Session 56

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BethE: Hey, Etheric, can Carrie find out the Hopes of the FlyGuy through her dad?
Etheric: You mean Mr. "I am a message?" I wasn't aware that he was the fly.
BethE: Oh, sorry, that's my guess, that he is the fly, since they both share the same coloring.
Etheric: But I could. I have a limit that only lets me use miracles through an Anchor with their permission though.
Etheric: That is, assuming he's not protected against divinations.
Random_Nerd: He's not an Anchor or a Noble. He's not protected from divinations like that.
Random_Nerd: However, he's got a fundamentally weird psychology, so results may not be as useful as they might for most people./
BethE: True. I'm mostly concerned on whether we have fulfilled the Gift rule enough for him.
Random_Nerd: Think of him as being in the same category as stuff like Monty and Red and the Maple and so on, beings that aren't themselves miraculous, but have been created or changed with powerful miracles.
Etheric: Okay.
BethE: Hmm. I am slightly afraid at the moment of what would happen if Lesson found him.
Etheric: I guess we're waiting on Knockwood?
BethE: Yep. Ooo, no, we could go to Carrie and the guests. <EG>
Etheric: Hey, there's a thought.

      • Knockwood has joined #Nobilis.

Knockwood: Hi all!
Etheric: Greetings, Knock.

      • Mode change "+o Knockwood" for channel #Nobilis by Etheric.

lazarus: hey kwd
Random_Nerd: Hmm. How about this, we go to Carrie and the guests, and I hand each of you one of the NPCs to play during the scene?
BethE: Hi Knock! *HUG*
Etheric: Works for me.
lazarus: I think I'm actually going to call it a night in about 20 minutes, anyway. I'm fine with just reading until I disappear.
BethE: Sure, I think I can handle that.
Random_Nerd: Okay. For the rest of you, anyone want to call dibs on a particular Noble?
Knockwood: hm...
Knockwood: (the thing with the Lance is basically resolved, right?)
Random_Nerd: (Resolvedish, for the time being.)
BethE: I'll take..Shadows. I think I can do moody teenager in a (slightly less dark than) black trenchcoat.
Random_Nerd: (You can keep interrogating him, but he doesn't really know much.)
Random_Nerd: Okay, Beth, you're Shadows. You're in the Familia of Consequences, Duty, and Eclipses. Your given name is Thomas, but you don't generally go by it. You're the youngest Noble in your family, both in terms of actual age and of time spent as a Noble. You follow the Code of Heaven.
Knockwood: OK, remind us who all's here?
Random_Nerd: Just about everybody, other than Night.
Random_Nerd: Shall I go down the list?
Knockwood: where's Night?
Random_Nerd: By the Maple.
Knockwood: please do go down the list
Random_Nerd: Okay, there's Consequences' family, who I just named.
Random_Nerd: There's the Dionyl, who consist of Conceptual Tint, Blue Shock, and the Triad.
Random_Nerd: There's the really assorted family, that has Night, Martyrs, and Angst. And there's Physics.
Random_Nerd: Physics is the one who came as Lord Entropy.
Random_Nerd: Am I forgetting anyone?
Knockwood: (don't remind me. :)
Knockwood: William & Samuel...
Random_Nerd: Oh, yes, but they aren't Nobles.
Random_Nerd: But if you want to play them, you can.
Knockwood: OK... so, Beth wants Shadows... and Laz will be AWOL in a few...
Etheric: And Helen Winters (Carrie's mom) is also there.
Knockwood: Eth?
Etheric: I'm playing Carrie.
Etheric: The chaperone.

      • You are now known as Shadows.

Shadows: *slouch*
Etheric: Who just removed these guys from the palce on vague pretenses.
Knockwood: (How exactly do you tell fundamental forces of reality to stop necking in the alley? :)
Shadows: (Necking, who's necking? Oh, wait, is this the _other_ definition of necking?)
Etheric: <.<;
Knockwood: (whazzat?)
Random_Nerd: You guys mind if I randomly assign you characters, then?
Knockwood: I think I'll go with ... Physics.
Random_Nerd: I somehow expected that.
Shadows: (There's rubber-necking or gawking and then there's necking or making out.)
Etheric: Randomly assign who characters?
Random_Nerd: Oh, yes.
Random_Nerd: I was thinking Laz.
Random_Nerd: Okay, ready?

      • Etheric is now known as Carrie.

