3.5 Mantis Families

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Mantis Families[edit]

The Moshi
Family daimyo: Moshi Amika
Starting Honor: 3
Favored class: Shugenja
Class Skill: Spellcraft
Starting Outfits (Choose one):
1. Two 2nd-level divine scrolls (Fire and Air spells only)
2. One 2nd level divine scroll and six 1st-level divine scrolls (Fire and Air spells only)
The Tsuruchi
Family daimyo: Tsuruchi Nobumoto
Starting Honor: 2
Favored Class: Fighter
Class Skill: Craft (fletchery)
Starting Outfits (Choose one):
1. Masterwork longbow
2. Longbow, ashigaru armor, ten masterwork arrows
The Yoritomo
Family daimyo: Yoritomo Naizen
Starting Honor: 2
Favored Class: Fighter
Class Skill: Profession (sailor)
Starting Outfits (Choose one):
1. Masterwork peasant weapon (club, kama, nunchaku, parangu, siangham or tonfa), ashigaru armor
2. May purchase a kobune (keelboat) for 1,000 gp, but must do so before reaching 4th level.