Main Cast Opinions

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This page is open for the main cast (and NPCs) to list thoughts in or out of character regarding their fellow player characters. Thoughts should be directed only toward the actions of the character (not the actions of his/her player). For example: Listing how your character feels about each other PC and any NPCs you'd like to mention is appropriate. Noting that a player needs to stop taking off his shoes at the game is NOT appropriate.

Jack Bennet OPINIONS

  • On Brian Jaffe:
  • On Arthur Redford:
  • On Mandy Smith:
  • On NPC:

Brian Jaffe OPINIONS

  • On Jack Bennet: "He's a good kid, but I think he's lead a sheltered life. He's too used to letting his name and his money speak for him; it'd be nice to see him speak for himself, instead. Because the field he's playing in now, there are people with more money than him and his name doesn't count for a whole lot. It's going to take something more to keep us out of the messes we're about to get into."
  • On Arthur Redford: "Out of everyone I've met since I got on that plane, Arthur's the one I'm happiest to have around. I know a bit about his life before our flight together and I can see how hurt it's left him, but when I look at him, I can see how hard he's fighting to be a better man. Maybe it's that old pain, that old danger, still sitting inside him, but so far it seems like he's been dealing the best with everything we've been hit with... A level head, a good sense of humor... I think what it comes down to is that Arthur's a guy I'm willing to trust."
  • On Mandy Smith: "She's been so all over the map that she scares me just a little; sometimes she's mothering, sometimes she's angry and sometimes she just shuts down. Not that she doesn't have a reason for it. Out of all of us, I think Mandy's going to have the longest road back to normal. I wish I could do something to help her get there."
    • "Mandy killed a boy today. I want to be angry with her. I want to stand on some high ground and condemn what she did as a moral failure, as a step backwards in keeping us all safe. But the truth is, if I'd found the dead girl first, instead of Mandy, I probably would've done the same thing.
      "It wouldn't help her, anyway. The look she gave me on the way to meet Arthur, what she said to me, 'if you want to drop me off, I'll understand,' she knows that she did something wrong. I'm just not sure she knows how to stop herself. She needs help, and I'm not qualified to give it to her. I hope Arthur can say something."
  • On David Jaffe: "It's not that David and Miriam got divorced that bothers me. It's not that David remarried, or even that he had another son. They're my parents and if they're happier apart than they are together then I'm happy for them. What bothers me is that things changed at all. Maybe it's naive of me, but after more than thirty years I'd just sort of assumed that, no matter how much things changed for me, they'd stay basically the same. But now, with things changed, if I'd have to get to know these two people from scratch. I don't know if I can do that now."

Arthur Redford OPINIONS

  • On Jack Bennet: "It's hard to get a real take on Jack. I think that Jack himself hasn't figured himself out yet. He's brash and impulsive and just a little arrogant, which considering that he is an 18 year old boy in a 22 year old body is understandable. Out of all of us I think he is the one who will be the first to take a stand against something he feels is wrong. I just wish that he'd learn to pick his fights a little better. So far I see him as adapting to our situation the least on the surface. He's a good kid, just needs to grow up a bit.
  • On Brian Jaffe: A true oxy moron. He appears to be an honest lawyer. If asked to describe Brian the only phrase that comes to mind is "middle of the road". He dosen't seem to have an extreme view on any subject (except when it came to our personal rights). Neither very liberal nor conservative. I like him. He is one of those rare people who would prefer to have a situation be resolved as a win-win. Instead of going for the throat. The only time that he seems to lose his cool is when the really wierd shit with our new "abilities" manifest.
  • On Mandy Smith: Tough as nails and highly adaptable. Unfortunatly that adaptability has been pushed over the edge this last week. In one blow she lost her Father, two brothers, her livelihood, most of the friends she worked with, four years of her life, and most of her freedom. That is enough to push anybody over the edge. Now add on the fact that she's got some very destructive powers that are partially linked to her emotional state, and this is a dangerous mix. A meltdown is inevitable, and I just hope that we are able to help contain the damage, both physically and to Mandy's psyche. I think we need to sit down and have a long chat one of these days soon.
  • On Agent Marx: If there is anybody in this whole mess that I will have a problem liking and getting along with it'll be him. He's a good man, and very competant at his job. He is not lacking in the courage department nor is he undisiplined. However, there has always been a longstanding rivaly and bad blood between Secret Service and the Militart service. Part of it is the mentality. Both of us are trained very similarly. Only his job is to protect a single person or family, and mine is to protect the whole country. Plus in general the SS has a bit of a superiority complex about their job and tend to think of themselves as above a regular serviceman. His parting line said it all. "Rein in your dog Jack." *Yes, I know Arthur is being a little hypecritical about this* He's a good man, we just won't get along.

Mandy Smith OPINIONS

  • On Jack Bennet: "He's one caring young man who seems to hate everything to do with authoraty. He's rich, but I can't take advantage of that. I hope he stays a good friend."
  • On Brian Jaffe: "Very articulate lawyer, one who seems to buck the stereotype. He's a good leader and all, but I think he needs to lighten up on the whole 'don't mess up anything' attitude."
  • On Arthur Redford: "I don't really know anything about him, but he's giving me room and board, he can't be all bad."
  • On Julia Lee: "Waste of good female space."