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This class is planned on being added to the SteamWorks line, written by me, from 12 to Midnight. As such, it may not be up all that long.

In addition, this class is one of the two that probably still requires extensive work. What is presented here is a basic framework of the class - I'm certain that modifications will be required. At the moment, the class is relatively balanced, and accomplished what I wanted it to accomplish: a character that is her vehicle, and is almost useless without it. The vehicles are mildly overpowered, but with the understanding that the character is useless without it, it works.

Vehicles follow a set of rules that are largely hacked together. Much of the vehicle modifications are pulled from d20 Future, so you will need that book (or access to it's SRD) to make use of the material; however, some of the combat rules used for vehicles are pulled from Dragonmech (specifically critical hits), so you may want access to that book, as well. I want to make it very clear that this class is still largely untested, and will probably require a good deal of testing before all the kinks are worked out. The vehicle rules, considering that they're the meat of this class, are presented after the class description itself.

At the moment, the class does not make use of a 3-dimensional combat system I've been considering working on. As such, it does mesh with the existing mechanics of the game, and using it should not completely unduly balance an individual party. However, caution should be exercised - I'm not entirely certain if a vehicle can utterly break the game.

Without further ado: the class.

The Greasemonkey
Lvl	BAB		Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1 	+0		+0	+2	+0	Vehicle, Extraordinary Pilot, Hand Speed
2 	+1		+0	+3	+0	Patchwork Repairs
3 	+2		+1	+3	+1	Push the Envelope 1/day
4 	+3		+1	+4	+1
5 	+3		+1	+4	+1	Roll with the Punches (1 increment)
6 	+4		+2	+5	+2	Push the Envelope 2/day
7 	+5		+2	+5	+2
8 	+6/+1		+2	+6	+2
9 	+6/+1		+3	+6	+3	Push the Envelope 3/day
10 	+7/+2		+3	+7	+3
11 	+8/+3		+3	+7	+3	
12 	+9/+4		+4	+8	+4	Push the Envelope (Extreme Redlining) 4/day
13 	+9/+4		+4	+8	+4	Roll with the Punches (2 increments)
14 	+10/+5		+4	+9	+4
15 	+11/+6/+1	+5	+9	+5	Push the Envelope 5/day
16 	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+5
17 	+12/+7/+2	+5	+10	+5
18 	+13/+8/+3	+6	+11	+6	Push the Envelope (No Overheating) 6/day
19 	+14/+9/+4	+6	+11	+6
20 	+15/+10/+5	+6	+12	+6	Roll with the Punches (3 increments)


A greasemonkey

The greasemonkey is her vehicle, and her vehicle is her. With the skill to pilot anything that can walk, fly, or swim, greasemonkeys are an invaluable asset if you want to travel. Greasemonkeys also excel at repairing craft, and can eke out the most from any vehicle in which they find themselves.

Game Rule Information

Greasemonkeys have the following game statistics.

Force Alignment: Technology.

Force Resistances: SR 5 + level, PR 5 + level.

Abilities: Dexterity is the most important ability for a greasemonkey, as that is what modifies their ability to pilot vehicles. Vehicles often make use of firearms, and as such Perception can also be important.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills: The greasemonkey's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Technology) (Int), Listen (Per), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Repair (Int), and Search (Per).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Age: Simple (as a rogue).

Starting Gold: 4d4 x 10gp.

Favored By: Moogles.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the greasemonkey core class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Greasemonkeys are proficient with all simple weapons, all crossbows, and a single basic or advanced firearm of his choice. Greasemonkeys are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Greasemonkeys are also proficient with all weapons mounted on a vehicle.

Vehicle: Works like a standard vehicle. Each time the greasemonkey levels, the vehicle also gains a level; this level is free and requires no expenditure of gp or xp.

A greasemonkey may have multiple vehicles. If he chooses to do so, he still has only 15 points to purchase their ability scores with; he may spread them out amongst as many vehicles as he chooses. In addition, he time he levels, he may also level a single vehicle. The abilities of a vehicle are based on its level, not on that of the greasemonkey.

Hand Speed: A greasemonkey gains Weapon Finesse and Quick Draw as bonus feats at first level.