Knockwood: So, we'll be playing both ourselves and another Noble?]
Shadows: Ready!
Random_Nerd: ________________START____________________
Shadows: (No, we're just off with Carrie at the moment. )

      • Knockwood is now known as Physics.

Physics: (Gimme a char desc?)
Random_Nerd: (This is what was happening with Carrie during the time that you guys were messing with the relics and the maybe-fly-guy.)
Random_Nerd: Triad, to Carrie: "I have the feeling that things were about to get interesting. Why the sudden change of plans?"

  • Carrie turns her head and smiles at Triad, still walking purposefully away from the palace. "Change of plans? Whatever do you mean?"
  • Shadows looks back at the hallway they left. *mutters to his sister Eclipse* "Kinda rude."

Physics: "You do seem to be moving quicker than you were."
Random_Nerd: "Well, we were just over there, by the room with the relics, and then most of your guys left and we got hurried over here."
Random_Nerd: Concentual Tint makes a swooshy motion with his scarf in the direction of Triad's floating suit.

      • Physics has changed the topic on channel #Nobilis to It's 7 pm. Do you know where your Reality is?.

Physics: (where's Brian?)
Random_Nerd: (He's by the Grove.)
Carrie: "Oh, yes, of course. Something came up. I really can't go into all that much detail.. But I imagine things should be cleared up shortly."
Physics: "But, in any case... what is the current plan?
Shadows: (He'll be heading toward the palace a bit later, though.)
Shadows: "What do you guys have for fun around this Chancel?"
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint paces around a bit.
Shadows: (Ahh, a Teenager who follows that lessers should respect their betters, how fun...)
Random_Nerd: Consequences lights a cigarette in the near background.
Random_Nerd: Eclipses looks at him for a moment, and he passes it over and lights another for himself.
Shadows: Shadows perks up in the hope that he'll get one too?

  • Carrie is visibly nervous. "You know, that's a very good question. At the moment, we don't have much to cater to those of Noble station. We are working on improving that aspect."

Random_Nerd: Consequences sighs, and just hands over his pack and lighter to Shadows.

  • Shadows has one and looks coooool...
  • Physics rolls his eyes.

Shadows: "Then what do _you_ guys do for fun then? You must have done something in this Chancel since it was formed."

  • Carrie is angling the group in the direction of the Diplomacy Grove.
      • lazarus has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).

Random_Nerd: Consequences, to William: "How long have you been with them?"
Random_Nerd: William: "Only a short time, at the moment. Is there any way I can help make you more comfortable here?"

  • Shadows notices something in the distance. "What's that?" *points to the Library*
  • Physics looks where Shadows pointed...

Random_Nerd: Concetual Tint: "A giant anthill on drugs?"

      • lazarus has joined #Nobilis.

Random_Nerd: CT: "Why didn't you guys /tell/ me you had giant druggie ants here?"
lazarus: (I apparnetly got kicked?)
Shadows: (re Laz. *HUG*)

  • Carrie smiles at Shadows. "That building was created by our Ymera to serve as a repository of knowledge."

Shadows: (It said ping timeout.)
Physics: (you timed out)

      • Oddsod has joined #Nobilis.

Random_Nerd: CT: "Oh, yeah. Wildlord."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Err... not that there's anything wrong with that."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: *sigh*
Shadows: "It looks more like one of those...what do you call them...occarinas?"
Physics: "Wildlords are fun sometimes...
Shadows: (Why do I get the feeling that Blue Shock sighs a lot around CT and Triad?  :) )
Physics: "Some of them like to play with fundqamental constants, like Gravity.
Random_Nerd: BS, quietly, to CT: "And the correct term is 'Magister of the Wild,' as I'm sure you know already..." *sigh*
Shadows: (Ours likes to play with Sanity. I _think_ it's just a hobby...)

  • Shadows wanders toward the Library. "Does it work for anyone?"

Physics: "I've taken to checking those constants whenever I enter a Chancel..."
Physics: (BTW, ours are the usual, right? :)
Random_Nerd: (Physical constants? I think so.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, probably some complicated slight differences because you guys have a Weird Science, but only subtle stuff.)
Random_Nerd: (And those changes are for SCIENCE, so I'm sure that Physics would approve.)
Shadows: (After all, the real weird hasn't walked through lately. <g>)
Physics: (OK.)
Physics: (are we at the Grove?)
Carrie: "I don't believe we've tested it... Do the rest of you want to see the Library? I should warn you, most of what's there is well-known among the Nobility, or so we're given to understand... So it likely wouldn't be that spectacular in its content... Though the method of delivery might be somewhat novel."
Random_Nerd: (Carrie, you've been leading them, how far do you think you are at the moment?)
Carrie: (We're on foot, so we won't have reached the Grove just yet. I figure it's been 10 minutes, game-time? I would expect getting to the Grove to take at least 30 minutes at a measured pace.)
Random_Nerd: (Yeah, that sounds about right, especially since some of the group are Aspect 0.)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "So, how exactly does it get delivered?"

