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B –

Bonded Servitors – Of all the Witch-King's inhumane institutions, it was the Bonded Servitors- grasping men, women and aliens who proferred their very souls to the Witch-Lord's chief meta-intellegances in exchange for cybernetic and memetic upgrades- that most capture the plebian mind. Given that each Servitor had a unique disposition, acting as slave and representitive to a differant demonic master from beyond the Vale of Gammora, and subsequently unique powers and appearances that is the heart of their mystique.

Ultimately, it must be noted, works of popular imagination such as the Death-smith opera cycle, "Stygia, Reborn", merely pander to popular prejudices in presenting Bonded Servitors as dark-robed cackling madmen forming some kind of Fifth Column within the Imperium. This minor functionary has had the pleasure of speaking personally to Valliance Prime, Bonded Servitor of Sharad of Sharad, as he languishes on the very prison-world he built, the Land of Ninefold Immortal Sufferings. His words cannot be directly transrbied here out of considerations of both space and security, but suffice it to say that he avows under the strictest torture that no other Servitor survives to this day.

Similarly misleading are the writings of a certain guest of the Glorious Teijani Purer-than-Light's Exorsism Chamber, presenting the Servitors as mere soul-bonded beaurocrats, mystics and judges, paralell to the Lesser Consillium of the Loa advising to the Emperor Eternal. While it is accurate within a narrow scope to say that the Bonded Servitors were the administrators of the Witch-King's system of Demon-Camps and the lynchpin on his system of social control, the analogy is exactly that superficial. The Lesser Consillium of the Loa, a group this scholar has some personal experiance with, do place theie souls in jars, along with their private members, but their souls are neither damned nor devoured, and in consequence our immortality does not rely on the blood of our victms.

Misconceptions aside, there is little to note about the Bonded Servitors as a group- they served the Witch-King, and would have done so loyally as long as he continued to feed their masters from beyond the Veil of Gammora. Despite their absolute loyalty to the Witch-King, their ongoing intercine feud with the SPECTRE Corps doomed them in the Week of Bloody Gloves, in which over three quarters of their number met their fate.

See also: Sharad of Sharad, Week of Bloody Gloves.