Quiet Reaches Ranger emerged from the vats some 10 years ago. She draped her blocky body in a sooty soulsteel coat, quietly slung her ashen powerbow over her shoulder, and departed to patrol the reaches. All Soulsteel Alchemicals are killers, Quiet Reaches Ranger just isn't as noisy about it. Until Quiet Reaches Ranger is rarely seen, outside of the frequent award ceremonies honoring her prowess. She always stood off to the side, her vision goggles and respirator mask hiding her expressionless face.
The people of Yugash would be surprised to know that under her leaden garments, the uncomfortabel Alchemical is incredibly beautiful. True, her tear shaped breasts are carved from ashen metal, and beneath them her nubile grey hard midsection speaks to you with the alien whispers of soulsteel. Yes, her long legs were forged from gold and black metals, and the softflesh that covers them is flameretardant gel. But none would contemplate denying that the body of Quiet Reaches Ranger is the apex of human beauty. But no one knows, and they would be very surprised to find out. Quiet Reaches Ranger was certainly surprised. She hasn't been to the vats recently, her body simply changed of its own volition. The transformation seems to be getting stronger as the opening of the Seal of Eight Divinities approaches, leading Quiet Reaches Ranger to suspect that there may be some connection. So far, the only people who know are Quiet Reaches Ranger and Invincible Sword Princess. Quiet thought that ISP, with her intuitive understanding of the ways of Creation, might be able to understand what was going on. ISP has yet to come to any conclusions, although she's thinking very hard about it. Currently, QRR is stationed in Yugash, training in artifical environments meant to simulate Creation. Her unofficial mission is to keep an eye on Invincible Sword Princess and make sure the energetic Orichalchum Caste doesn't cause too much trouble. Quiet Reaches Ranger now spends most of her waking moments with Invincible Sword Princess. The elders of Yugash are relieved to see that QRR has taken to this unpleasant but necessary task with her usual dedication and spirit of sacrifice.