Dezzero Lashe
CG Male Human Swashbuckler 2/ Marshal 2
Planet Origin: Baalsus
Str: 10 +0
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 10 +0
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 8 -1
Cha: 16 +3
Fort: 5 +5
Ref: 0 +4
Will: 2 -1
BAB: +3
HP: ?
AC: 17, FF 14, Tch 13
XP: 6000/10000
Init: +3
Speed: 30'
+1 Rapier Att: +7; Dam: 1d6+1; Crit: 18-20/x2
Throwing Axe (x2) Att: +6; Dam: 1d6; Crit: x2
Dagger Att: +6; Dam: 1d4; Crit: 19-20/x2
Mithral Shirt
Balance 3 +8
Bluff 5 +8
Climb 4 +4
Diplomacy 7 +17
Know: Wildspace 7 +9
Profession: Sailor 7 +7
Sense Motive 5 +5
Spot 3 +3
Swim 1 +1
Tumble 7 +10
Weapon Finesse
Skill Focus: Dipomacy
Weapon Focus: Rapier
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
1 extra skill point/level
Grace +1
Marshal Auras
Minor: Master of Tactics (+1 damage for flanking allies)
Major: Motivate Attack (+1 attack for allies)
Rapier +1
Mithral Shirt
Throwing Axes (x2)
Rations (x7)
Everburning Torch
Belt Pouch (x2)
Wine Flask (w/ wine)
Potion (x3): Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+2)
Potion (x3): Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1)
794 gp
Age: 25
Ht: 6'0"
Wt: 140 lbs.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Tall and lean, Dezzero always draws the eye. He wears bright red and blue clothes over his armor, and his lips are curled in a permanent semi-grin. He is light on his feet, and poised to move at a moment's notice.
Dezzero Lashe was born in a brothel on Blackweed Isle, the main center of civilization in the Potpos Archipelago on (what he was eventually to learn) was the steamy planet of Baalsus. Childhood? Non-existent and not worthy of remembering, thank you very much. But the sea was there, always, and Dezzero welcomed her. He's worked at various times as a slave rower on a Kushu elven longboat, a deckhand on board the Red Warlock's mighty merchant vessel the Pain, and as First Mate under his recently deceased captain and lover Marcela, skipper of the Truncheon.
A life of trade along the jungle coasts of the Kushull Empire, brothel-hopping in the humid streets of Fingertown, and leading daring raids deep into the Interior, machetes green with thrashed vegetation and pantuso blood.
Even so, it came as a bit of surprise after a few years as Mate on the Truncheon, when the whole ship suddenly took off into the air and left Baalsus behind. Marcela explained her former life as a star sailor, much to Dezzero's utter bewilderment. She had received a message from one Anaximander of the Company of the Emerald Heron. She was needed.
Dezzero disembarked in Hallows, absolutely stupefied. He quickly accepted an invitation to don the Heron, its motives and operation familiar enough to the seasoned adventurer. He quickly found himself leading landing squads on distant planets, and warmed to this mind-bogglingly exotic life. A year in, though, things soured. Marcela was found in a back alley of The Fallen, throat slit. No one knew anything. Steady drinking on the part of Dezzero commenced.