Coronation of Conspiracy:Hazama

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Hazama is played by Pizzacat and is a Ronin with a mission that has not been revealed just yet.

Intro Fiction

Pride by: Pizzacat

The day was an ugly one indeed, the skies were pouring rain, as if the Fortune of the Harvest created extra rain to wash all the blood off of the crops after the successive fighting in Rokugan. Although Samurai were seemingly unaffected by this rain, due to being supplied with wicker umbrellas and having spare sets of clothing, all others weren't so fortunate. A tall, filthy looking man with unkempt long black hair was making his way to get lodging, food, and a break from his long journey. He entered a pub that was adjacent to a stables. As he entered, he saw many peasants, exhausted from working long and hard in the rain just eating their meals and talking amongst each other, expressing concern over being punished due to not filling out their quota for the day due to the rain.

"Hello Ronin-sama, might I get you a servant to clean and dry your clothes for you? How about some food?"

"I'll take the food, but my clothes are fine, and they are my only set. Thank you... um?

"My name isn't important Ronin-sama."

"But it is, you have an identity, like everyone else here, you have to be proud of yourself, peasant or samurai. I take pride in myself in spite of being a..."

It was then that 3 Lion Samurai kicked the door open with a loud crash.

"You are all here eating instead of working! Maybe if you all weren't lazy you would've made your quota for the day! We fought, are fighting, and will fight to protect you and you let a little rain keep you from doing your appointed roles, you're pathetic!"

"... So speaks the Lion who probably has a warm meal and a comfortable mat waiting for him at his estate."

"Who said that!?"

"I did" upon which the Ronin who lectured about pride stood up

"You have a lot of nerve talking to us like that cur, what are you here keeping our heimin from their work for?"

"I'm just getting something to eat before I be on my way Lion sama."

"Well, your meal will just have to wait until the peasants finish their work."

"Fine, will you reimburse me, seeing as I already paid?"

"I didn't take away your food, I just said you'll have to wait, boy."

The ronin continues eating his food upon which the large Matsu knocks all of his food on the floor

"There, you can now eat it off the floor like the mangy dog you are." The Lion are all laughing while the peasants are watching the whole scene unfold.

"Thanks for your permission, but I think I'll stand tall instead of prostrating before a bunch of arrogant fops like yourselves."

"Why you!" The Matsu gets ready to draw his blade to cut the Ronin down upon which the Ronin pulls out his flute, revealing the blade and holding it at the Matsu's neck.

"Here's a little advice for the future, Lion-san, if you're going to try to attack somebody before you're ready, use a knife like I did instead of your Katana."

One other Lion began drawing his blade, when an Akodo stepped forward.

"You are aware that we could have you killed for assaulting and threatening a superior, aren't you Ronin-chan? But... I will forgive your slight against us if you'll only had in your daisho, since you obviously know not how Samurai conduct themselves."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you'll be arrested and killed for assaulting Matsu Ochio."

"Oh in the sweet name of the Kami, would you get over yourselves!? He was clearly getting ready to attack me, so it was self defense!"

"That might be true were you a member of a Clan or family, but since you're a Ronin, barely above the peasantry, me and my group could simply say you were keeping the peasants from their work and you attacked Matsu-san while he was getting ready to remove you."


"Hand over the daisho and leave town first thing tomorrow morning and I'll forget this whole incident happened."

"... fine, here's my daisho" The Ronin hands his daisho to the Akodo. "I came to town to wait for my appointed caravan because I was hired as a guard en route to Otosan Uchi, where will I catch my caravan?"

The Matsu sheathed his blade "You should've thought about that before threatening my life, but you could wait on the road outside the city for the caravan."


The Lion leave, laughing at the Ronin who none could tell was a samurai, after having his daisho taken away for the crime of being a Ronin who dared to defend himself against a Great Clan samurai.

"Thank you Ronin-sama, but if you don't mind my saying so, that was a foolish thing for you to do."

"I know, but I cannot abide by the Great and Minor Clansmen acting as if they were the law themselves due to our lack of an Emperor right now."

"*Gasp* Ronin-sama! That's a thing only a madman would say! We are not to disrespect the Emperor, fallen or not! I'll give you enough food to last you until the caravan arrives and a spare set of clothes, but then you must leave immediately!"

"That's fine peasant-san."

"What's your name, I sadly forgot mine a long time ago after being referred to as servant or peasant."

"I'm Hazama, you all should come up with a name you can proudly proclaim."

"We will, but you should mind your manners better, especially now that you have no daisho, you're little better than we are now... Hazama-san."

"There, you see what I mean, because I have no daisho now, you can rightly call me -san instead of -sama. In any case, live as well... as possible."

Hazama leaves to exit the city upon pain of death if he stays much longer, once he leaves the city, he begins carving the unfamiliar mon off the Sai he stole from the Matsu earlier, knowing that it isn't anything new, him having to steal to survive now that Rokugan is at peace and awaiting a new Emperor. He had to wait a total of 3 days on the road as a beggar would until his caravan arrived, ready to go to Otosan Uchi to deliver gifts for the first Emperor of the new Dynasty.

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