Garash Merkel
Garash Merkel Drgbld Clr 3/Ftr 1 True Neutral Humanoid (Human Dragonblood) Deity: Drakash
Str: 15 +2 Dex: 10 +0 Con: 14 +2 Int: 10 +0 Wis: 14 +2 Cha: 14 +2
HP: 34 AC: 17/17/10
BAB: +3 Melee: +5 Ranged: +3
Fort: +7 Ref: +1 Will: +5
Skills (2x7= 14) Concenration 2 +2 +0 +4 Diplomacy 2 +2 +0 +4 Know (arcana) 2 +0 +0 +2 Know (religon) 4 +0 +0 +4 Ride 4 +0 +0 +4
Feats: War Martial Weapons Prof and Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) Lvl1 Dragon tail (Races of the Dragon p.98) Lvl2 Power Attack Lvl4 Sacred Healing (PHB II p.89) Ftr Exotic Weapon Prof (Bastard Sword)
Special Abilities: +2 dodge AC vs dragons Immunity to Frightful Presence Heart (su) (2d8 breath weapon, 20ft line, Ref DC 14, 1/1d4 rounds) Turn Energy 5/day (Lasts 3 mins or until it has absorbed 15pts of chosen energy dmg) Spontaneous Casting: Cure Destruction Domain (Smite attack 1/day, +4 on Atk and Dmg)
Languages Common Drakari (Home language, stems from draconic) Draconic
Spells Lvl 0 (5/day) Mending, Light, Read Magic, 2xResistance Lvl 1 (2+1+1/day) Bless, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Inflic Light Wounds (dom) Lvl 2 (1+1+1/day) Aid, Bull's Strength, Spiritual Weapon (dom)
Item Price Mwk Dragonfang Bastard Sword 635 (Draconomicon 117) Breastplate 350 Heavy steel shield 20 Dragon Spirit Cincture 2000 (Magic Item Compendium 95) Magic Bedroll 500 (Magic Item Compendium 163) Inquisitor's Bracers 1500 (Magic Item Compendium 113) 4 Flasks Holy Water 100 Everburning Torch 110 Holy symbol (silver) 25 4 scrolls CLW 100 1 Scroll Bless 25 Good clothes 10 GP 25
Total 5375