Extraordinary Pilot: A greasemonkey adds his greasemonkey level to his pilot checks.

Patchwork Repairs: A greasemonkey can temporarily remove the effects of a critical hit on a vehicle. As a full-round action, the greasemonkey must make a Repair check against DC 10 + the vehicle's red damage threshold (1/10 HP, round up); if successful, the effect of the critical hit is negated for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the character's greasemonkey level.

If the check is failed, the greasemonkey cannot attempt to repair that particular critical hit effect again. The greasemonkey can attempt to repair the same effect again after a previous repair duration has ended, but each additional time, the DC increases by 10.

Roll with the Punches: While in a vehicle, the greasemonkey can reduce the severity of a critical hit by the indicated number of increments (one increment would be from yellow to green, or red to orange; two would be from red to yellow; three would be from red to green).

Push the Envelope: The greasemonkey can push any vehicle he is piloting to the limit, improving its performance temporarily but causing it to overheat. A greasemonkey can do this once per day at 3rd level and an additional time per day every three levels thereafter.

When pushing the envelope, the greasemonkey's vehicle gains a temporary +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, +2 to all saving throws, and +10 ft. to its movement speeds. The greasemonkey can keep the vehicle redlined for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the greasemonkey's Dex modifier. At the end of the redline duration, the vehicle is overheated for 1d4+2 rounds. An overheated vehicle suffers a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls, -1 to all saving throws, and -5 ft. to its movement speeds.

At 12th, these benefits go to +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls, +4 to all saving throws, and +20 ft. to its movement speeds.

At 18th, the vehicle is no longer overheated when the effect ends.


Vehicles generally behave as characters. The following sections detail precisely how vehicles work.

Vehicle Overview

Vehicles gain hit dice, BAB, and whatnot. A greasemonkey in a vehicle can use his attack bonus or that of his vehicle, at his choice. A greasemonkey in a vehicle that must make a reflex or fortitude save uses the vehicle's save. Vehicles are immune to effects that do not affect objects. Vehicles have a base AC of 5, reflecting the fact that they are objects and easy to hit. This is further modified by their Dex mod, then by their Base Defense Bonus.


Vehicles have Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. When created, the greasemonkey chooses what the vehicle's stats are, using the point buy system; the greasemonkey has 15 points to distribute to his vehicle's stats. As with characters, a vehicle gains an additional ability point at every fourth vehicle level. These ability scores are also further modified by the vehicle's size.

The greasemonkey can increase the vehicle's LA to improve the points for point buy. Each increase in LA gives the greasemonkey 5 more points to allocate for point buy.

Note: A high Con mod applies to each HD; therefore, a vehicle gains its Con mod in bonus HP twice each level.

Damage Thresholds

A vehicle has four damage thresholds: green, yellow, orange, and red. A vehicle between full and half HP is at green; between half and a quarter is yellow; between a quarter and a tenth is orange; and less than a tenth is red. A vehicle that suffers a critical hit suffers a critical hit effect from Dragonmech (pg76) depending on the vehicle's engine.


A vehicle uses fuel. Fuel is an abstract concept in this system; as such, even a clockwork engine has fuel. Refueling a vehicle depends on the engine type. A base vehicle can hold 100 units of fuel. Outside of stressful situations, a vehicle can run for 6 minutes on 1 unit of fuel (so 10 units of fuel for an hour, 100 for 10 hours). However, in strenuous situations, vehicles tend to use more fuel; as such, a vehicle consumes 1 unit of fuel each round while in combat or other stressful situations (a stressful situation being any situation in which a character would not be allowed to take 20 on a skill check).

A vehicle running on low fuel (20, or 1/5, whichever is higher) suffer adverse effects. Running on low fuel has the same effects as being overheated, and stacks with said effect. A vehicle begins suffering the effects of low fuel as soon as its fuel drops below 20 or 1/5 its max fuel capacity, whichever is higher.

Vehicle Size

A vehicle may be increased in size every third vehicle level.

