TangeNomic III/Archived proposals
Archived proposals[edit]
This page is intended to be a record of all proposals and whether they passed or failed.
Archive as of 12th August 2007[edit]
Proposal 301 - Passed
The gamestate shall be changed to include the fact that TangeNomic III is now at war with all other, lesser, TangeNomics.
Proposal 302 - Passed
The following actions take place in the order in which they are described:
Rule 106 becomes Mutable. The reference to "Rule 106" in Rule 106 shall be changed to "Rule 105". Rule 106 becomes Immutable. This rule is repealed.
Proposal 303 - Failed
Proposal for the minimisation of dickery. If a player identifies a line of action with game effects but negative social aspects, they may instead outline the actions they could take, and the speaker shall update the ruleset and gamestate as if these actions had been taken place.
Proposal 304 - Failed
Oceania is, and has always been, at war with Eastasia. This information shall be part of the gamestate. If at any time, Oceania ceases to be at war with Eastasia, bubbles wins the game
Proposal 305 - Passed
Each player loses one point when proposing a rule. Each player gains five points if a rule proposed by that player passes. If a player's score falls below ten points, that player's score is set to ten points.
Proposal 306 - Passed
Any article which a player or other entity may possess (including, but not limited to, points, titles or possessions) shall be recorded and shall be a part of the gamestate.
Proposal 307 - Passed
Upon joining the game, new players become ducks and gain one egg. Players may become ducks or cease to be ducks at any time by announcing their intention to do so in the thread. Only ducks may gain eggs, but players who cease to be ducks keep their eggs. At the time that this rule is enacted, all players become ducks and gain one egg.
Proposal 308 - Passed
Whether any player is a duck, and the number of eggs that a player has are part of the gamestate.
Proposal 309 - Failed
Anything described by the rules is part of the game state, unless it is specifically designated as not being part of the game state.
Proposal 310 - Passed
Rule 306 shall be repealed.
Proposal 311 - Passed
If a player posts the bolded statement "Egg, Hatch!" in the game thread, and that player has at least 10 points and 1 egg, the player loses 10 points and 1 egg. The player also gains possession of a Small Duck.
Proposal 312 - Passed
The previous proposal is changed so that "and that player has at least 10 points" reads "and that player has at least 20 points"
Proposal 314.0 - Failed
A new rule shall be created to read as follows "If a player posts the bolded statement "Egg, Hatch!" in the game thread, and that player has at least 20 points and 1 egg, the player loses 10 points and 1 egg. The player also gains possession of a Small Duck. Bubbles 18:00, 11 August 2007 (PDT) If this rule is enacted:
- This rule shall supercede Proposal 311 and 312, and any rule enacted as a result of Proposal 311 and 312
- This text (delimited with Bubbles 18:00, 11 August 2007 (PDT)) shall be removed
Bubbles 18:00, 11 August 2007 (PDT)"
Proposal 317 - Passed
All players receive one egg, save bubbles, who receives two.
Proposal 324 - Passed
If a numerical value is a part of the game state, and that value refers to any item, entity, title, effect or other aspect of the game, that value will refer only to those aspects which exist within the game state
Proposal 325 - Passed
New Rule to Define Items. Items are possessions of a player awarded by rules or successful proposals. The possession of an item by a player is part of the gamestate. The quantity of each type of item possessed by a player is part of the gamestate. Items are not transferable between players unless explicitly stated as such in the rules. Items are not transferable between type unless explicitly stated so in the rules. Unless otherwise stated, when a new item is introduced all players have zero instances of that item.
Proposal 328 - Passed
If any item or other aspect of the game is traded between players or any other entities, details of the trade must be posted to the game thread.
Proposal 329 - Passed
Absent players are not eligible to vote.
Proposal 332 - Passed
Whether a proposal has passed or failed, as recorded in the game thread, shall be a part of the game state. If this rule is enacted, it shall apply retroactively
Proposal 332.5 - Passed
Rule 206 shall read: "Every Player gets one vote. Every Player is eligible to vote on any proposal. Only Players are eligible to vote. The total number of eligible votes available for a proposal, and which players are eligible to vote on a proposal, are calculated at the time the numbered Proposal is posted by the Speaker. The total number of eligible votes is a part of the gamestate. Which players are eligible to vote is a part of the gamestate."
Proposal 333 - Passed
Rule 207 shall read: "Proposals must be in Quote tags, with "Proposal" listed as the author. This will make it easier to identify proposals. Once the Proposal has been numbered by the Speaker, votes must be cast in the form "I vote [in favor of/against] Proposition #XXX". All votes cast in this manner become part of the gamestate." Proposal 316 - Passed
The number of small ducks and omelettes a player posesses is part of the gamestate.
Proposal 318 - Failed
If a player at any time receives a Spanish Omelette, that player receives 75 points and this rule is repealed.
Proposal 319 - Passed
If a quantity is introduced as a part of the gamestate but no value is assigned to that quantity, it shall have a value of zero assigned to it.
Proposal 320 - Failed
The number of Spanish Omelets a Player has is a game state. At the time this rule is passed, every player will have zero Spanish Omelets.
Proposal 321 - Passed
If an element of the game is added as part of the gamestate within a rule, and there is no way to determine the value of that element, the element has a value of zero or none, or no in each case where it is undefined. If none of these values makes sense for the element, that element is not a part of the gamestate for any case of that element, including those where it is defined, until such a time as a starting condition can be determined.
Proposal 322 - Failed
Any time a change would occur to the game state, that change must originate from within the game state otherwise the change does not occur.
Proposal 323 - Passed
Any item, entity, title, effect or other aspect of the game state must originate within the game state itself. If a mechanism does not exist within the game state for the creation of said aspect, it is not created within the game state
Proposal 327 - Failed
No rule may refer to anything that is not part of the game state. If any rule with a lower ordinal number than this rule refers to any such thing, that thing shall be considered a part of the game state. This rule does not apply to the process of joining or leaving the game.
Proposal 330 - Failed
all rules lawyering about gamestate needs to be done outside of this game thread. The Speaker shall post the Cliff's notes in his recap post or create a twin thread for rules discussions.
Proposal 336 - Passed
Players may announce that he/she is a ninja or a pirate to become said entity. Players may not be both, but are not required to become either.
Proposal 338 - Failed
A pirate who votes no on a proposal that passes receives one piece of eight item. A ninja that votes yes on a proposal that fails receives one hippopotamus item.
Proposal 314 Passed
Eggs may be transfered between players providing both players consent.
Proposal 315 Passed
If a player posts the bolded statement "Frying Tonight!" in the game thread, and that player has at least 2 eggs, the player loses 2 eggs. The player also gains possession of an omelette .