Consider ma-lord, how is it that you think I am alive at the hands of the Vile, who seemed to hold his only hope within the newly made cadavers for which he opened looking for what he has not in his soul. Did he find heart within the husks? No. His fate is bound to the world, though he does not yet know it... Yet I live. Flowery word and seemingly misguided guile I laid open, offering the Vile that I was less than dangerous specifically because I seemed less than challenging to his wisdom. Let HIM have his pride. I was the victor. I held and hold what I hoped... Life, to serve another. And if my observations of your troupe ring true I shall have something else entirely that I had not formerly thought possible. I will see the Vile's head on a spit. And I will gaze up at it and wave... Like this..., as the little jester tilts his head exposing his pearl white pointed toothy smile, slowly twinkling his fingers in a half-wave up at Vrolk's disembodied head...
Can you not see then, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, I am content allowing your merry band believe they are more the wiser and more the learned than I... They fail in their false sanctity while I wink my eye knowing the truth of the matter. For that is when I am the master...
So. Your request it seems has made promise of my test put upon you. You counter my quiz noting my silver tongue and therefore I shall not be your servant and you will not be MY fool. I must say again though, it is with flourish for sure that I spoke of king and coin, but it is not with disbelief of the hope. Would you not take the court of 'Traitor Prince' so that you could aid your sphere? Perhaps altering the fallen fates of one thousand? Ten Thousand? One Hundred Thousand? There are places even in this hollow world that holds value in moneys...
So give me your epitaphs... call me your deal-maker and your spirit-bringer; your knower-of-names, and your herald and envoy to great powers and to small. Sell that favor to your friends. But remember my place at your side and I will remember my debt to you, even beyond your years. Your children will be watched by my golden eyes should we see eye to eye.
Of the Outsiders, the trapped... It is true there are many others. And too true it is that many of us... rather each of us hold hate for the Hate-Bringer, but what you cannot know is that we are not kin as you and your Sarcosan forefathers. Each demon, each devil, each seraph, each angel - we are all individual. I have no sway over their intentions or inspirations. And were it my place to steer them, our ideals would be a difficult selling point to such servants of self. Were I to take up your challenge things not yet known to the world of man would hold hate on my handsome hide... Were I to steal their wills with name or initiation through falsehoods and falicies they would hang my hide on the same spike I spoke earlier of and not care to pay it another thought.
You speak of a secret network... I cannot offer that which you or I donot have. Were we to gather a collection against the Shadow the venture might be worthwhile to the powerful and predators of the Fear-Monger. But first it is Arythian goals we must seek to have currency to lay sway to the things beneath the mountains, the beasts behind the jungles, the monsters malignant across Eradane. You, Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne, you give me that which is gold to those things that you so loosely call my kin and I can promise perhaps an audience within the halls of the Heralds of the Outside.
So do you believe in my will, my MASTER? Can you concede that my words are not flowery to your ears, but instead fertile with alternatives along the roads that might formerly go untrodden by you and your companions... I will spread the clarion call. I will help to sow the seeds that will bear many bitter fruits for Izrador and all his minions.
I knelt in full view of your friends, Nazif Kor'ahn - I accepted your kindness and rose just as it was forseen in the old legends as Belal, sworn-rider and herald of hope, first of the faithful. I did so, I do so with faith and fair unbuckled tongue. So yes, my MASTER... I owe this to you. I owe my honesty. Now what say you to my sharp words of bitter advocacy? What say you, my MASTER?!?!!
What do YOU know about the Outsiders referred to as a Courtesan Imp?
Duh?... You know all this Adam. Zal'Kazzir doesn't though.
Here's what we'll do...
ROLL: Za'Kazzir (Know: Nobility +4) ROLLED: 15+4 = 19
SO... with this roll - I will BOLD FACE all the text below that Zal'Kazzir WOULD know. Keep in mind what Zal DOES NOT know. You might want to copy/paste out the things that he KNOWS for certain about Nazif's race. Obviously SOME of the information may be more or less true. I'm treating Nazif as a FULL NPC in this regard. He'll be loyal to Zal, or friendly as according to how HE is treated... "like a hireling".
