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Echo PL 11 (165PP)

Init +2; 30ft (Run); Defense 19/19 (6 Base, 2 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +6; +6 Melee, +8 Ranged, +10 Mental (10 Paralysis); SV Dmg +4, Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18 (Total 58PP)

Skills: Diplomacy 3/+7, Disguise 3/+7, Driving 1/+3, Mechanical 1/+9, Disable Device 1/+9, Move Silently 1/+3, SC: Aeronautics 1/+9, SC: Nuclear Engineering 1/+9, Computer 1/+9, KS: Cryptography 1/+9 (Total 14PP)

Feats: Dodge, Photographic Memory, Detect: Living Minds (Total 6PP)


Combat Sense +3 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 1 / Total 3PP) Super Intelligence +4 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 2 / Total 8PP) Mental Sedation (Paralysis) +10 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Subtle, Mental, Sustained, Telepathy [Subtle]; Stunt: Mental Blast) (Cost 7 / Total 70+2PP) Running +2 (Source: Training) (Cost 2 / Total 4PP)