Brotherhood of the Kraken

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The Brotherhood of the Kraken

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Symbol: A black 8 finged hand

Portfolio: Evil, Water, Destruction, Madness, Magic

Background: The largest of all Cults of the Dragon Below with the possible exception of those that revere Nyarlathotep, due to his association with The Traveller, it is certainly the most well organized and influential. The Brotherhood of the Kraken is so influential that some scholars have begun speculating that it is the origin of all worship of the Devourer as a Sea God rather than the other way around.

The majority of Cthulhu's worshippers don't actually know him by that name as it is recorded only on a very few select priesthood's tablets. Only the Necronomicron as found by one insane Lhazaar wazir lists him by name. Thus, only scholars of Morgrave University and the Arcane Congress have knowledge of his name outside of the cults highest echelons.

They instead refer to him as "The Great One", "The Sleeping Beast", "The Great Serpent", "Demogorgon", and "Asmodeus." That the two later two characters have been created from myths about him is indication of how debased Dragon Below theology can become. In many religions, the Devourer and Cthulhu are worshipped as one in the same. These cults have little to do with the main one but are reacting to the increase in their gods power.

The majority of the society's followers are sea-dwelling creatures of Eberron. The Kuo-Tu, Sahuagin, Merrow, Scrags, and other sea born monster races that treat him as an aspect of the Devourer. Those cultists that revere him along Xen'drik tend to intermarry with these races and produce rather degenerate half-breed offspring. Lord Shadowspawn has enlisted countless races to his service with the aid of the Kraken/Dragon Turtle hybrid Xulo (CE M Dragon Turtle/Kraken hybrid Priest of Cthulhu 3) that most assume is the god himself.

The land dwelling faction of the cult includes the Abyss Walkers Orc Tribes that are a large and powerful organization that has ties to the Emerald Claw. Erandis D'Vol long discovered that Cthulhu had a substantial following amongst evil magicians due to the fact that evil rituals to him were often rewarded with increases in power or gaining in 'enlightenment.'

Despite her best efforts to stamp out this heresy in her cult, almost the entire Brelish faction of the Emerald Claw defected at the possibility of world domination offered by him. Most are Karrnath military themed and very fascist in nature despite their multiple ethnicity.

The cult's wide following means that almost anyone could actually be a part of it and its members have begun rapidly agitating the existing chaos in hopes of being able to spare themselves the resultant destruction that is likely to occur to the world. They are destined to be disappointed.

Dogma: The rising of The Great One will result in the destruction of all the world's civilization. This is inevitable and to be encouraged for it will bring about the Master's swifter return. Upon the arising of the Master, those few who venerate him will be spared with a select few elevated to the status of the Great Old Ones (droles on about the rewards that will be reaped by the chosen few, blah blah). Sacrifices are usually sentient life in nature while water and sex plays an absurdly prominent role in the religion.