Last Emperor: Equipment

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These are the guns from the Starfarer's Handbook Converted via the it-looks-about-right method to the nWoD rules.

Name Dmg Range Shots Str Size Cost
Holdout Laster 1 20/40/80 15 1 1 200/10
Holdout Pistol 1 25/50/100 10 1 1 150/5
Blaster Pistol 2 25/50/100 30 1 1 600/15
Laster Pistol 2 25/50/100 30 1 1 500/15
Lt. Autopistol 2 40/60/80 25 2 1 300/10
Hv. Autopistoal 3 30/60/120 20 3 1 400/15
Screamer 2 25/50/100 30 1 1 450/15
Blaster Carbine 3 40/80/160 25 2 2 900/15
Auto Crossbow 3 40/80/160 10 3 3 200/5
Hunting Carbine 2 60/120/240 20 3 2 350/15
Laser Carbine 2 40/80/160 25 2 1 700/15
Blaster Rifle 4 50/100/200 20 3 3 1000/15
Hunting Rifle 3 60/120/240 30 2 3 450/20
Compound Longbow 3 40/80/160 30 3 3 200/5
Laser Rifle 3 50/100/200 20 2 3 800/15
Screamer Rifle 3 50/100/200 20 2 2 650/15
Shotgun 4 20/40/80 15 3 2 400/15
Assault Carbine 2 60/120/240 50 2 2 650/25
Submachine gun 2 50/100/200 50 3 2 500/25
Assault Blaster 4 50/100/200 20 2 3 2000/15
Assault Laser 3 50/100/200 20 2 3 1500/15
Assault Rifle 3 60/120/240 50 3 3 750/25
Flamethrower 2 5/10/20 10 2 2 1000/25
Grenade Launcher - 50/100/200 5 2 2 500/-
Light Machine gun 3 75/159/300 100 3 3 1000/75
Plasma Rifle 5 75/150/300 20 3 3 3000/75
Sniper Rifle 3 75/150/300 30 3 3 800/20
Blaster Cannon 8 125/250/500 10 5 4 5000 / 50
Heavy Machine Gun 3 100/200/400 100 4 4 1500/75
Laser Cannon 6 125/250/500 15 5 4 4000/50
Plasma Cannon 10 150/350/750 - 5 5 7500