Size 		Abbrev.	Space	Size	Grap	Hide	Man.	Available At...
Medium		M	  5 ft.	+0	+0	+0	+0	1st	
Large 		L	 10 ft.	-1	+4	-4	+0	1st
Huge		H	 15 ft.	-2	+8	-8	+0	3rd	
Gargantuan	G	 20 ft.	-4	+12	-12	-1	6th	
Colossal	C	 30 ft.	-8	+16	-16	-1	9th	
Vast		V	 40 ft.	-14	+20	-20	-1	12th	
Enormous	E	 50 ft.	-22	+24	-24	-2	15th	
Immense		I	 60 ft.	-32	+28	-28	-2	18th	
Titanic		T	 80 ft.	-44	+32	-32	-2	21st	
Awesome		A	100 ft.	-58	+36	-36	-3	24th

Vehicle Material

When constructing a vehicle, a greasemonkey may choose from one of the following materials. Some vehicle materials have an LA; therefore, add the vehicle's level and its LA to determine if a greasemonkey can construct it.

  • Wood
  • Iron
  • Steel
  • Titanium
  • Orichalcum
WOOD (LA +0)
	Hardness: 2.	STR +0
	Armor: +0.	DEX +2
	PCP: -0.	CON -2
	Fire Vulnerability (x2), Electricity Immunity.

IRON (LA +0)
	Hardness: 4.	STR +2
	Armor: +2.	DEX -2
	PCP: -2.	CON +0
	Electricity Vulnerability, Magnetic Vulnerability.

	Hardness: 6.	STR +2
	Armor: +4.	DEX -4
	PCP: -4.	CON +2
	Electricity Vulnerability, Magnetic Vulnerability, Cold Vulnerability.

	Hardness: 8.	STR +4
	Armor: +6.	DEX -2
	PCP: -2.	CON +2
	Magnetic Vulnerability.

	Hardness: 10.	STR +4
	Armor: +8.	DEX +0
	PCP: -2.	CON +2
	No Vulnerabilities.

Vehicle Build

The build of a vehicle indicates its general structure; in addition, certain builds may be capable of additional abilities that other builds cannot attain. The build of a vehicle also indicates how many equipment slots (see below) it begins with, and its equipment slot progression; build also indicates the vehicle's method of movement, maneuverability, and its base move rates.

The available builds are as follows.

  • Go-Kart
  • Mech
  • Ornithopter
  • Submersible
	Movement: 50 ft.
	Maneuverability: Average.
	Base Equipment Slots: 5.

	Movement: 20 ft.
	Maneuverability: Average.
	Base Equipment Slots: 5.

	Movement: Fly 40 ft.
	Maneuverability: Average.
	Base Equipment Slots: 3.

	Movement: Swim 60 ft.
	Maneuverability: Average.
	Base Equipment Slots: 3.

Equipment Slots

Equipment Slots are used to purchase additional abilities of a vehicle - they are used for armor, weaponry, engines, and miscellaneous other systems. The number of equipment slots available to a given vehicle increases at every third vehicle level, as per the progression below.

BUILD		1 3 6  9 12 15 18
Go-Kart		5 6 8 12 18 26 36
Mech		5 6 8 12 18 26 36
Ornithopter	3 4 6 10 16 24 34
Submerisble	3 4 6 10 16 24 34

Vehicle Classes

A vehicle gains levels, much as characters do. However, vehicles only gain vehicle levels; in addition, a vehicle only levels in conjunction with the greasemonkey that constructed it (vehicles constructed by other means do not gain levels). The four vehicle classes are described below.

Weapons Class

HD: 2d6.

1	+1	+0	+0	+0	Damage Increase (+1d)
2	+2	+1	+0	+0	Weapons Slots (+2)
3	+3	+1	+1	+1	Weapon Upgrade
4	+4	+2	+1	+1	Damage Increase (+1d)
5	+5	+2	+1	+1	Weapon Slots (+2)
6	+6	+3	+2	+2	Weapon Upgrade
7	+7	+3	+2	+2	Damage Increase (+1d)
8	+8	+4	+2	+2	Weapon Slots (+2)
9	+9	+4	+3	+3
10	+10	+5	+3	+3	Weapon Upgrade

Damage Increase: At 1st, 4th, and 7th levels, the greasemonkey may choose one of the vehicle's weapons. The chosen weapon's damage is increased by one die, with no additional expenditure of equipment slots.

