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A gremlin


Gremlins are a race of scavengers and tricksters, a cousin race to goblins and other goblinoids. Gremlins are renowned for their ability with machinery, albeit their methods are sometimes primitive. Their mechanical prowess is more natural ability than anything learned, having an almost natural attraction to technology in any guise. Though they lack basic understanding of sanitation and privacy, gremlins are often given slightly more respect than other goblinoids given their mastery of machines.

In Trinity, gremlins are as equally respected as moogles for their ability to work on and repair airships. However, the two races tend to have a fierce rivalry, and rarely can be found in the same place, much less on the same airship.

Personality: Gremlins are similar to gnomes with their propensity for tricking others. Their attunement to technology makes them rather inquisitive, and they have almost no concept of privacy. They are also unfamiliar with the idea of personal property, and they believe that anything in whatever group they belong to is available for use when they require it. Gremlins are slightly cowardly, preferring to avoid combat, but in the face of the possibility of learning new technological ideas or gaining new materials, they can become ferocious.

Physical Description: Gremlins stand at roughly 3 feet tall, and often are hunched over; their facial features resembling a large rodent. They are often covered in coarse dark hair, the color of which is often caused both by natural coloratio nand oil, grease, and other chemicals used in mechanical devices; their stomaches and sides are often covered with small scales, which tend to match the color of their hair. Their fingers and toes are long and slender, made for easily gripping small objects. Their eyes are dark-colored, but in place of the typical dull appearance common to humanoids, their eyes have the bright sheen of curiosity.

Relations: Gremlins are looked down upon by almost every race, most of whom find the gremlins to be disgusting, filthy little creatures who dig in trash heaps looking for spare parts. However, gremlins tend to get along well with other technological races, such as dwarves and orcs; they get along admirably with those who know technology, and moderately well with anyone who will accept them. Gremlins recognize that most don't have an appreciation for their race, and some make attempts to close this gap by being as helpful as possible.

Alignment: Gremlins are fascinated by technology, which is a lawful practice, but lack any concept of privacy or property, and are typically afraid to join combat. Most gremlins have few goals in life other than to tinker endlessly with technology; therefore, most gremlins tend towards neutrality.

Gremlins on Adnez

Gremlin Lands: Gremlins tend to migrate to large urban centers, where they can find factories and abandoned buildings to call home. In the wild, they typically migrate to caves or similar places hidden from sunlight, preferrably close to an urban locale - so that they may more easily look through their trash.

Religion: Gremlins often revere Relofis, the patron of technology. However, gremlins are not overly religious; they may offer a prayer to Relofis as they attempt to activate a newly-rennovated piece of technology, but it is not one of their primary focuses in daily life.

Language: In the age of the Ronkan Empire, gremlins were subsumed and put to work on the Empire's technology. As such, many gremlins picked up Ronkan; however, since the devising of Assembly, many gremlins have turned to that. Gremlins are also often versed in a Trade language, as they sometimes manage to trade for parts they are interested rather than simply stealing them out of the trash.

Names: Gremlin names have a somewhat harsh sound to them.

Male Names: Dalret, Karnis, Grakyl, Larkyl, Mirkat.

Female Names: Jarashi, Jortie, Lizat, Rykyl, Vakyl.

Adventurers: Gremlins often take to adventuring, as a means to uncovr new knowledge and gain more understanding of the world arond them. Some gremlins also find that an adventuring career leads to their gradual acceptance in society, which is of moderate import to most gremlins.

Gremlin Racial Traits[edit]

  • -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha. Gremlins have good hand-eye coordination and the intellect to handle technological principles. However, their small stature makes them weaker than other races, and most others find them mildly repugnant due to their strange appearance.
  • Small. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters.
  • A gremlin’s base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Gremlins have darkvision with a base distance of 60 feet.
  • Weapon Familiarity: Gremlins treat gremlin wrenches, propellers, and propeller-blades as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons. Gremlins aren't martial creatures, but have learned to use spare parts as weapons.
  • +2 racial bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, and Repair checks. Gremlins have a natural affinity for machines, and can quickly figure out how to break or fix anything that crosses their path.
  • Gremlins gain the Technical Training feat for free (consult SteamWorks).
  • Disassemble (Ex): Gremlins all are well-versed in the art of deconstruction and scavenging. Disassembling a device takes 1 round per device level (0-level devices require a standard action). The device is allowed a Fortitude save to avoid being dismantled, with the DC set by the gremlin's Disable Device roll. When finished, if successful, the device is useless, and the gremlin has parts with a total value equal to the cost it would take to construct the device; these parts can then be used to construct other devices.
  • Automatic Languages: One Common language, one Trade language, Assembly. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Choose one - gadgeteer, inventor.