FANGS: Appendix D - Priest
File:FANGS-Basic Fangs Logo (small original).gifWelcome to FANGS, the Fantasy Adventure Networked Gaming System. The goal of this roleplaying system is to offer rules that allow for fun, dramatic play without losing too much realism, simple and yet elegant rules, and balanced for different styles of players who wish to game together.
Priest Magic
Priests and the religions they support play a fundamental role in history, thus they also should have an important role in a fantasy world. However, even today the topic of religion is, like politics, sensitive and needs to be handled with discretion.
This Priest Magic approach attempts to allow for the needed historical relevance of religion, allows it to have a role in heroic fantasy, yet should not be overly offensive to those with moderate religious beliefs. Not to say that it won't offend someone, but it should be less offensive then most attempts to integrate religion into a game.