  • Carrie wonders if Shadows is surprised at the odd vocabulary of the girl who seems to be about his age.

Shadows: "Ehh, playing stump the Massive Wild Artifact can kill some time." *meander/slouches toward it*
Random_Nerd: Triad: "And for that matter, does anyone know why Earth gets more Wildlords than we do? I mean, they're not an anthropogenic form of Imperator, so you'd think they'd be balanced more..."
Random_Nerd: Various people shrug.
Shadows: ( "Naaah, probably some college girl before she got enNobled...")
Shadows: "Sanity's not their thing, right? Maybe Earth's crazier."
Shadows: (*waits for Blue Shock to disagree* <G>)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Might have something to do with the War, I guess."
Carrie: (to Triad) "I don't actually know. We could always ask the Library. Regarding the delivery... The knowledge is actually in the winds of the Chancel, but the Library allows it to be heard, in whispers."
Random_Nerd: (Blue Shock doesn't mind this so much, as he's more asking odd questions rather than being an Ugly Dionyl.)
Shadows: (Nah, I just figured that compared with his companions, at times a Wildlord might be considered sane.  :) )
Shadows: (How common is it for the Excru to attack Nobles or a Chancel? The one attack against Numbers, would that be considered low for our 'age' or normal?)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "That's an interesting trick, there. I wonder how he did it."
Carrie: (I doubt Carrie was in college. She just read a lot. Of classical English literature. Or something like that.)
Random_Nerd: (Depends a lot on the chancel.)
Carrie: (I really should work on her backstory a bit.)
Random_Nerd: (Some chancels are on the war front, and get regular attacks or infiltrations. Some, especially ones outside of Earth and other fronts, hardly ever get Excrucians.)

      • Mode change "+o lazarus" for channel #Nobilis by Carrie.

Random_Nerd: Samuel seems to be trying to catch Blue Shock's attention, but hasn't successfully done so yet.

  • Carrie -- assuming that no one speaks out against the detour -- leads the group toward the Library.

Shadows: *slogs toward Library* "Exs would probably love to get their hands on something like this. Especially if it could be moveable. But if it's just Chancel gas, then guess you couldn't move it."
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "Really, wouldn't they know most of this already? They've got Mimics and Deceivers and things."
Random_Nerd: Consequences: "Really, it's a pain that they're so much better equipped for espionage than we are. I guess that's why we still don't know what they're up to."

  • Physics nudges BS and points out Samuel

Random_Nerd: Martyrs and Angst glance at each other for a moment, and then one of them stares off blankly into space for a moment.

  • Shadows shrugs. "Ya never know what the Wildguys might know. Some great secret that one of them remembered or know and it's keeping away..."
  • Carrie smiles amusedly. "I truly doubt that there are sensitive secrets in the Library."

Random_Nerd: Samuel, to Blue Shock: "I know this is a very different environment to what you're used to, and it takes a while to adapt. Is there anything I can do to make you or your Familia more at home?"
Random_Nerd: (It was Martyrs that stared blankly. Sorry.)

  • Physics does a LDiv-Physics on the 'anthill'

Random_Nerd: (It's interesting-looking. It's got air currents doing some really complicated chaotic-system type stuff.)
Random_Nerd: (And for it to work properly, the person setting it up would either have to be continuously controlling the wind and air pressure outside, or would have to know it in advance.)
Shadows: (Both of which are probably in realm of 'easy' for Kudzu.)
Physics: (veeeeedy intereshtink...)
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "Do you know how he keeps the various streams of sound from interfering with each other?"
Physics: "Hm... interesting. I think your wildlord actively controls the winds around that.
Random_Nerd: As near as can be determined given that her whole Familia has indiscernable features, she seems puzzled.

  • Carrie furrows her forehead. "I don't know the answer to that. All I know is that when you think of a question, the whispers that answer it immediately come forward above the rest."

