Bromar, Dwarf Huskarl
Bromar is his common name, and Kolmothr is his clan name. His title is, "Farkral Belmalk, Orm Brond Draugadrottin, Thermamarr vi Huskarl"
The meaning of these names:
Bromar - flint axe
Kolmothr - black wrath
Farkral Belmalk - of the stronghold of the first village
Orm Brond Draugadrottin - finder of the secret of the Lord of Ghosts
Thermamarr vi Huskarl - honored greatly to be a free man in service of the Dor (a huksarl is a free dwarf bound to no one, but willingly pledged in service to the Dor)
Kolmothr Clan
Bromar grew up in Kolheim, stronghold of the Kolmothr clan. It was a very small stronghold that served as the origin point for many other strongholds, thanks in part to the survival rate of those who served in the stronghold, and to the economical prosperity of the clan. Most of the Kolmothr clan is from one of the satellite cities, but those who are from Kolheim bear the honor of being called "Farkral Belmalk."
In recent years the satellite cities of the Kolmothr clan have fragmented or been destroyed. Another clan, the Gurfeldt, formed out of some remaining cities to the southeast that were forced to band together after being cut off from the rest of the clan. The Gurfeldt still speak the Kolmothr dialect.
The Kolmothr got their name from the flaking black stone found long ago under their stronghold. This stone, called the "Black Wrath" for its ability to burn under its own indignant rage, was seen as a sign that the mountains themselves have born the burden of being under the Shadow for far too long. The kolmothr mines deep under Kolheim have been spent for centuries, but the clan has secured other sources of the mineral from nearby locations and continues to develop its extensive mining tunnels far under the Kaladruns to secure the material. The term for the flammable stone is colloquially referred to as "kol" by most.