Locus Aster Logs 8-19-07

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      • Opened channel log for #Locus-Aster at 8/19/2007 7:40:24 PM

[19:40] *** Michael-HG has joined #Locus-Aster

[19:40] *** Mode change [+nt] on #Locus-Aster by

[19:50] *** Liang_Yi has joined #Locus-Aster

[19:50] *** SophiaAnieri has joined #Locus-Aster

[19:50] *** SophiaAnieri has left #Locus-Aster

[19:50] [Michael-HG] Greetings Liang_Yi

[19:50] *** AdamG has joined #Locus-Aster

[19:51] <AdamG> Sorry, another roleplaying character I had open on

another server. I meant to open a new server window to come here,

but I did it kinda clumsily.

[19:51] <Liang_Yi> Hello

[19:51] *** Phantasm has joined #Locus-Aster

[19:51] <AdamG> I need to figure a name for my character...

[19:52] <Liang_Yi> Names are good.

[19:52] [Michael-HG] You need to get me the character sheet too :P

[19:52] *** Phantasm is now known as Nobody-74C150

[19:52] [Michael-HG] Hello Sir, Nobody.

[19:53] <Nobody-74C150> I'm not notbody

[19:53] <Nobody-74C150> O.o

[19:53] <AdamG> I had a concept for you. I'm waiting to stat her out until I hear what the others' stats will be, as that helps me decide what'd be helpful...

[19:54] <Nobody-74C150> i'm pawndisc

[19:55] <AdamG> Ah, good to meet you. You've had a lot of good

posts to the list.

[19:55] <Nobody-74C150> thanks :D

[19:57] <Liang_Yi> I worked on my sheet and the wiki until way to

early this morning. I think I went to bed when you went to work

[19:57] <AdamG> We have a wiki already?

[19:57] <AdamG> No one tells me these things. ^^;

[19:58] <Nobody-74C150> Yeah wikitastic

[19:58] <AdamG> URL?

[19:59] [Michael-HG] Sorry guys, I was in my own world of formatting information.

[19:59] <AdamG> It's not a problem.

[19:59] [Michael-HG]

[20:00] [Michael-HG] I havent had a chance to get anything up.

But that is the main page for this campaign which will have some

info about it, links to your character info and other formated

goodness as things move along.

[20:00] <AdamG> Ah, so just a root page for now. Well, thanks for setting that up; it'll be helpful later.

[20:02] * AdamG thinks.

[20:02] <Liang_Yi> There's _something_ there, but not much. Unless I count as much

[20:02] <AdamG> Do you have a character page up, then?

[20:03] <Nobody-74C150> what's there i didn't seeany links

[20:03] <Liang_Yi> I don't have much else of a reason for staying away until noon. It was on the wrong page, I just move it

[20:03] <Liang_Yi> away=up

[20:05] [Michael-HG] Alright, let me tell you what I have so far. The imperator of Tropes, Chaos, and other things was killed when an Excurcian broke through the chancel defenses and found the Imperators heart.

[20:05] <AdamG> Power of Gender? Interesting.

[20:05] [Michael-HG] The Imperator of Metempophasis, Vanity. And Gender rescused the powers of Chaos and Tropes and thus absorbed their estates as his own. This absorption was pretty rough though so some powers may have died.

[20:06] [Michael-HG] Thus can characters be new to the world of Nobilis, or they could have existed for some time before our game starts.

[20:06] <Nobody-74C150> mmm Metemphorphasis, Vanity and Gender go together well.

[20:06] [Michael-HG] I thought so.

[20:08] <AdamG> Well, my idea for the Power of Metamorphosis was that the Imperator decided a woman who'd transformed herself from a man by the usual surgical procedures was the best expression of the Estate. So Gender also being an Estate of the same Ymera just makes it more appropriate.

[20:09] <AdamG> She follows the Wild, of course, believing that everyone must express their own truth and social rules be damned.

[20:10] * Liang_Yi pouts, "I just ate someone's heart in a filthy alley."

