Iron Fist PL10
PL: 10, Martial Artist, Size: Medium
ABILITIES: STR 16 +3, DEX 18 +4, CON 16 +3, INT 12 +1, WIS 14 +2, CHA 14 +2,
SAVES: DMG +5, FORT +3, REF +11, WILL +4,
MOVEMENT: INIT +8, SPEED 30/60/120,
DEF 23,
FLAT 18,
MELEE +14,
SKILLS: Acrobatics* [13/9], Balance [13/9], Bluff [2], Climb [3], Concentration [11/9], Craft [1], Diplomacy [2], Disguise [2], Escape Artist [4], Forgery [1], Gather Info [2], Hide [4], Intimidate [3], Jump [12/9], Knowledge: [1], Listen [2], Move Silent [13/9], Open Lock* [7/3], Perform [2], Profession: [2], Science: [1], Search [7/6], Sense Motive [2], Spot [2], Survival [2], Swim [3], Taunt [2],
FEATS: Attack Focus, Blind Fight, Dodge, Evasion, Expertise, Imp. Critical, Imp. Initiative, Instant Stand, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Move-By Attack, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Stunning Attack, Surprise Strike, Takedown Attack, Toughness, Trance.
POWERS: IRON FIST: (mystic); [Strike +10 [+10]; Power stunt: Duel Damage; Flaw: Heroic surge to use strike; Extras: Healing [+4]; Immunity: Energy based attacks];Amazing Save +5 [Dex][+5]; Combat Sense +5 [+5].
WEAKNESS: Naïve ( -5 sense motive checks)
COST: abilities [30], base att [30], base def [16], skills [18], feats [36], powers [30], weakness [-10], total [150], unspent [0].
Name: Daniel Thomas Rand-K'ai
Gender: Male
Age: early 20's
"Height: 5 ', 11""
Weight: 175
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Team Name: Heroes For Hire
Base of Ops: Global
History: After his parents were killed. Danny Rand was raised in K'un L'un and trained in the martial arts by Lei Kung . When he was eighteen, he left the mystical city and went to seek vengeance on his father's killer. As often happens, Danny realised after a series of adventures that revenge is meaningless, and settled for taking his father’s position in the Rand-Meachum corporation. He teamed up with Luke Cage, AKA Power Man, to form Heroes for Hire. Danny was presumed killed for a time as it happened, he was actually being held prisoner in K'un L'un. Freed by the combined efforts of the Daughters of the Dragon (a.k.a NightWing restorations), Lei Kung and Namor, Danny returned to New York and with the help of Namor’s corporation Oracle International reformed a larger version of Heroes for Hire.This group was quite active during the temporary hero shortage caused by Onslaught. Eventually Namor decided to devote less time to the surface world and sold Oracle to Stark-Fujikawa.This caused the present group of Heroes for Hire to disband due to a conflict in operation polices with the new owners. Iron Fist has continued adventuring and was last seen in Tokyo with Wolverine.