Trinity:Memento Loricatus

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Momento Loricatus, also known as the Sandshrew

Commonly known as the sandshrew, the species of memento known as memento loricatus is a cross between the desert mouse and the armadillo. While lacking in agility and mobility, it has been bred for strength beyond its diminutive size, as well as a hardy constitution. Its mature form, the memento falx (more commonly known as the sandslash), is well-known for its powerful claws and fierce territorial nature.

Base Stats

Sandshrew (Memento Loricatus)
Tiny Magical Beast (Earth)
HD: 1d10+1 (11 hp)
Init: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+2 size, +2 natural armor, -1 dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-6
Attack: Claw +4 (1d6+1)
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft/0 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Air Vulnerability, Electricity Immunity
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 8, Per 10
Skills: Tumble +3
Feats: Improved Natural Armor

Egg Group(s): Class I (Ground)

Level Progression

The Sandshrew
HD: d10

Level	BAB		Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1	+1		+2	+2	+0	Sand-attack
2	+2		+3	+3	+0	+2 Str, Sand Veil
3	+3		+3	+3	+1	+3 Natural Armor, Defense Curl
4	+4		+4	+4	+1	Claws (1d8), Swift
5	+5		+4	+4	+1	+4 Con, Dig
6	+6/+1		+5	+5	+2	+2 Str, +5 Natural Armor, Fury Swipes
7	+7/+2		+5	+5	+2	Evolution (Sandslash)
8	+8/+3		+6	+6	+2	Claws (1d10), Sand Tomb
9	+9/+4		+6	+6	+3	+7 Natural Armor, Endure
10	+10/+5		+7	+7	+3	+2 Str, +4 Con, Slash
11	+11/+6/+1	+7	+7	+3	
12	+12/+7/+2	+8	+8	+4	+9 Natural Armor, Claws (2d6), Gyro Ball
13	+13/+8/+3	+8	+8	+4	
14	+14/+9/+4	+9	+9	+4	+2 Str, Sandstorm
15	+15/+10/+5	+9	+9	+5	+11 Natural Armor, +4 Con
16	+16/+11/+6/+1	+10	+10	+5	Claws (2d8), Iron Tail
17	+17/+12/+7/+2	+10	+10	+5	
18	+18/+13/+8/+3	+11	+11	+6	+2 Str, +13 Natural Armor, Double Team
19	+19/+14/+9/+4	+11	+11	+6	
20	+20/+15/+10/+5	+12	+12	+6	Claws (2d10), Earthquake, +4 Con

Sand-attack (Technique)

The sandshrew kicks up sand, dirt, or other loose material at an adjacent opponent. The creature must make a Reflex save, or get a -4 circumstance penalty on all attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.

Sand Veil (Technique)

While the sandshrew has concealment due to inclement weather, such as a duststorm or hail, it gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Defense Curl (Technique)

The sandshrew may take a full-round action to get a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round/level.

Swift (Technique)

The sandshrew automatically hits a creature within its reach, dealing 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels.


The sandshrew gains a Burrow speed of 30 feet.

Fury Swipes (Technique)

When the sandshrew attacks, it may opt to make an additional attack at its highest attack bonus. If it does so, all of its attacks suffer a -2 penalty.


At 7th level, the sandshrew has become sufficiently mature, and begins to exhibit the traits of its adult form, the memento falx, more commonly known as the sandslash. The sandshrew may begin taking levels in the sandslash race prestige class.
In addition, the sandshrew grows to Small size.

Sand Tomb (Technique)

The sandshrew causes a minor fault in the ground to partially entomb an opponent within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) range. The creature may make a Reflex save to avoid the effect.

Endure (Technique)

The sandshrew toughens itself to damage, gaining 1d4/level temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last 1 round/level.

Slash (Technique)

If the sandshrew attacks with a single natural weapon, that natural weapon gains the Keen weapon ability for that attack.

Gyro Ball (Technique)

The sandshrew generates a field of magnetic force, which is flung at a target within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) range; this requires a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target takes 2d6 points of damage for each 5 feet of movement it took since its last action.

Sandstorm (Technique)

The sandshrew causes a sandstorm to form. The sandstorm is a 30-foot radius cylinder, centered on the sandshrew.

Iron Tail (Technique)

The sandshrew slaps violently at an opponent within reach with its tail; this is a touch attack. If the attack hits, the target takes 2d8 points of damage; in addition, the creature must make a Fortitude save, or suffer a -2 penalty to its AC for 1d4 rounds.

Double Team (Technique)

The sandshrew focuses its energy on evasive maneuvers. The sandshrew gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round/level.

Earthquake (Technique)

As per the spell.

Sandslash (Memento Falx) Progression

Memento Falx, also known as the Sandslash
The Sandslash
HD: d10

Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special
1	+1	+2	+2	+0	+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, Claws (1d10), Sand Tomb
2	+2	+3	+3	+0	+8 Natural Armor
3	+3	+3	+3	+1	+2 Str, Endure
4	+4	+4	+4	+1	
5	+5	+4	+4	+1	+2 Str, +2 Con, Claws (2d6), +11 Natural Armor
6	+6	+5	+5	+2	Slash
7	+7	+5	+5	+2	+2 Str, Gyro Ball
8	+8	+6	+6	+2	+14 Natural Armor, Crush Claw
9	+9	+6	+6	+3	+2 Str, Claws (2d8), Sandstorm
10	+10	+7	+7	+3	+2 Con, Rapid Spin
11	+11	+7	+7	+3	+2 Str, +17 Natural Armor
12	+12	+8	+8	+4	
13	+13	+8	+8	+4	+2 Str, Claws (2d10), Earthquake

Sand Tomb (Technique)

The sandslash causes a minor fault in the ground to partially entomb an opponent within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) range. The creature may make a Reflex save to avoid the effect.

Endure (Technique)

The sandslash toughens itself to damage, gaining 1d4/level temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last 1 round/level.

Slash (Technique)

If the sandslash attacks with a single natural weapon, that natural weapon gains the Keen weapon ability for that attack.

Gyro Ball (Technique)

The sandslash generates a field of magnetic force, which is flung at a target within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) range; this requires a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target takes 2d6 points of damage for each 5 feet of movement it took since its last action.

Crush Claw (Technique)

The sandslash brings its claw down heavily on a creature nearby; this is a touch attack. If the attack hits, the target takes damage equivalent to the damage dealt by the sandslash's claw; in addition, the creature must make a Fortitude save, or suffer a -2 penalty to its AC for 1d4 rounds.

Sandstorm (Technique)

The sandslash causes a sandstorm to form. The sandstorm is a 30-foot radius cylinder, centered on the sandslash.

Rapid Spin (Technique)

As a full-round action, the sandslash may make a single melee attack against all creatures within reach. This ability otherwise functions as the Whirlwind feat.

Earthquake (Technique)

As per the spell.