[20:11] * Liang_Yi smiles.

[20:11] [Michael-HG] Different codes will be fine. Aster is the

flower of variety afterall. More then likely the Imererator will

be Wild so that the characters will be free to follow their own


[20:12] <AdamG> My idea for her appearance, post-Commencement, was

a humanoid woman with butterfly wings, but I'm a little uncertain

because I'm not sure I have the points for Aspect 2 and having an

inhuman appearance without the abiity to Guise easily might be


[20:13] [Michael-HG] So you want her to have been a chancel


[20:13] <AdamG> No, not a Chancel resident originally. She was

changed by Commencement.

[20:14] [Michael-HG] OH, haha. I had my post and pre mixed up for

some odd reason.

[20:14] <AdamG> Ah, okay.

[20:14] <Nobody-74C150> I thought you guised automagically?

[20:15] <AdamG> It's an Aspect 2 Miracle and never automatic.

[20:15] <AdamG> Unless of course you have a Gift to do it


[20:15] [Michael-HG] That is possible.

[20:15] <AdamG> Which would be... *counts* 1 CP.

[20:16] <Nobody-74C150> yay for flawed

[20:16] <Nobody-74C150> *has a weird version of guising*

[20:18] [Michael-HG] Pawn, your Revenant right?

[20:18] <Nobody-74C150> yes

[20:18] <AdamG> I might switch a point from Realm to Spirit if we

don't need quite as many Chancel Points, but... Right now I'm

thinking Aspect 2, Domain 4, Realm 2, Spirit 0.

[20:19] <AdamG> And a one-point gift, either Shapeshifting or


[20:20] [Michael-HG] I think Pawn was hopeing to have the higest


[20:20] <Liang_Yi> Aspect 1, Domain 3, Realm 1, Spirit 2 -

Immutable, Glorious, and a CP left over for later experience.

[20:21] <Nobody-74C150> I like having a high domain.

[20:21] <AdamG> I think that leaves two left over.

[20:21] * AdamG counts again.

[20:21] <Liang_Yi> You do what you can with 25 points :)

[20:22] <Nobody-74C150> 25 points so small

[20:22] <AdamG> It can do a lot, though.

[20:22] [Michael-HG] So, AdamG, if you want to take your domain

down a notch then Pawn has 5 to cover.

[20:22] <Liang_Yi> You can do average, or you can do good and

pathetic. :)

[20:22] <Nobody-74C150> lol

[20:22] [Michael-HG] And with Liang at 3, I'm really thinking an

invasion of Aster would be a bad idea.

[20:22] <AdamG> It hardly matters if his domain is higher or not.

Different Estates do different things.

[20:23] [Michael-HG] I'm sorry, I ment realm.

[20:23] [Michael-HG] Disreguard all that.

[20:23] <AdamG> Oh, all right.

[20:23] <AdamG> Gotcha.

[20:24] * Michael-HG shoots himself in the head and comically has

gun powder all over his face.

[20:24] <Nobody-74C150> aaaah, realm, the domain of everything in

the chancel

[20:24] <AdamG> Personally, I find Realm 2 rather useful due to

the ability to contact ones Familia from afar, without relying on

Anchors as messengers.

[20:26] <AdamG> I'm currently debating what to drop to take Spirit

1 so that can I have some sort of Auctoritas and two anchors.

[20:26] [Michael-HG] Did someone say they had their charcter on-

line for the wiki?

[20:26] <AdamG> Liang.

[20:26] [Michael-HG] Oh I see.

[20:27] <Liang_Yi> The wiki links to the character, the wiki is

full of my ramblings

[20:27] *** CirclMastr has joined #Locus-Aster

[20:27] <CirclMastr> Hey all

[20:28] <AdamG> Greetings.

[20:28] <Liang_Yi> Konichiwa

[20:28] [Michael-HG] Greetings, CircleMastr.

[20:28] <CirclMastr> What'd I miss? I just got the email.

[20:28] [Michael-HG] Would you like a log of what we have discused

so far?