Physics: "Don't forget acoustics is in my domain as well."
Physics: (think of, or say?)
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Really, it's rather like a vibration sculpture on a much larger and more intricate scale, isn't it?"
Shadows: "It's a Noblic Google?"
Random_Nerd: The other Dionyl nod.
Carrie: (It's never been required that you say the question.)
Physics: (which means KudZu iz ReadInG yoUr MinD!!!)

  • Carrie grins, amused. "Something like that."

Random_Nerd: (The information is already there, it's just that you happen to pay attention to the stuff relevant to what you're wondering about.)
Shadows: "Vibration sculpture?" *thinks: ~"Sounds dirty."~*
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock, to Carrie: "Do you know if your Imperator has ever been to Dionyl? We have things a little like this there."
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "Really, we /are/ things a little like that."

  • Carrie replies to Blue Shock. "I don't know. He's only talked about his past a few times, and never mentioned Dionyl."

Random_Nerd: Blue Shock turns to look at Triad for a moment.'
Random_Nerd: Triad: "So your Imperator doesn't constantly talk about old War stories and myths featuring himself? Count yourself lucky."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: *sighs in a Oh No He Didn't Just Say That way*

  • Carrie laughs lightly. "I am sure we all have our points of good and bad luck."

Physics: (Can you tell me about Physics' Imperator?)
Random_Nerd: (One moment while I check something, and then I can.)
Carrie: (If it's all right, I'd like to arrive at the Library fairly soon.)
Physics: (and while we're at it, what's happening with Dante's storyline? :)
Carrie: (I figure we're likely not quite caught up yet.)
Random_Nerd: (We're currently about midway through the other PCs' conversation with the Pretty Fly For A Red Guy individual.)

  • Shadows keeps quiet on any stories Barakiel (sp) may have told.

Random_Nerd: (Physics' Imperator is an Angel, unfallen, named Arkhas.)
Random_Nerd: (He's rather distant, and doesn't interact much with his Nobles.)
Physics: (ah, so he wouldn't have talked about Kudzu... or anything else?)
Random_Nerd: (He's one of the older angels, dating from before the creation of Time.)
Random_Nerd: (Correct. He's never mentioned Kudzu, which is hardly out of character.)
Random_Nerd: (He's a bit distrustful of Wildlords in general, though.)
Physics: "I suppose we're lucky... our Imperator barely speaks to us."
Shadows: (Hmm...and he wouldn;t have talked, probably about Barakiel either.)
Random_Nerd: (Mostly due to their unknown origins and that they came from outside of Creation.)
Random_Nerd: (Fallen Angels are one of those things you Don't Talk About, in Heaven.)
Shadows: (The fact that Sanity is a Crutch is one of the battlecries might also be a reason for not trusting...)
Physics: (an ugly subject, I guess.
Random_Nerd: (It'd be like casually bringing up the topic of the nephew who got himself thrown in jail for killing schoolgirls.)
Physics: (afk for a minute...)
Shadows: (Ah, so it's more like what the neighbors talk about when your back is turned.)
Random_Nerd: (Barakiel wouldn't be /quite/ as taboo as some, because his fall was separate from the Big One, but the whole Watchers episode isn't mentioned much.)
Random_Nerd: (Angels who lived through it might talk about it with each other, but not with their Nobles.)
Shadows: (*snide angel voice* "I hear he even _copulated_ with one!" *gasps from others*)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "Who is your Imperator? I don't think I quite caught that."
Random_Nerd: (That, to Physics?)
Carrie: (Are you asking yourself who Martyrs was talking to?)
Random_Nerd: (Err, saying that that was to Physics.)
Random_Nerd: (Not sure why I used the question mark.)
Carrie: (Ah. I'm sure Knock will reply when he gets back from afk.)
Random_Nerd: (*nod*)
Carrie: (In the meantime, how's about we arrive at the Library?)
Random_Nerd: (Works for me.)
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "That's... that's interesting. Do you mind if I try something? It won't change anything other than what's perceived."
Carrie: "If none of our guests has any objection, I do not object."
Random_Nerd: Nobody says anything, and some of the human ones with discernable faces look interested.
Carrie: "Go ahead, please."
Random_Nerd: Suddenly, all the air in the Library looks like a constantly moving three-dimensional mandlebrot set, as viewed through a dose of something hallucinagenic.
Shadows: "Trippy."
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint, sounding a little stoned: "That's... that's beautiful. That's really something."
Physics: (bak)

  • Carrie looks at the vision, intrigued.

