Point Based Creation
BASH! provides a framework that lends itself very well to "street-level" super heroes. The 7 points for Stats, 9 points for Powers dynamic is simple, and there is some customizability-- taking weaknesses for example. However, this system does not really allow for weaker or stronger characters-- and the BASH! system is certainly capable of handling such characters.
An easy way to create characters to a certain scale is to use a universal points system. Let's call these "power points". Instead of dividing up Stats and Powers into seperate pools of points, they will be both purchased from a single pool of Power points. Each point in a Stat costs 2 Power points. Each point in a power costs 1 Power point. A weakness is worth -2 Power points, and a Devastating Weakness is worth -4 Power points. Advantages and disadvantages should cancel each other, but if there are any odd, an Advantage is worth 1 Power point and a Disadvantage is worth -1 Power point. Skills are a function of Stats and the Skillful power, and therefor have no inherent point cost of their own.
Now that we know how much each part of a character is worth in Power points, we should figure out the scale of the campaign. The standard BASH! characters, when converted to this format, would be 23 Power point characters. Let's round that up to 25 points, and we'll call that "Street-Level" heroes. We can use this as a guideline to build higher power level games. Below you can cross reference a power level you want to play at with a Power point value that the campaign will use to build characters.