[20:28] <CirclMastr> Please.

[20:29] * CirclMastr objects to everything you've already decided


[20:29] <Liang_Yi> But.. we decided you were in the game... why

would you do that?

[20:29] <Liang_Yi> Seems, counterproductive.

[20:30] <CirclMastr> I am inscrutable that way.

[20:30] [Michael-HG] Well, looks like we have to start all over.

[20:30] [Michael-HG] :/

[20:30] [Michael-HG] Let me send an e-mail to the list.

[20:30] [Michael-HG] haha

[20:31] [Michael-HG] AdamG, did the file go through?

[20:31] <CirclMastr> Doesn't seem like much was discussed anyway.

[20:31] [Michael-HG] No, wrong tab.

[20:32] [Michael-HG] We knew you were going to object to everything so we kept it down :P

[20:32] <CirclMastr> Heh

[20:33] [Michael-HG] Does anyone mind spectators, one at least,

during sessions?

[20:33] <AdamG> I don't mind.

[20:33] <Liang_Yi> ibid.

[20:33] [Michael-HG] 'ibid'?

[20:34] <AdamG> Means "the same," I'm pretty sure. Though no clue

what the original Latin means.

[20:34] <AdamG> Also, it's thundering where I am, so if I get

disconnected, likely my Net or power went out.

[20:35] <Nobody-74C150> can I harass said spectator for being a


[20:35] <Nobody-74C150> >>

[20:35] <Nobody-74C150> *j/k*

[20:35] <Liang_Yi> ibidem, the same place.

[20:35] <CirclMastr> Okay, read the log.

[20:35] <CirclMastr> I don't mind a spectator.

[20:35] <CirclMastr> Though I'll qualify that by saying upfront

that I'm a newbie so I shouldn't be judged harshly. >_>

[20:35] <Liang_Yi> I agreed with Adam as a footnote citation.

[20:36] <Liang_Yi> because ditto has been taken over by


[20:36] <AdamG> Anyway, I have a name, I think. Andrea Pamela

Morgan, Domina of Metamorphosis. She chose the name "Andrea"

herself, and "Pamela" is based on her birth name.

[20:37] <AdamG> Oh, and hm, I think I have an idea for her first

Anchor, too.

[20:38] <CirclMastr> My as-yet-unnamed Power of Tropes has Aspect

0, Domain 2, Realm 5, Spirit 0, and Immortal for a Gift.

[20:38] <AdamG> Can an Anchor be a former member of the Cammora?

(I'm pretty sure they'd kick him out after he was anchored.)

[20:38] <AdamG> That's 27 points, CirclMastr.

[20:39] <CirclMastr> He also has a Focus.

[20:39] <CirclMastr> (The two points of Domain are invested in it)

[20:39] <AdamG> Foci don't give character points.

[20:39] [Michael-HG] We might have a slot open for another player

since I havent heard from one since he said he wanted to play. So

I'm going to invite said spectator in to see if he likes us.

[20:39] <CirclMastr> ?

[20:39] <AdamG> Foci give extra miracle points, not character


[20:39] <Nobody-74C150> nothing gives additional character points

[20:39] <CirclMastr> Well, that's a kick in the pants.

[20:40] [Michael-HG] Yes, something does give extra charater


[20:40] <Liang_Yi> That would be okay with me

[20:40] <AdamG> Well, playing does.

[20:40] <AdamG> I don't know of anything else -- might be wrong.

[20:40] <Liang_Yi> Killing people with my mind does.

[20:41] *** Phil_N_DeBlanc has joined #Locus-Aster

[20:41] <Liang_Yi> Howdy ho Ranger Joe

[20:42] [Michael-HG] No, you guys are right.

[20:42] * Phil_N_DeBlanc waves. "Just here to watch. Shutting up


[20:42] [Michael-HG] I was misreading this for ever.

[20:42] [Michael-HG] Wheres that gun now...

[20:42] [Michael-HG] Hiya, Kenya-Man.