Weapon Slots: At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, the vehicle gains two additional equipment slots, which can only be spent on weapons.

Weapon Upgrade: At 3rd, 6th, and 10th levels, choose one of the following abilities.

  • Accurate Targeting: When making an attack action, the greasemonkey may expend one use of Push the Envelope and spend a full-round action making a single attack. If he does so, he automatically hits, but he does not threaten a critical.
  • Rush: When making an attack action, the greasemonkey may expend three uses of Push the Envelope and spend a full-round action making a single attack roll with his highest attack bonus. If he hits, he deals damage as though he hit with each vehicle weapon for each attack the greasemonkey can normally make (for instance, if the greasemonkey can normally make two attacks, and his vehicle has three weapons, he deals damage as though each weapon hit twice). This damage is not multiplied by a critical hit. After the attack roll, the vehicle is overheated.
  • Blitz Weaponry: When making an attack action with an area-effect weapon, the greasemonkey may expend one use of Push the Envelope. If he does so, creatures do not benefit from Evasion against the damage. Creatures with Improved Evasion are treated as though they had Evasion instead. If the greasemonkey expends two uses of Push the Envelope, all creatures are treated as though they had neither Improved Evasion nor Evasion. (Prereq: A weapon with area-effect)
  • Rapid Response Time: The vehicle may make a single AoO each round. If the greasemonkey expends a use of Push the Envelope, the vehicle can make an additional AoO that round. This may be done in reaction to a creature taking an action that provokes AoOs.

Armor Class

HD: 2d12.

1	+0	+1	+2	+1	Hardness (+1)
2	+1	+2	+3	+2	Armor Slots (+2)
3	+1	+3	+3	+2	Armor Upgrade
4	+2	+4	+4	+2	Hardness (+1)
5	+2	+5	+4	+3	Armor Slots (+2)
6	+3	+6	+5	+3	Armor Upgrade
7	+3	+7	+5	+4	Hardness (+1)
8	+4	+8	+6	+4	Armor Slots (+2)
9	+4	+9	+6	+4
10	+5	+10	+7	+5	Armor Upgrade

Hardness: At 1st, 4th, and 7th levels, the vehicle's hardness is increased by 1.

Armor Slots: At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, the vehicle two additional equipment slots, which can only be spent on armor.

Armor Upgrade: At 3rd, 6th, and 10th levels, choose one of the following abilities.

  • Defensive Stance: The vehicle can take a defensive stance. As a swift action and by expending one use of Push the Envelope, the vehicle gains +2 to Strength, +4 to Constitution, a +2 resistance bonus on all saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The increase in Constitution increases the vehicle’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the defensive stance when the Constitution score drops back 4 points. These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are. While in a defensive stance, a vehicle cannot use skills or abilities that would require it to shift his position. A defensive stance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the vehicle’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A vehicle may end its defensive stance voluntarily prior to this limit. At the end of the defensive stance, the vehicle is overheated.
  • Mobile Defense: While under the effect of Defensive Stance, the vehicle may take one 5-foot step each round. (Prereq: Defensive Stance)
  • Active Defense: When attacked, as an immediate action, the greasemonkey may expend a use of Push the Envelope to make a Defense roll. Instead of using a base of 5 for the vehicle's AC, the greasemonkey may roll a d20 and use the result for the base of the vehicle's AC. The effects of this ability last until the greasemonkey's next turn.
  • Fortified Structure: Each critical threshold is halved (green is now from full to 1/4; yellow is 1/4 to 1/8; orange is 1/8 to 1/20; red is 1/20 and below).
  • Evasion: The vehicle gains the Evasion ability. The greasemonkey may expend two uses of Push the Envelope as an immediate action to improve this to Improved Evasion; doing so lasts until the greasemonkey's next turn.

Engines Class

HD: 2d8.

1	+0	+0	+0	+2	Movement +10
2	+1	+1	+0	+3	Engine Slots (+2)
3	+2	+2	+1	+3	Engine Upgrade
4	+3	+3	+1	+4	Movement +10
5	+3	+3	+1	+4	Engine Slots (+2)
6	+4	+4	+2	+5	Engine Upgrade
7	+5	+5	+2	+5	Movement +10
8	+6	+6	+2	+6	Engine Slots (+2)
9	+6	+6	+3	+6
10	+7	+7	+3	+7	Engine Upgrade

Movement: At 1st, 4th, and 7th levels, choose one of the vehicle's movement rates. That movement rate is increased by 10 feet.