Random_Nerd: All four Dionyl seem to be swaying on their... well, where their feet would be, if they had them. Except Triad, who has invisible feet.
Physics: "Arkhas."
Shadows: (We don't need to charge to see the Treasures, we can just get people to watch this...)

  • Shadows looks curiously at the Dionyl.

Physics: "Interesting. What is it?"
Random_Nerd: Library: "The Angel Arkhas is one of the oldest angels, and involved in some of the earliest aspects of the Work of Heaven. He is the Imperator of Physics, Matter, and Aesthetic Discernment."
Physics: (I wish my brother George was here...)
Random_Nerd: Samuel, quietly, to Carrie: "I don't feel quite well. Do you mind if I take a walk outside?"
Carrie: "Not at all, Samuel. If, at the conclusion of your walk, you could make preparations to receive our guests again at the Grove, I would appreciate it."

  • Carrie is curious whether the shifting mosaic of conceptual tint appears to change distinctly while the Library's message about Arkhas is distinct from the rest.

Random_Nerd: Blue Shock seems to coil in on himself for a moment, and then is surrounded by a sphere a few meters across of yellowness.
Random_Nerd: CT and Triad have the body language of stoners.
Random_Nerd: Samuel nods to Carrie, and then goes out of the Library.
Shadows: (Munchies still back at the tent...)

  • Carrie turns to Blue Shock. "Are you well?"
  • Physics debates snapping them out of it...

Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "I am, now. It's just that... well, you know how Dionyl work, physically speaking, right?"
Random_Nerd: (You'd have to penetrate their Auctoritas to do so.)
Carrie: (slightly flustered) "I'm afraid I don't. I've gathered the Library works on somewhat similar principles?"

  • Carrie glances worriedly at the other two Dionyl.

Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "Well, we're constructs of vibration, motion, and intertia. And we feed on similar things. And this is.. I'm not sure what the biological analogue would be. Like a fish swimming around in a lake full of weird chemicals?"
Physics: (Not if I just do a ghost-tweak that kills the wind speed outside the library)
Random_Nerd: BS: "It's not physically harmful, but it is... unsettling."

  • Carrie shudders slightly.

Random_Nerd: (Ah. You could do that, yes. But it would have significant effects on the dynamic systems working here.)
Shadows: " guys are getting high on all of this and it might not just be hallucinatory but meta-crack?"
Physics: (just a ghost, and just for a moment)
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock: "I'm not. I'm able to keep this away, by projecting a constant area of yellow tones. But it seems to be affecting my siblings, not that they seem to mind. I don't even know why it's working on Triad, given the whole perverted body thing."
Physics: "The what?"

  • Carrie twitches slightly. "Indeed."

Random_Nerd: BS: "I mean, I mean no offense to people with bodies. It's just that putting one on just for a trip is very... insulting? Condescending?"
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and Physics, you can tell that the air around Blue Shock is vibrating at about a Middle D Natural.)
Physics: (Ooh, I think I saw that on MST3K... :)
Random_Nerd: (...)
Random_Nerd: (You made me remember Mister B Natural. I hate you now.)
Physics: ( :) )

  • Carrie speaks to Helen Winters through the Anchor bond. "If I might, I'm going to need to use my powers with your assistance again. Hopefully it will snap these two out of their trance. I would hate for them to be hurt."

Shadows: "'s like the loud Hawaiian shirt of Reality?"
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock, to Shadows: "I have no idea what in Creation you mean."
Physics: to CT: "Are you two all right, or do we need to stage an intervention?"
Random_Nerd: (Oh, and to explain Blue Shock's perspective on Triad's body, he looks at it the way we'd look at someone who was going on a vacation to somewhere in Africa, so they went in blackface.)
Shadows: "Well" *looks slightly embarassed* "There's this place on Earth called Hawaii and they sell these shirts that are the brightest, loudest, most nausiating color combinations imaginable...and tourists buy and wear them because they think that's what Hawaiians wear. But Hawaiians really just wear normal stuff, like the tourists when they are at home."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Do you have any of those shirts here?"
Random_Nerd: (CT is ignoring Physics.)
Physics: "Indeed... I once 'amplified' the EM radiation being emitted from a Hawaiian shirt and burned a hole through steel."
Carrie: (Somehow, that this Physics did that does not suprise me.)