[20:42] <CirclMastr> Well then, disregard whatever I said.

[20:43] [Michael-HG] Focus only gives MP. Still not a bad deal


[20:43] <Liang_Yi> One of the reasons 25 points can be...

problematic :)

[20:45] [Michael-HG] Former members of the Cammora probably -can-

be anchors, but why would they want to be? The Cammora have a lot

of power as it is. Also, didnt Entropy say not to mess around

with them?

[20:45] *** AdamG has quit IRC [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]

[20:46] *** AdamG has joined #Locus-Aster

[20:46] [Michael-HG] WB

[20:46] <AdamG> Sorry about that, power flickered.

[20:46] <AdamG> Anyway, I think I have a name... Did that get out

before I disconnected?

[20:47] <Liang_Yi> Unless he was former before being anchored.

[20:47] <AdamG> Hm, the Entropy thing is a decent point. I was

thinking the anchoring was rather unwanted.

[20:48] <AdamG> That does kind of violate the Code of the Wild,

but then, she hated her father quite a lot...

[20:48] [Michael-HG] I dont know how I would feel about it myself.

Even if former he would have contacts with the Commora, and the 

whole idea of dealing with them is that the cost is very high.

[20:48] <AdamG> However, might be best to make him not a Cammoran.

Even if less interesting, that saves trouble.

[20:49] * CirclMastr has no idea what to look for in making an


[20:49] <AdamG> If you prefer it that's what I'll do. I was just

wondering if it might make things more interesting and easier to

hang story hooks on.

[20:51] <AdamG> So, let's see, trying to remember what I said

befrore I dced... Andrea Pamela Morgan was her name after

transition. I'm thinking she might change it to Andrea Pamela

Aster after Commencement. She doesn't like her mortal family much

at all, since they basically disowned her.

[20:51] [Michael-HG] CirclMastr, Anchors can be anyone. Usually

you want someone with some form of skills. Someone that is not

well known, and someone that you either love or hate.

[20:51] [Michael-HG] And someone that, in some degree, has

something to do with your estate.

[20:51] <Nobody-74C150> Aren't the Cammora Entropy's Anchors?

[20:52] [Michael-HG] Cammora are a society of people that figured

out the truth.

[20:52] <AdamG> No, they aren't. They're tools, but there are far

too many of them for even Entropy to anchor.

[20:52] [Michael-HG] And entropy decided to protect them.

[20:52] <AdamG> That's one way to put it. <.<

[20:53] <Liang_Yi> Entropy avoids them.

[20:53] <Liang_Yi> He can't touch them or they will become


[20:53] <Liang_Yi> They are on the verge of uselessness as is,

just from his proximity.

[20:53] [Michael-HG] Exactly. His influence is still there

however, and thus are they very curroupt.

[20:53] <AdamG> True... They're tools for a specific task

(enforcing the Code Fidelitatis).

[20:54] <Liang_Yi> I have a web/media/information anchor, a

religous right/doctor/political anchor, and a does ugly nasty

dirty work anchor

[20:54] <Michael-HG> The Commora do their own thing. They owe

loyalty to no one.

[20:55] <CircdMastr> Now i'm leaning toward Aspect 0, Domain 2/3, Realm 5, Spirit 0/1, with Durant as a Gift.

[20:55] * CirclMastr goes to get book

[20:56] <AdamG> Hmm, well my thought was that her father was a

younger son of the Morgan banking family, still rather wealthy, if

not stratospherically so. And he wanted HIS son to be his heir,

but ended up disowning that son when said son told him she was

really a woman and bent on becoming one on the outside too.

[20:56] <Liang_Yi> hehe, you said bent

[20:56] <Liang_Yi> :)

[20:56] [Michael-HG] Mmm..bending...

[20:56] <AdamG> Um, not intended in that way.

[20:57] <AdamG> As in, bent on a particular goal. Very


[20:57] <CirclMastr> All I could think of were Bender quotes.

