Incursion Introduction
- One night, while you were out camping by yourself, you saw a strange light through the trees. "No, it can't be!" you say to yourself, as you see a saucer shaped space craft hovering over a clearing. Grabbing your digital camera you walk up taking pictures, telling yourself that you'll be famous, be a millionaire, that you're about to make first contact...
- That's when you're hit with a stun ray and pass out. You hazily remember an alien face looking at you speaking an alien language in a comforting manner, then you went to sleep.
- Suddenly you're wide awake, lying naked in a glass tube in a large room with a curving wall. Other people are present, all of whom are in various states of undress. Their skin is a bright fluorescent orange and they are completely hairless as far as you can tell. A quick look confirms that you are the same color and you are also completely hairless, not even eyebrows. A look in some reflective metal shows that you also have a barcode across your forehead.
- Two small grey colored aliens with black, almond shaped eyes hand you an ill-fitting jumper and then a large bug hands you a weapon.
- The bug then buzzes in fractured English: "Quickly! You muzzz help uzz take over the Ardanna Nuu! They don't know that we have wakened you from your zztaziz zleep! Take ziz gun and help uzz be free!"
Game System
- Currently I'm looking at using both d20 Modern as part of the d20 Incursion Playtest and Worlds/50 Fathoms.htm Savage Worlds with some modifications for my personal Homebrew. The Savage Worlds mods will be listed here, as the d20 Incursion rules will be part of the Official Tri Tac Games Release.
Game Logs
The following site has the current game logs for the current campaign: I Hate Space
Starting Characters
Savage Worlds
- Characters start out as Novices and then have the option to increase their skills or attributes up to 4 progression "bumps". After you create your Novice character, roll a D4x5. This will give you between 5 and 20 experience points, which must be spent in 5 point increments. This can result in your character starting out as Seasoned, but more often than not, your character will be a Novice with some experience under his or her belt.
- I will allow one couple in play at first. You can also have a Significant Other stuck in a stasis tube, waiting to be decanted.
- Initially, you cannot buy the Enemy or Wanted hinderances. These can be earned during the game, either taken voluntarily, or awarded by the GM. If the GM awards either of these to your character, you do not gain any benefit from receiving them.
d20 Modern
- Characters start out at either 1st or 2nd level. No restriction on classes, except for Magic Users. In this version I'm running, Magic does not exist. Psionic characters are allowed.
Equipment (All systems)
- Only buy equipment that you would have on you for a camping trip or driving out on the back roads at night.
- Work up a reason why your character was out by themselves and add that to your character's history. Also work out some background for your character, you never know if it might come into play in the future.
Galactic Races
All beginning characters will start out as humans, but as the game continues, there is the chance for the players to create a character who is a member of an alien race. The list of alien races written up using Savage Worlds rules are on the Incursion Aliens page. d20 Modern versions are not available for the public at this time.
New Edges (Savage Worlds)
Dealing with Aliens
- One factor that was prevalent in the original version of Incursion, was two statistics: Ability to Deal with Aliens and Alien Technology Use. Both of these dealt with how well humans could deal with alien technology and with aliens themselves.
Ability to deal with aliens
- The ability to deal with aliens is more than "Are you a xenophile or xenophobe?" but more of your ability to adapt to alien customs and environments. This ability is more of an edge when you have to face non-human beings without squirming or feeling uncomfortable. You can still hate their guts, but you know which eating utensil to use when eating protoplasmic sludge.
- In Savage Incursion, Ability to deal with Aliens is a new edge that the characters can take, after they have their first encounter with aliens. This comes into play because Savage Incursion includes a new hinderance for aliens: Temperament.
- Temperament is how aliens react to other species. This is represented by a reaction table modifier value, that ranges from -4 to 4. Temperament replaces the alien's Charisma when it is dealing with humans when making a rolls on the Reaction Table, (Pg. 114).
- Ability to deal with Aliens
- Requirements: Novice