  • Shadows looks at Carrie, implied look of "Do you have Hawaiian shirts here?"

Physics: "Steel was pissed, I tell you what..."

  • Carrie starts. "Oh, shirts. I'm sure we could find some if you were interested... (Lesser Realm Div of Hawaiian Shirts!)

Shadows: (*laugh*)
Random_Nerd: (There are a few such shirts in Kaerkoven. Most are private property, but some are in clothing stores and such.)
Physics: (Go for ridiculously garish, maybe they'll accept it as a contest prize. :)
Shadows: (Or Helen could bring one with her.)
Carrie: (again to CT) "Might I ask how long this display is going to last? It's quite beautiful, but it might get distracting if it stayed here."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Oh, sure."
Random_Nerd: The lightshow ends.
Carrie: (She's already here.)

  • Carrie breathes a sigh of relief.

Random_Nerd: But it doesn't seem to have too much effect on the disposition of those two Dionyl.
Carrie: (to her mom, via Anchor-bond) "Never mind."
Shadows: ("The Triad abides...")
Random_Nerd: (Yes! Let's do a remake of The Big Lebowski, with an all-Dionyl cast!)
Random_Nerd: (Not sure what the analogue of the toe would be, though.)
Carrie: (By the way, I had been going to do an LCh of Conceptual Tint, via Realm, to make the conceptual tint have no effect on the mental processes of the Dionyl. Would that have done anything?)
Random_Nerd: (It's not the miracle of Tint that's doing it. It's the vibrations of the library.)
Random_Nerd: (Being a Dionyl in there is like having that freaky lightshow take place inside your body and brain.)
Physics: (You'd run into Auctoritas anyway, wouldn't you?)
Carrie: (Ah. I was fooled by the yellow light protecting Blue Shock.)
Random_Nerd: (The yellow light was just the vibration he created being made visible by the Tint that CT put up.)
Shadows: (Dibs on the rerun of the Pink Floyd concert...)
Carrie: (And no, Knock. I wouldn't be changing the Nobles, I'd be changing the effect of the light on them.)
Random_Nerd: (The Library is a place of really complicated air flow and sound.)

  • Physics can admire the place without the lightshow, thankyouverymuch.

Physics: "
Random_Nerd: (What he really did was set up an anti-blue soundwave in the air around him, to block out some of the rest of it.)
Physics: "This place is ... amazing.
Carrie: "Does anyone wish to inquire of the Library some more, or shall we head to our next destination?"
Physics: "I'm tempted to make something like it for home, though I have no idea what I;d put in it.
Random_Nerd: Consequences, speaking up for once: "That seems best, I think."
Random_Nerd: CT, to Triad: "We have to get one of these for home."
Random_Nerd: Triad nods.
Physics: "Not as impressive when it just repeats your grocery list..."

  • Carrie leads the group toward the Grove, keeping a special eye on the two unshielded Dionyl.

Shadows: (Ehh, couldn't think of a question.)

  • Shadows slouches along toward the Grove.
  • Physics lags a bit...

Random_Nerd: Samuel waves his right-scarf-agglomeration at the group from the Grove.
Carrie: (I'm inclined to cut here and go back to Dante, unless people have an idea for what's next.)
Random_Nerd: Night looks up at the group and walks back over to the tables in a somewhat abrupt way.
Random_Nerd: (That works for me. Anyone object?)
Physics: (We're all headed for the Grove anyway, right?)
Carrie: (Were you heading for the Grove? I hadn't realized.)
Carrie: (Thought you were sticking with Message-guy.)
Shadows: (I think that once we took care of the Red Guy, we would have been heading back. Might give Lesson a heads-up, though.)
Physics: (Last time we left our heroes, we'd just 'taken care of' Message, but couldn't do much else.)
Carrie: (Well, in that case, is it permissible to say that Dante's group and Carrie's group get to the Grove at the same time?)
Shadows: (Sounds good to me, given Carrie's Timing.)
Random_Nerd: (Works for me.)
Physics: (OK...)

  • Carrie will send her mom off to get a Hawaiian shirt or two. Parents are good for errands.

Random_Nerd: (Okay, so your actual PCs arrive, now. Red Guy wandered off. And you guys had Lesson somewhere out of sight, right?)
Physics: (Shall we go back to our usual roles?)
Physics: (We definitely have Lesson NOWHERE NEAR the party...)

      • Physics is now known as DanteE.

