Mano a Mano:Make a Template

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Make a Template - Template Generation Example

This example shows how to generate a character template. (See Game Design/Templates.) I envision a Template of nasty monsters called "Sabretooth Penguins" which are about human sized but stockier, with clawed hands and sharp teeth.

1. Dimensions and Modifiers - Sabertooth Penguins are around 40 to 90 kg and 0.75 to 1.5 meters tall. They are similar to humans in speed, power, health and agility, so we give them 2 speed and power, 4 agility and no health modifier.

2. Abilities - As super-fast waddling predators, Sabertooth Penguins have no lame disability. Their flippers give them a +3 swimming ability modifier.

3. Natural Weapons and Armor - Sabretooth Penguins have clawed hands with 0.5 meters of reach and a manual dexterity modifier of 0. Their teeth and claws are somewhat sharp (1/3 sharpness.)

4. Character Points (CP) - 2 power, 2 speed, 4 agility and no health modifier are all worth 0 CP. 0.5 m reach is worth 100 CP. 1/3 sharpness is worth 400 CP. Multiple natural weapons adds 100 CP. Ambidextrous hands with 0 manual dexterity modifier is worth 0 CP. Swimming ability with a +3 modifier is worth 600 CP. The total CP of our new Sabretooth Penguin template is 1200 CP.

Template       Sabretooth Penguin
Length/Height   0.75 m - 1.50 m  
Mass             40 kg - 90 kg

  Agility  Speed  Health   Power   4xPwr    CP
     4       2       0       2       8   
 (   0   +   0   +   0   +   0   )   =   (   0  )

ABILITIES      Limit Mod  ModCP   SpcCP     CP
Swimming       none  +3  ( 600 )+(  0  )=(  600 )
______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______)
______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______)
______________ _____ ___ (_____)+(_____)=(______)
NATURAL ARMOR          Abs Cvr    AbsCP     CP
______________________ ___ ___ x (_____)=(______)
______________________ ___ ___ x (_____)=(______)

NATURAL WEAPONS  Dex  Reach  Shp   Qty      CP
Claws and Teeth   0   0.5 m  1/3    3
                  CP ( 100 + 400 + 100 )=(  600 )
_______________ _____ _____ _____ _____
                  CP (_____+_____+_____)=(______)
_______________ _____ _____ _____ _____
                  CP (_____+_____+_____)=(______)

                     Manual Dexterity CP (   0  )

                                Total CP ( 1200 )