Engine Slots: At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, the vehicle two additional equipment slots, which can only be spent on engines.

Engine Upgrade: At 3rd, 6th, and 10th levels, choose one of the following abilities.

  • Pedal to the Metal: By expending one use of Push the Envelope, the greasemonkey can double his vehicle's speed for a number of rounds equal to his Dexterity modifier, after which the vehicle is overheated.
  • Perfect Handling: By expending two uses of Push the Envelope, the greasemonkey can change his vehicle's maneuverability to Perfect with all movement speeds for a number of rounds equal to his Dex modifier, after which the vehicle is overheated.
  • Efficient Fuel Consumption: The vehicle does not suffer adverse effects from being low on fuel.
  • Overdrive: When using Push the Envelope, the greasemonkey can choose to expend one additional use. If he does so, the effects of Push the Envelope are improved by +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, +2 to all saving throws, and +10 ft. to its movement speeds. These effects stack with the normal benefits from Push the Envelope, but the vehicle is always overheated after using Overdrive.

Systems Class

HD: 2d10.

1	+0	+0	+1	+0	Systems Slots (+2)
2	+1	+1	+2	+0	Systems Slots (+2)
3	+1	+2	+2	+1	Systems Upgrade
4	+2	+3	+2	+1	Systems Slots (+2)
5	+2	+3	+3	+1	Systems Slots (+2)
6	+3	+4	+3	+2	Systems Upgrade
7	+3	+5	+4	+2	Systems Slots (+3)
8	+4	+6	+4	+2	Systems Slots (+3)
9	+4	+6	+4	+3	
10	+5	+7	+5	+3	Systems Upgrade

Systems Slots: At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, the vehicle two additional equipment slots, which can only be spent on systems.

Systems Upgrade: At 3rd, 6th, and 10th levels, choose one of the following abilities.

  • Reroute Power (Backup Systems): The greasemonkey chooses a number of Systems whose equipment slots equal his Intelligence modifier. As a full round action and expending one use of Push the Envelope, the greasemonkey may disable Systems whose total equipment slots equal his Intelligence modifier and enable the chosen Systems. Once chosen for a given vehicle, these additional Systems cannot be changed. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to the greasemonkey's Dex mod, after which the Systems are enabled and the backup Systems disabled; after this ability is used, the vehicle is overheated.
  • Reroute Power (Engines): The greasemonkey can choose to disable a number of Systems whose equipment slots equal his Int modifier. If he expends one use of Push the Envelope, he may then choose to either improve the vehicle's maneuverability by one increment, or to improve the vehicle's speed by 10 feet x his Int mod. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Dex mod, after which the effect ends and the vehicle is overheated.
  • Reroute Power (Weapons): The greasemonkey can choose to disable a number of Systems whose equipment slots equal his Int modifier. If he expends one use of Push the Envelope, he may increase one of the vehicle's weapons damage by +1d/Int mod. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Dex mod, after which the effect ends and the vehicle is overheated.
  • Reroute Power (Critical): The greasemonkey can choose to disable a number of Systems whose equipment slots equal his Int modifier. If he expends one use of Push the Envelope, he may ignore the effects of a critical hit on the vehicle for 1 round/Int mod.

Vehicle Equipment

A list of what can be acquired with vehicle equipment slots.


The base weapon equipment deals 1d8 points of damage, has a threat range of 20/x2, is melee, and has one of the following 90-degree arcs: up, down, left, right, forward, back.

