Chronicles of Arcadia Seftarian
A game of Exalted run using Wuxalted Redux.
Dramatis Persona
Arcadia Seftarian (a.k.a. Primrose of the Valley)
Established Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded, sixth child of Eratam Seftarian, presumed dead
Motivation: Avenging her sister; restoring Seftaria
Virtue: Conviction
Attributes: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 1
Abilities: Air 1, Earth 1, Fire 2 (Athletics, Melee, Socialize), Water 1, Wood 0
Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Black Jade Dire Lance), Artifact 2 (Black Jade Articulated Plate), Resources 1 (mercenary wages)
Essence 5
- Spend 1 Mote: Get +1 Scarlet dice for hand-to-hand combat for the rest of the scene.
- Can not lose Motes or die from fire.
Charm: A Dragon-Blooded may spend 1 mote to gain a bonus of (Ability+Specialty) dice on a roll. Additionally, up to (Ability+Specialty) successes may be traded between the Scarlet and Ebon dice after the roll.
Bonus Points (15) Air 1 (3), Earth 1 (3), Fire 2 (3), Water 1 (3), Specialties: Athletics (1), Melee (1), Socialize (1)
Seftaria NPCs
Eratam Seftarian
Veteran Earth Aspect Dragon-Blooded
Motivation: To conquer and establish a powerful empire
Virtue: Conviction
Attributes: Physical 3, Social 2, Mental 3
Abilities: Air 1 (Lore), Earth 2 (Resistance, War), Fire 1, Water 1, Wood 0
Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Grand Gore Maul), Artifact 2 (Articulated Jade Plate), Backing 2 (Seftaria), Followers 2 (Seftarian army), Influence 1 (Hundred Kingdoms warlord), Resources 2 (Kingdom treasury)
Essence 6
- Spend 1 Mote: Get an automatic Ebon success to resist physical harm for the rest of the scene, as long as her feet rest on earth or stone.
- Can not lose Motes or die from being smothered in earth.
Charm: A Dragon-Blooded may spend 1 mote to gain a bonus of (Ability+Specialty) dice on a roll. Additionally, up to (Ability+Specialty) successes may be traded between the Scarlet and Ebon dice after the roll.
Silber Seftarian
Deceased, Eratam's first son, formerly first in line to the throne
Hydress Seftarian
Heroic Mortal, Eratam's second son, currently first in line to the throne
Kadmon Seftarian
Heroic Mortal, Eratam's third son, currently second in line to the throne
Slavick Seftarian
Heroic Mortal, Eratam's fourth son, eloped to become an Immaculate Monk
Hiernom Gregly
Commander-in-Chief of Seftaria's armies.
The Circle
Wandering Wildspark (a.k.a. Karal Wildspark)
Established Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded sellsword
Veteran God-Blooded infiltrator
Winter Thorn
Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded ranger
Dead & Undead
Unnatural Philosopher of Unbound Scholarly Hunger
Daybreak Abyssal
Elysia Seftarian
Nemissary; fifth child of Eratam Seftarian, formerly fifth in line to the throne
Motivation: Kill those she sees as responsible for her death (her father, her sister).
Virtue: Conviction
Attributes: Physical 2, Social 3, Mental 2
Abilities: Day 0, Daybreak 1, Dusk 2 (Melee), Midnight 1, Moonshadow 2 (Bureaucracy, Socialize)
Backgrounds: Artifact 1 (Soulsteel Daiklaive), Artifact 1 (Soulsteel Breastplate), Followers 2 (Warghosts)
Essence 3
Charm: May spent 1 Mote to end a conflict by abandoning its current host and fleeing.
Supporting Cast
Swift Kedere (a.k.a. Ked)
Heroic Mortal ranger
"Odd Job"
Veteran Sidereal Chosen of Secrets
Tarl Tarley
Snot-nosed prince; formerly Arcadia's betrothed before she ran away
Mariam Stanney
Deformed princess