The Caustic Plate

Also Known As: Orc Steel, Umash's Metal, Umash Says Keep Yer Mitts Off
Full Plate Mail: Armor bonus +7, Max Dex Bonus +1, Armor Check Penalty -6, Spell Failure 35%, Speed 20/15, Weight 45 lbs.
Donning Armor: Takes 10 minutes; must have help, or the armor can only be donned hastily.
Donning Hastily: Takes 6 minutes. (With help, cut this time in half.)
OPTION: If the wearer gives the armor 5 hit points' worth of his blood while donning within one hour before battle, donning (and Donning Hastily) time is halved.
- 3rd Level: The armor appears terrifying and gory, even if shined and and cleaned moments later. Attempts to paint over or obscure its finish do not diminish the horror. This grants the wearer a -20 ti diplomacy checks to non-combat checks with anyone within 30'. Any of the wearer's allies within 30' gain a +2 morale bonus to Will saves, as do any Shadow minions who are not aware the wearer is not allied with them. The armor exudes a strong coppery smell of fresh blood that gives the wearer a -5 penalty on Hide checks.
- 6th Level: When activated, the armor gives its wearer a blurred, distorted and hazy appearance as if affected by a blur spell. This ability functions 3 times per day, and lasts 5 rounds. In addition, once per day the wearer can create an aura of terror with a 20' radius. Every creature in the affected area briefly perceives a creature from its worst nightmares instead of the wearer, and must make a DC 22 Will save or be panicked for one round. Even if this save succeeds, creatures in the radius must also make a DC 16 Will save or be shaken for one round instead.
- 8th Level: The blur spell effect now functions 3 times per day for 10 rounds. Once per day, the armor may use an ability favored by those dedicated to fighting the foul arts of necromancy: when activated, it allows the user to ignore any death effect (magical death effects and energy drain) or negative energy effect (inflict or chill touch spells.) The armor creates a backlash of negative energy against incorporeal attackers -- any time the wearer is hit by an incorporeal touch attack, the attacker takes 1d10 points of damage, with no miss change for incorporealness. This includes spirits embodied in creatures, such as astiraxes and certain Outsiders.