Mano a Mano:Movement

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Revision as of 12:52, 13 August 2007 by (talk) (Movement)
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Movement is how fast the character can move in meters per round. One meter per round is 0.5 meters per second, 30 meters per minute, 1.8 kilometers per hour or a little over one mile per hour. Characters can move more than once during their turn (before and after performing actions) but the total distance may not exceed their movement. Movement is based on the character's speed minus the character's current encumbrance: (speed - encumbrance) or Spd-Enc.

A character's stride is one plus their running ability modifier minus their lame disability modifier. Stride determines your movement on the ground. If a character's stride is greater than zero, their movement is their stride multiplied by (speed - encumbrance). If the character's stride is 0, their movement is 1. If the character's stride is less than 0, their movement is 0.
In water, movement = (speed - encumbrance) multiplied by swimming ability modifier. In this situation, characters have a -4 to their combat rolls. For every level of swimming ability up to level 4, characters get a +1 to combat rolls when swimming. After level 4 they still only have +4 to swimming combat rolls. When characters fight while swimming, striking (non-grappling) attacks do half as much stun as they do in air, but no more or less damage.
In the air, movement = (speed - encumbrance) multiplied by flying ability modifier. Only a character whose template has the flight ability can have the flight ability, even at level 0. Flight level 0 means a character can barely fly horizontally at the same speed they were going when they took off. (See Game Design/Abilities.)
While climbing, movement = (speed - encumbrance) multiplied by the longest reach of the character's hands or 0.5 m whichever is longer. (See Game Design/Templates/Natural Weapons.)