Trinity:Phytic Language
Phytic is the primary language of the adu'ja, and is used primarily on Arcturas.
What follows is an abbreviated lexicon of the Phytic language.
Phytic - English[edit]
ace year adu life alda blue alquo warm aoli beneath ara young are better arjo above arpi wood ars this asra east aspe correct auya during
cala land(s), region
dep grey dos yes dras out dros not drits rock, stone dyoqu inside dyote outside dyt shadow, shade
ear where eese meet elday sunlight else beside eoste Nature [Force] erdee beach esoa green
iaku when icre time, Time [Force] idry come ilji how ink mist
ja of jak more jete good jikys please jis stay jodo orange jou "hello"
ka some kaas grass kae early kalas mountain kes quick kiers there klila grow koi red kola cold koord north kyup after
laryl water leshel edge lesse Blue [Force] lil and list which los forest (General) loss forest (Adu'jan) luda who
okoli yellow ole less or near
pad black pia thanks po the poju until poki behind pracs west prid rest pup with
que river
re you rea home reku swim reldyr silt, dust, sand roca around rod small rojak why rosa island rotu before rua flower rute far rys in
sad here sat far satu between seo "to be" serdi tree sil purple simic an akashic druid sisto "city" soko what speas south stays big state bad stest old syl down
tar up tat that te I teca never tisu always tra large, wide trail mushroom trair near tras worse trals wrong, incorrect triac then trill now trode leaf trost walk tries slow tris they (singular) tuk [negation] tys no
uatra Void [Force] uara beyond usdo white
je zero ert one iss two upe three ess four irs five aky six rea seven dea eight