[20:57] [Michael-HG] haha, we know :P

[20:57] [Michael-HG] Adam, that sounds like an interesting anchor.

[20:57] <Liang_Yi> Bent - Opposite of Straight.. I think it fits


[20:57] <AdamG> Yeah, no worries about Windflower Law violations


[20:58] <CirclMastr> I think the Windflower Law is going to be

trampled into the ground by this group.

[20:58] [Michael-HG] It is by every group :P

[20:58] <AdamG> CirclMasteR: You could also consider Eternal, if

you want to partially simulate the Immortal Gift.

[20:59] <AdamG> Oh, of course it will be. But not in this

specific instance.

[20:59] <Nobody-74C150> Hey I like the windflower law.

[20:59] [Michael-HG] The wildflower law has nothing to do with

sex, though.

[20:59] <AdamG> Of course not.

[20:59] <Liang_Yi> The windflower law likes you too.

[21:00] <CirclMastr> I'm more worried about dying instantly from

attack than living forever.

[21:00] <AdamG> Fair enough.

[21:00] <CirclMastr> With Aspect 0, I'm fragile.

[21:00] [Michael-HG] Yes, windflower. I said that >.>

[21:00] <Nobody-74C150> I have eternal

[21:00] <Liang_Yi> You know, if enough people want a 1 point gift,

we should really design our Imperator. hint, hint.

[21:01] <Liang_Yi> Awww... Liang breaky breaky little power?

[21:01] [Michael-HG] AdamG, with aspect 0 stay in the chancel and

use your anchor in your stead :P

[21:01] <AdamG> I considered Immutable, but I decided it's more in

the vein of Metamorphosis to be fully affected by aging and the


[21:01] <AdamG> And Andrea has Aspect 2, it was CirclMaster who ws

considering no Aspect.

[21:02] <AdamG> Hm, thinking.

[21:02] [Michael-HG] Sorry. Circlemastr, that was for you:

'with aspect 0 stay in the chancel and use your anchor in your

stead :P'

[21:02] <AdamG> I'll take Aspect 2, Domain 3, Realm 2, Spirit 1.

And raise Domain when I have the points.

[21:02] [Michael-HG] I am so not used to IRC anymore...

[21:03] <AdamG> I like the flavor of Duchess, but increasingly

Andrea feels like a Marchessa to me.

[21:03] <Liang_Yi> Okay, I know I'm Gender, and Adam is

Metamorphosis... so what else we got?

[21:03] <CirclMastr> I'm Tropes.

[21:03] <AdamG> Protecting existing changes rather than creating

them outright.

[21:04] <AdamG> Vanity and Chaos, I believe. Not sure which of

them is absent tonight.

[21:04] <Liang_Yi> Me neither, that's why I'm asking

[21:05] [Michael-HG] Chaos and Vanity

[21:05] [Michael-HG] Vanity might be out if I dont hear from him.

[21:05] <AdamG> Hm, can the previous Metamorphosis have been

killed in the Rescue attempt? Andrea "feels" like a new Noble to


[21:05] [Michael-HG] AdamG, yes.

[21:06] <Liang_Yi> Okay, sooo... Nobody is Chaos... yes?

[21:06] <AdamG> brb

[21:06] [Michael-HG] Liang, yeppers.

[21:06] <Liang_Yi> Danke

[21:07] <Nobody-74C150> Yes, my name changed on me cand I can't

change it back.

[21:07] [Michael-HG] Adam, or more then likely, the previous

Metamorphosis was not compatible with the new Ymera and either

died, or was killed by him? It's up to you though.

[21:07] <Liang_Yi> weird /nick won't work?

[21:07] [Michael-HG] Nobody, did you do a /nick?

[21:08] <AdamG> I thought you said Metamorphosis was one of the

original three of Locus Aster?

[21:08] <AdamG> That's fine with me, though, if that's preferable.

[21:09] [Michael-HG] Yes, but with the new Estates the Imperator

is not quite the same being he was before.

[21:09] <AdamG> Ah, okay. Interesting.