While all courtesan imps are out to make themselves powerful, every one is a coward first, and a traitor second. Courtesan imps survive through stealth and trickery, lying and stealing as it suits them.
Collaborators first attracts the attention of evil powers outside the perview of Izrador and gains a courtesan imp as a hireling, if he wants one. A courtesan imp improves over time: it gains one Hit Die for every three levels the collaborator gains in any class.
Courtesan imps consider combat to be the same as dying. The promise of protection in combat is often enough to keep a courtesan imp loyal. When caught in a fight, a courtesan imp attempts to talk or feint its way out.
- Entreat (Ex): A courtesan imp is an expert intermediary. This ability gives the imp the benefit of a permanent tongues spell and predisposes NPCs to treat the imp with open-minded indifference rather than hostility. Courtesan imps use this ability to approach new collaborators and open peaceful dialogues with would-be enemies.
- Rumormonger (Ex): A courtesan imp has a flawless memory for details, rumors, gossip, and secrets. Plus, its tiny body and ability to vanish lets it eavesdrop with confidence. Acourtesan imp uses its Hide or Move Silently skill to make Gather Information checks, without ever engaging in questioning or social interaction of any kind. With 1d6+1 hours to eavesdrop and a successful check (DC 22), the courtesan imp can learn enough information to gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy or Bluff checks against a single person for one day.
- Spell-Dealing (Su): In the old days, courtesan imps traded in spells as part of their duties on Aryth. A courtesan imp can “carry” a spell from a book or scroll to a channeler who wants to learn it. The channeler must spend the time, money and XP necessary to learn the spell from a book as usual, but does not have to physically see or handle the book or scroll himself. This ability destroys the scroll the spell was taken from. A courtesan imp can carry only one spell at a time, which must be of a level equal to or less than the imp’s Charisma modifier. The courtesan imp does not have to be able to use or understand the spell itself. The spell comes seemingly written on the imp’s body. Typically, a courtesan imp charges 25 gp/spell level for this service.
- Vanish (Su): As a full-round action, a courtesan imp can vanish from sight. So long as the courtesan imp doesn’t attack or move more than its speed per round, it’s effectively invisible. Courtesan imps often use this ability and the spider climb spell to escape dangerous situations.
- Spells Known (5 points of spell energy/day; DC 15 +spell level): 0—mage hand, prestidigitation, virtue; 1st—jump, pass without trace; 2nd—cat’s grace, spider climb, tree shape; 3rd—meld into stone.
What do YOU know about Outsiders in general?
ROLL: Za'Kazzir (Know: Arcana +8, at a higher DC than Know: Spirits) ROLLED: 2+8 = 19
SO... with this roll - Crap roll... sorry Adam. But with that, here's what you know about Outsiders in general:
Outsiders are a special case on Aryth, having been trapped there for thousands of years with no way to get home or call others from their planes of origin. Because the elthedar had built great civilizations and were master practitioners of the arts of magic, there was a significant outsider presence on Aryth before the Sundering. That event caused some outsiders to go mad instantly, affecting them in unexplainable and never-before-seen ways. Some consider these the lucky ones. Others were merely frustrated by their inability to return home, and they endeavored to find a way to break the Veil that enveloped the world.
Outsiders Around Aryth
The demon-infested jungles of the Aruun are perhaps the most regarded place on Eredane when the subject of demons is broached—and for good reason. Its humid confines house the majority of outsiders in the world.
Elsewhere, angels, demons, and devils alike have tried to blend in as best they can. Indeed, good and evil outsiders often find common cause, and in many cases old hatreds have fallen by the wayside in light of their new circumstances. For a chance to return home, there is barely an angel on Aryth who would not work with a demon or devil, but their natures remain unchanged, and such alliances often do not last long, too strained by old prejudices and differences in philosophy that often have lethal consequences.