Last Emperor: Merit: Divine Powers

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Divine Powers (1 to 10 dots)[edit]

Prerequisites: Divine Favor Merit[edit]

This merit give the character access to the powers of their diety. For each dot in this merit, the character is sent one spirit, a small part of their diety, to serve the character. These spirits are small, simple beings who know only one numen, one spell effect. The merit allows the caster to direct each spirit to throw the numen as they wish. Once cast, the essence of the spirit is drained and they must return to their home.

Each dot of the merit allows access to a higher level spell: 1 dot allows the 0 level spells, 2 dots allows the 1st level spells, and so on.

The character may have take merit more than once, but may not take it more times than they have points of Resolve.

See the Last Emperor: Spells: Divine spells list of list of spirit Numen which the character may have access to.