[21:10] <CirclMastr> What are we looking at for an Imperator?

[21:10] <AdamG> I still like the idea of her predecessor having

died in the Valde Bellum, but that works too.

[21:10] [Michael-HG] She could have died protecting the chancel.

[21:11] <AdamG> Not sure. I'd personally be okay with just about

anything. Prefer something other than a Lightlord or Darklord,


[21:11] [Michael-HG] Valde Bellum are fought by Imperators, and

only rarely do nobles deal with excursians themselves.

[21:11] <AdamG> A Rescue attempt is part of the Valde Bellum.

[21:11] <AdamG> So is foiling a Flower Rite.

[21:12] [Michael-HG] Well it doesnt really to me, really. It's

your character :P [21:12] *** Nobody-74C150 is now known as Revenant

[21:12] <Revenant> There we go

[21:12] [Michael-HG] Yay! ^_^

[21:12] <AdamG> I'd been thinking (s)he had orders to protect

Chaos, Tropes, or one of their Familia, and was killed in the

process by the Enemy.

[21:12] <CirclMastr> Defend me!

[21:12] <CirclMastr> I'm Aspect 0 and fragile!

[21:13] * Liang_Yi sticks Circle in a box.

[21:13] [Michael-HG] Heres some tape.

[21:13] <AdamG> Is it tape blessed by the Power of Waterfowl?

[21:13] * Liang_Yi mails him to the Locust Court where everything

is safe and happy all the time.

[21:14] [Michael-HG] The power of Mail doesnt like heavy boxes...

[21:14] <AdamG> Hm, so, any other thoughts on the Imperator?

[21:14] <Liang_Yi> I thought he was a power of the Wild

[21:14] [Michael-HG] More then likely the imperator will be Wild,

but it'll be up to you all since he will be your creation, largly.

[21:15] <AdamG> I'm torn -- Part of me wants a Wildlord, part

wants an Angel, doesn't matter which faction, and part wants an

Aaron's Serpent.

[21:15] [Michael-HG] Aarons serpents are yummy.

[21:15] <Liang_Yi> Metamorphosis and Gender would fit an Angel.

[21:16] <Liang_Yi> everchanging combinations and all that rot

[21:16] <Liang_Yi> blah blah beauty blah blah

[21:16] <AdamG> If Vanity ends up being part of the equation

(which is uncertain at this point), that might imply one of the


[21:16] [Michael-HG] I only mention wild because some Nobles in

the Aster Familia will be Angel, Fallen, wild, and what not. You

dont have to be the same thing as your Imperator though.

[21:16] <Liang_Yi> It's unlikely that they will agree on an

Imperator that follows the same code I do, so I'm cool with


[21:17] <CirclMastr> I don't even know what code Tropes fits.

[21:17] [Michael-HG] I'll play whatever imperator you make.

[21:17] <AdamG> I actually wouldn't mind a Fallen Angel -- that

might be interesting if somewhat difficult.

[21:17] <Revenant> Aaron's serpent!

[21:17] <AdamG> Serpent is fine with me.

[21:17] <AdamG> What Code does Chaos follow? Wild?

[21:17] <Revenant> Dark

[21:17] <AdamG> Ah, interesting.

[21:18] <Liang_Yi> Philosophical, literary, musical, or

linguaistic tropes?

[21:18] <AdamG> Hm, that could fit Heaven, if I'm following where

you're going with this, Liang.

[21:18] <CirclMastr> Literary and other media. TV, movies, etc.

[21:19] <AdamG> Probably not Wild.

[21:19] <AdamG> You can make up your own Code too, if none of the

default five or six fit.

[21:19] <Liang_Yi> Tropes would be a Power of Words, it was

probably originally Angelic. Though since it was entrusted to

Adam, it could have falled to Light or Dark, or Hell... who knows

[21:20] <CirclMastr> I'm thinking Hell/Dark at the moment, as the

(over)use of tropes marks the death of creativity.

