Maeryn Thistlewind
Maeryn Thistlewind
Elf, Female Chaotic Good
- STR 18(24) +7
- DEX 20(26) +8
- CON 10(16) +3
- INT 10
- WIS 14 +2
- CHR 14 +2
Sorcerer (Battle Variant) 8/Arcane Archer 9
- HP: 187
- AC: 24 (16FF, 18T)
- FORT: +11
- REFL: +16
- WILL: +11
- BAB: +15
- Ranged: +23
- Melee: +22
- Composite Longbow +31/+31/+26/+21 1d8+13 +1d6 Fire +1d6 Lightning +2d6 Holy [Evil Only]/x3
- Composite Longbow (Rapid Shot) +29/+29/+29/+24/+19 1d8+13 +1d6 Fire +1d6 Lightning +2d6 Holy [Evil Only]/x3
- Composite Longbow (Manyshot) +26/+26/+26 1d8+14 +1d6 Fire +1d6 Lightning +2d6 Holy [Evil Only]/x3 (includes Point Blank Shot)
- Rapier +27/+22/+17 1d6+12/18-20
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow, Rapid Shot Manyshot, Improved Precise Shot
Skills: Concentration (CON, +11), Craft: Bowmaking (INT, +14), Spot (WIS, +22), Listen (WIS, +17)
- Spells Known: 0(7), 1(4), 2(2), 3(1), 4(1)
- Spells per Day: 0(5), 1(6), 2(6), 3(4), 4(2)
- 0: Flare, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, Mending, Detect Magic
- 1: Shield, Magic Missile, True Strike, Obscuring Mist
- 2: Glitterdust, Blur
- 3: Daylight
- 4: Wall of Fire
Special Abilities:
- Enhance Arrow: All arrows fired are +5 magic.
- Imbue Arrow: As standard action cast area spell and fire arrow, using bow range for spell in place of regular range.
- Seeker Arrow: 1/day fire arrow at known target, even around corners, ignores concealment and cover.
- Phase Arrow: 1/day fire arrow in a straight path at target ignoring all non-magic barriers, armor, concealment, and cover.
- Hail of Arrows: 1/day fire 1 arrow per Arcane Archer level at a different target within range using full attack bonus.
Magic Items:
- Belt of Giant Strength +6
- Gloves of Dexterity +6
- Wings of Flying
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Bracers of Archery, Greater
- Ring of Evasion
- Ring of X-Ray Vision
- Efficient Quiver
- Handy Haversack
- Eyes of the Eagle
- Amulet of Health +6
- +1 Mighty+7, Flaming, Shocking, Holy, Seeking, Speed, Darkwood Composite Longbow
- 60 Adamantine Arrrows
- 60 Cold Iron Arrows
- 60 Arrows
- +5 Padded Armor
- +5 Rapier