Shadows: (Then we need to bug one of the Realm people to get on the horn.  :) )

      • You are now known as Theresa.
  • DanteE arrives, looking oddly winded...
  • Theresa pats her hair back into place.

Theresa: (And _there's_ an odd conjunction. <g>)
DanteE: (Quick question: did we fight an Ex or a Shard?)
Random_Nerd: (Brian will be jealous.)
Random_Nerd: (A shard.)
Random_Nerd: (If it'd been a full Excrucian, that would have gone rather differently.)
DanteE: (I remember you did the whole starry-eyes thing, made me wonder...)
Random_Nerd: (Fighting a full Excrucian is like fighting an Imperator.)
Theresa: (So why did this one go fizzle when the last one didn't?)
Random_Nerd: (Three of you versus an Excrucian would be likely to end badly unless you had a lot of a plan.)
Theresa: (Retracting my question.)
DanteE: (She knew how to Join with the Force? :)
Random_Nerd: (Well, having weird things happen to their bodies when they die is partly a Strategist thing. Many of them go ACIDIC BOOM OF DEATH when they die.)
DanteE: (Ha, that means picking up the spear was the right thing to do! :)
Random_Nerd: (We'll see.)
Random_Nerd: (Laz, you still there?)
Theresa: (No, Knock, I am not looking to see if he's doing the GM Hand-tilt-thing of doom...)
Carrie: (Do you guys feel like breaking here, actually? I hate to deny you your own characters to play, but I'm getting fairly tired and it also seems like a natural dividing line.)
Theresa: (I'd be okay.)
Random_Nerd: (It does seem like a good moment, yeah.)
DanteE: (Guess so...)
Carrie: (I'm just paranoid that if we keep going it'll last another hour.)
Random_Nerd: (It probably will, yeah.)
Random_Nerd: __________________________STOP____________________
Random_Nerd: Okay, thoughts on the game?

      • Carrie is now known as Etheric.

DanteE: comments from the Peanut Gallery?
Theresa: Interesting stuff with the Dionyl. I like what you're doing with them.

      • You are now known as BethE.

Etheric: Was surprisingly easy herding cats, I mean Nobles. You could have made that much more difficult on Carrie, and you didn't, for which I'm grateful.
BethE: And I like how Carrie handled everyone. I'm sure Shadows was thinking of some things to do/ask, but thought that Eclipses would smack him.
DanteE: Oddsod what did you think?
BethE: He's probably asleep. <G>
BethE: I liked Blue Shock a lot. He reminds me of someone but I'm not sure who.
DanteE: (and I wonder if you could use the 'Does anyone play' thread to recruit a new James. Maybe third gargoyle's the charm...)
Random_Nerd: I'm going to see about it. Ideally, I'd like to go with someone who's already seen us play, and knows the style of the game.
BethE: (At this point James might just be chunky salsa on Kudzu's tortilla chips.)
Random_Nerd: Bah. I still maintain that he's Guarding The Horses.
Etheric: We could have whoever's a candidate watch for a few sessions before taking over.
BethE: Oh, reminds me, I have another chapter ready to post in the Actual Play thread. And I tried to post the next to last session again, Knock, and it wouldn't let me.
DanteE: Gotta be vigilant against metaphysical horse thieves...
BethE: (Post the last session to the wiki, I mean.)
Random_Nerd: Anyone have any complaints about this session's GMing?
DanteE: Beth: did you try renaming it? Maybe you're colliding with another page...
DanteE: ...unless there's a limit as to the number of links you can have on a page.

      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.

