Active: You reach into the swirling, teeming mass that is Chaos, and pull forth a truly random effect.
Roll 1d% and consult the following table.
10's 1's
00 No effect 0 0-level / Subtle
10 Magic 1 1st / Subtle
20 Psionics 2 2nd / Subtle
30 Technology 3 3rd / Lesser
40 Blue 4 4th / Lesser
50 Time 5 5th / Lesser
60 Chaos 6 6th / Greater
70 Divine 7 7th / Greater
80 Nature 8 8th / Greater
90 Void 9 9th / Overwhelming
Note: Jikuu scale from 1 - 10, so if you roll a 50, add one level to the result in the 1's column.
Once you have determined the Force and level, determine the caster level of the effect.
Effect Caster
Level Level
0 2 +/- 1
1st 2 +/- 1
2nd 3 +/- 1d2
3rd 5 +/- 1d3
4th 7 +/- 1d4
5th 9 +/- 1d6
6th 11 +/- 1d8
7th 13 +/- 1d10
8th 15 +/- 1d12
9th 17 +/- 2d8
Roll 1d%. If the result is 50 or less, then add the indicated amount to the caster level. If it is 51 or higher, then subtract
the indicated amount from the caster level.
Once you have determined the Force and level, determine a random effect of that level from that Force. Once you know the effect,
you may make decisions for the effect as though you had known you were using that effect the entire time.
After you use this avao, you cannot use it again for 1d4+1 rounds, as it strains your connection to Chaos.
Causal: This avao has no causal use.
Precausal: This avao has no precausal use.