Base Weapon		1			(As per above)
Grapplers		4			Base reach + 10 ft.
   Extended		1 / 10 ft. increase
Tractor Beam		12
Fire-Linked		+4			Link two weapons
						for better damage
Battery			+2 / weapon		Link up to 5 weapons
+1d8 Damage			2 + 1 / previous increase
Improved Arc			1 / additional, must be adjacent
Ranged Weapon			1 / 50 ft. range increment
   Ammo				1 / 10 units of ammo
Energy Weapon			2 / energy type
Force Weapon			5
Ballistic Weapon		5
Improved Critical (+1 range)	3 + 1 / previous increase
Improved Critical (+1 mult)	3 + 1 / previous increase
Area Weapon			2 / 5-foot radius
				DC = attack roll


Plating (Applies to AC)
  Wood	 (+2)		-1	+8	-0 ft.		2
  Iron	 (+4)		-2	+6	-0 ft.		2
  Steel (+6)		-3	+4	-10 ft.		2
  Titanium (+8)		-4	+2	-10 ft.		4
  Orichalcum (+12)	-6	+0	-5 ft.		6
Structure (Applies to Hardness)		
  Wood (+1)		-0	+10	-0 ft.		1
  Iron (+2)		-1	+9	-0 ft.		1
  Steel (+3)		-2	+8	-5 ft.		2
  Titanium (+4)		-2	+7	-10 ft.		3
  Orichalcum (+6)	-3	+6	-0 ft.		4
  Light			-0	+12	-0 ft.		2			25% chance to avoid crit
  Medium		-1	+8	-0 ft.		4			50% chance to avoid crit
  Heavy			-2	+4	-0 ft.		8			75% chance to avoid crit
LX-10 Antishock Array					2			Electricity Resistance 10
LX-20 Antishock Array					4			Electricity Resistance 20
Deflection Field					8			20% Miss Chance against
										ranged weapons
Structural Enhancement					2			+2d12 HP


A vehicle must have an engine in order to operate.


  • Steam Engines require water. One quart of water is equal to one unit of fuel.
  • Clockwork engines require rewinding. One minute of winding is equal to one unit of fuel.
  • Thrustors, Ion Engines, and Induction Engines require a special material generically known as "Vehicle Fuel" to run. One unit of this substance is equal to one unit of fuel.
  • Gravitic Engines require nothing more than time to refuel; however, the vehicle must be completely powered down. One round of being powered down is equal to one unit of fuel.
Steam Engine		---		1		Vulnerable to Electricity
Clockwork		---		2		Vulnerable to Magnetism
Thrustors		+0 ft.		4		
Ion Engine		+5 ft.		8		Affects all movement rates
Induction Engine	+10 ft.		12		Affects all movement rates
Gravitic Engine		+15 ft.		16		Affects all movement rates
Man. Improvement
  Average				2
  Good					4
  Perfect				8
New Speed		10 ft.		1		Land, Fly, Swim, Climb, or 
							Burrow (at Clumsy)
			+10 ft.		2		Improve one speed
Improved Fuel Capacity		1 / 10 units


Autopilot			1		Autopilot
Damage Control System		2		Healing
Sensor Jammer			2		Jams sensors
Autopilot, Improved		4		Autopilot, better AC bonus
Chaff Launcher			2 + 1		Launches concealment
						1 EQS required for each 								 					use, must be refilled
Damage Control, Improved	4		Better healing
Magnetic Field			6		Can negate ranged attacks
Point-Defense System		10		Make AoOs, destroy 									 					projectiles
Self-Destruct System		2		Self-destruct
Stealth Screen			5		Similar to sensor jammer
Damage Control, Advanced	8		Best healing
Cloaking Screen			12		Cloaks the vehicle
Class I Sensor Array		1
Class II Sensor Array		2
Class III Sensor Array		3
Class IV Sensor Array		5
Class V Sensor Array		7
Class VI Sensor Array		9
Class VII Sensor Array		12
Class VIII Sensor Array		15
Class IX Sensor Array		18
Targeting System		2
Targeting System, Improved	4
Radio Transceiver		1		Communications
Enigma Sensor Suite		4		Reduce concealment of targets
						by two grades
Oracle Targeting System (+1)	2		Atk+ with 1 ranged weapon
Oracle Targeting System (+2)	3		
Oracle Targeting System (+3)	4		
Oracle Targeting System (+4)	6		
Oracle Targeting System (+5)	10		
Life Support System		1		Ignore atmosphere
Cockpit, Copilot		3
Cockpit, Passenger		2
Escape Pod (x1)			1
Space Skin			1		Operate in space
Stealth Suite			1		+10 Hide, Move Silent