Knockwood: oh... reminds me: we missed the Golden Session (#50)
BethE: *blink* Maybe it's the limit of links.
BethE: Yep, that was last week's session.  :) I thought I had mentioned it.
Knockwood: You may need to cut it up by chapter
Etheric: Constructive criticism: A few times, some comments that needed a reply got lost, like Carrie's mental communication with Helen Winters.
BethE: I tried renaming it but still fails. I'll try breaking up the page a bit.
Knockwood: laz, you awake?
Etheric: I am still impressed, though, at how smoothly you seem to be able to do a conversation with many participants.
BethE: Hmm...a question...did the other Dionyl think less of Sam for leaving?
Knockwood: BTW, I got a little distracted... right in the middle I got a call from my ex-stepdad with a computer problem.
Knockwood: gomenasai.
Etheric: I'm guessing they didn't think much about Sam tyo begin with. He is only an Aide. <.<
Random_Nerd: Hmm. Blue Shock didn't, and would have done the same thing himself if he couldn't think of a miracle.
Random_Nerd: The others have hardly even noticed him.
Knockwood: Beth: it's a protocol thing. He should have demanded everyone's car keys before they went in there. :)
Random_Nerd: Even Blue Shock only really does when another Noble calls his attention to him.
BethE: Hmm, I guess I'm thinking of seeing Sam as being like seeing a familiar 'face' in a land of strangers.
BethE: I guess it's actually the other way around, given the blessing Sam asked for.
Random_Nerd: More or less, yeah.
Knockwood: "I don't care if you're a 3-piece business suit back home, you are NOT driving while stoned. Gimme the keys." :)
Random_Nerd: Also, for him, it's nice having some familiar Estates around for a bit.
Random_Nerd: Anything you guys particularly liked about the GMing?
Etheric: It occurs to me that we've been playing this for about a year and a half now.
BethE: Yeppers. And we haven't killed any of the PCs yet!
Knockwood: and we've simlated, what, a whole month? :)
Random_Nerd: Hmm. More or less, yeah. It's lasted longer than my previous Nobilis game, which fell apart due to scheduling around the twentyfifth session.
BethE: I liked the personality on Blue Shock. Don't know why. And Physics was fun, Knock.  :)
Etheric: As I said earlier, the conversation seems well done, and I continue to be in awe regarding your ability to do dialogue between a whole bunch of different people.
Knockwood: thank ya Beth. Luckily I took some classes. :)
Random_Nerd: Well, this time, it was mostly NPCs talking with (temporary)PCs, with only a few NPC to NPC conversations.
Random_Nerd: That makes it easier.
BethE: I'm glad that there are some Hawaiian shirts in the Chancel. RN and I talked a little about them here and decided that such colors are not found in plant dyes. <G>
Etheric: *nods* Just comenting that it seemed to go very smmoothly this time.
Random_Nerd: And most of these characters have fairly simple personalities, which makes it easier to know how they'd react.
Knockwood: you're lucky they're found on Earth.
Random_Nerd: I'd flesh them more out if they became recurring characters, but for now, keeping them simple makes it easier.

  • Etheric nods.

Random_Nerd: And you've probably noticed that I keep the established characters with more involved personalities, like William and Samuel, in the background.
Random_Nerd: So mostly, I just get by by using various cheats like these.
Knockwood: Tiny glitch though: I asked for a desc of Physics and never got it.
Random_Nerd: Consequences, too. He hasn't said much.
Random_Nerd: Oh? I guess I missed that. What kind of description?
Knockwood: same thing you gave Beth about Shadows
Random_Nerd: Ah, okay, sorry. Want one now?
Knockwood: plus, possibly, what he thinks of the party so far
Knockwood: well, too late NOW... :)
BethE: Well, I couldn't remember Shadow's physical description anyhow.
Random_Nerd: He's one of the one's who's enjoying himself more than average.
Random_Nerd: Well, Shadows' hardly had a physical description.
Random_Nerd: Remember, their Imperator has Unfathomable.
BethE: (I would think so.  :) He got the best reaction out of everyone when he came in.)
BethE: True.
Knockwood: as compared to ours, who has Incomprehensible. :)
Random_Nerd: And Bastard.
Etheric: No, we opted out of taking Cruel...
Random_Nerd: But sometimes I think that all Imperators have at least a side order of Bastard.
Random_Nerd: Well, sure, he's no worse than the next Imperator.
Etheric: Ah. Well, that makes sense.
Knockwood: and we toasted Demanding
BethE: If the next Imperator is Entropy...
Knockwood: Beth, any luck with the Wiki?
Random_Nerd: Really, following almost any of the Codes to a high degree leads to being something of a jerk.
Random_Nerd: Even the "good" ones.
Random_Nerd: I think Serpents and some of the Divine ones are the only ones that don't lead to bastardry.
Knockwood: not that there are really "good" ones...
Random_Nerd: Hence the scare quotes.
BethE: Not yet, one moment.
Knockwood: anyone else kinda wonder what RSB would do with, say, supers? Or space opera?
Random_Nerd: Nobilis arguably /is/ a Borgstromian take on supers.
Random_Nerd: Space opera could be interesting.
Knockwood: closer to 'classic', I mean
Random_Nerd: Does anyone have any complaints about this session?
Random_Nerd: Other than what's already been said, I mean.
Knockwood: It was good.