[21:20] <Liang_Yi> But each new power can carry it off in a new

direction and reinterpret it

[21:21] <Liang_Yi> hahah, Puns is a power of hell. Should have


[21:21] <CirclMastr> Puns are the lowest form of comedy.

[21:21] <CirclMastr> Really, worse than Chuck Norris jokes.

[21:22] <Liang_Yi> Liang follows the Code of the Fallen Angels.

[21:22] <CirclMastr> I don't know what that means.

[21:22] <Liang_Yi> She serves Hell

[21:23] *** Andrea has joined #Locus-Aster

[21:23] <CirclMastr> Okay.

[21:23] <Andrea> Sorry, another power flicker.

[21:23] <Andrea> Going by my character's name makes more sensee


[21:23] *** CirclMastr is now known as UnnamedPowerofTro

[21:23] <UnnamedPowerofTro> Damn, doesn't fit

[21:23] *** UnnamedPowerofTro is now known as CirclMastr

[21:24] <Andrea> Try just "Tropes?"

[21:24] <Andrea> If you care to, I mean...

[21:24] * Andrea shrugs.

[21:24] *** AdamG has quit IRC [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]

[21:24] *** CirclMastr is now known as PowerofTropes

[21:24] <Liang_Yi> Billy Bob Tropes

[21:24] <PowerofTropes> No.

[21:24] <Andrea> Anyway, as I was saying, Tropes doesn't need to

follow the same Code as his first Imperator, let alone the second.

[21:25] <Andrea> If he's a new Power, he might not even know what

kind the original Imperator of Tropes was.

[21:26] <Andrea> So, any progress on the Imperator frot while I

was dced?

[21:27] <PowerofTropes> None whatsoever.

[21:27] <Andrea> Hm.

[21:28] <Andrea> Well, How's this for a suggestion: Which of the

seven types of Imperators would people *not* want us to run? That

should hopefully narrow the field somewhat.

[21:28] <PowerofTropes> Well, I understand Aaron's Serpents the

least, so can I vote against that?

[21:28] <Andrea> Sure.

[21:28] <Revenant> Aaron's serpents are giant freaking

dragonsankes ^.^

[21:29] [Michael-HG] Still need a character sheet for Metamorph

and Tropes. Do you guys need anymore help getting your thoughts

situated about that?

[21:29] <Andrea> Personally, I'll vote against a Lightlord. I've

played enough Powers in service to Magisters of the Light.

[21:29] <Andrea> HG: I posted Andrea's stats earlier. Is there

anything else you need?

[21:30] [Michael-HG] Just e-mail them to me with your flower


[21:31] <Andrea> Okay. Not sure of the design yet, so I'll get

the book out and work on it while we discuss Imperator business


[21:31] <Andrea> Liang, Rev, are there any types of Ymera you

particularly wouldn't want?

[21:32] <Liang_Yi> My Votes would be a Greek True God (Tropes

being a greek concepts, and Vanity, Metamorphosis and Gender

having definable Greek demi-gods in mythology - Narcissus,

Hermaphrodite, etc), an Angel, or a Wildlord.

[21:32] <Andrea> Interesting.

[21:33] <Liang_Yi> Though obviously a True God means we saddly the

HG with crating a Code

[21:33] <Liang_Yi> saddle

[21:34] <Andrea> We could always think of the Code ourselves.

[21:34] <Andrea> HG needs to approve, of course.  :)

[21:34] <Liang_Yi> and of course for that matter Xaos is a Greek

god too

[21:35] <Andrea> Well, my thinking is, a Greek god wouldn't have

to be a True God in terms of Nobilis, it could be a guise worn by

an Angel or Wildlord or even a Noble.

[21:35] <Andrea> Though True God certainly works.

[21:36] <Liang_Yi> true enough

[21:36] [Michael-HG] A true god sounds intereting. It might lend

weight as why he'd be powerful enough , and perhaps compelled, to

rescue the estates he could.

