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Rain-That-Falls-Like-Hammers (Smoke Stalkers' Totem)
Rank: 2
Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 3, Resistance 2
Corpus: 8
Willpower: 4
Essence: 15
Size: 6
Speed: 13
Initiative: 6
Defense: 4
Influences: Rain 2
Numina: Blast, Deluge, Material Vision
Pack Bonuses:
Deluge (story)
Essence Pool 6 (pack, per story)
Sense Weakness (story)
Survival 1 (pack)
Ban Severity: 1
All pack members must spend at least one hour outdoors unprotected during any period of rain (or the full duration of the rainfall, if less than one hour). Time spent outdoors performing other activities does not count towards this total. Additionally, no member of the pack may ever own or use any form of raingear (slickers, gumboots, umbrellas, etc.)
Rain-That-Falls-Like-Hammers appears as a localized downpour out of thin air, with no visible clouds. The rain itself is cold and grey, and the drops are large and fast-moving, perhaps slightly moreso than is physically possible. In the Hisil, the spirit often leaves pulverized surfaces in its wake if it remains in one spot for too long. It has never been known to manifest any sort of human features, and its voice is the muted thunder of rain pounding on hard surfaces.
Rain-That-Falls-Like-Hammers is an elemental spirit of water, but a rather blunt and brutal one as such beings go. It has nothing akin to compassion within it, and only its common cause with the Smoke Stalkers as their pack totem makes it see them as anything other than horizontal surfaces to smash. Rain-That-Falls-Like-Hammers is a moderately powerful spirit, but its strength waxes and wanes with the turn of the seasons like that of many water elementals, and it is not very forthcoming about how much power it truly wields. Even Marten/Ashpaw is unsure whether the totem gives its all to the pack or how much it might be holding back.
Rain-That-Falls-Like-Hammers is most attentive to the pack during rainy weather, when its preferred form of Essence is in abundance. At other times, it occasionally wanders off on its own. It despises the resonance of the pack's claimed locus and will only draw Essence from there if necessary. The Smoke Stalkers have learned that offering Essence of the appropriate resonance to their totem is uually a good idea before asking too much of it in terms of service. As a result, they've begun discussing the possibility of expanding their territory to include a more appropriate locus, if they can find one.
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