[21:37] <Andrea> Hm, sort of a common theme... What do people

think of basing our Imperator on Aphrodite? That wouldn't have to

be the name she goes by in this time period, just a name that one

of her aspects took in time gone by.

[21:37] <Andrea> Aphordite -- born from the ocean waves, which are

often symbols of the primal chaos.

[21:38] <Andrea> Also depicted as child of Eros who was shaper of

the primal chaos.

[21:38] <Andrea> Based on my hazy recollection of Greek myth.

[21:39] <PowerofTropes> Heh

[21:39] <Andrea> And I hope the connection to Tropes is self-


[21:39] <PowerofTropes> (I'm not sure how tropes relate to acient

Greeks, no.)

[21:39] <Andrea> Or, wait, it was Uranus that was Aphrodite's

father, not Eros. I need to work on my memory.  :-/

[21:39] <PowerofTropes> *ancient

[21:40] <Revenant> Wild Lord as a greek god would fit really well

[21:40] <Liang_Yi> I ca go with that. Considering how, pardon the

pun, mercurial, all our Estates are.

[21:40] <Andrea> Okay... Wildlord? Everyone good with that?

[21:41] <Andrea> Is the name going to be Aster or is that just the

name of the Chancel?

[21:41] <PowerofTropes> Sure.

[21:42] [Michael-HG] Thats the name of the Campaign. The flower

Aster, representing Variety. If you you wish to keep it as the

name of the chancel or the imperator thats fine. If not, that is

also fine.

[21:42] <Andrea> Ah, okay. Makes sense, thanks.

[21:42] <Liang_Yi> Aphrodite was embodied in the brightest star in

heaven, the morning and evening star we call by her Roman name of


[21:43] <PowerofTropes> As the one with Realm 5, I unofficially

rename the Chancel to Mission Control. ;)

[21:43] <Liang_Yi> ASter is greek from Astron, meaning Star

[21:43] <Revenant> *lighst Tropes on fire*

[21:44] [Michael-HG] Dont set him on fire, please. He'll summon a

whole bunch of guys with guns...

[21:44] <PowerofTropes> Guns. Lots of guns.

[21:44] [Michael-HG] Can anyone think of a good name for the

Imperator before he absorbed the new estates?

[21:44] <Liang_Yi> Ooh, men with big phallic symbols in their

hands.. you don't want to know what I can do with armies.

[21:44] <PowerofTropes> I can't even think of a name for my own


[21:44] [Michael-HG] haha

[21:45] <Andrea> At that time the Imperator was just Vanity,

Gender, Metamorphosis, correct?

[21:45] [Michael-HG] Yes.

[21:45] <PowerofTropes> Hermaphrodite? :P

[21:46] <Andrea> I was actually thinking the same thing... Or, at

least, Hermes-Aphrodite. <.<

[21:46] [Michael-HG] If Vanitys player remains out of contact then

something happened during the absorbsion and somene else got


[21:46] <Andrea> Ah, that works.

[21:46] [Michael-HG] Maybe the imperator of beauty took the

oppertunity to steal it.

[21:48] <Andrea> I guess Imperators can have their Estates stolen

during a Rescue, then?

[21:48] [Michael-HG] Yeah sure. Why not.

[21:48] <Andrea> Neat idea.

[21:49] [Michael-HG] She just ate Vanity or something.

[21:49] [Michael-HG] Mmm, tasty...

[21:49] <PowerofTropes> Mmm, Estates. Tasty...

[21:49] [Michael-HG] I'll take my Estate extra crispy please.

[21:50] <PowerofTropes> Estates. They're everywhere. Can't stand


[21:50] <Andrea> So, hmm. One way to flesh out our Imperator

would be to look at the Imperator Properties, pick which ones we

want, and build a personality and mythos around that...

[21:52] <PowerofTropes> What page are they on?

[21:52] <Andrea> 144

[21:55] <Liang_Yi> Yum, vanity.

[21:59] <PowerofTropes> Nothing's really leaping out at me, yet.

And on to part two -- Locus Aster Logs 8-19-07 pt2