Captain America - PL17

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Captain America, aka Steve Rogers; PL 17 (260pp);

Init +11; Spd 50ft (run), 20ft (leap); Defense 30 (12 Base, 5 Dex, 2 Super Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +12; Atk +17 Melee (7S Punch), +17 Ranged (10S Shield); SV Dmg +7 (+2 armor), Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +5; Str 20, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18. (TOTAL 110pp)

Skills: Acrobatics 5/+12, Bluff 5/+9, Computers 3/+6, Diplomacy 5/+11, Drive 5/+12, Hide 5/+12, Knowledge: Tactics 5/+8, Knowledge: Geography 3/+6, Listen 5/+8, Move Silently 5/+12, Pilot 5/+12, Search 7/+10, Sense Motive 7/+10, Spot 6/+9, Taunt 5/+9 (TOTAL 38pp)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Ambidexterity, Assessment, Dodge, Endurance, Evasion, Expertise, Improved Trip, Heroic Surge, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Indomitable Will, Inspire, Instant Stand, Leadership, Move-By-Attack, Point Blank Shot, Ricochet Shot, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Rapid Strike, Sidekick, Surprise Strike (TOTAL 46pp)

Powers: Armor +2 (Source: Super Science; Cost 1pp/Rank, Total 2pp); Deflection +15 [Star-Spangled Shield] (Source: Super Science; Extras: Free Action, Deflect Others, Deflection Bonus - bullets; Power Stunt: Ranged Weapon +5 (Extra: Mighty Ranged Weapon); Flaw: Device; Cost: 3 pp; Total: 48 pp); Running +2 (Source: Training, Extra: Leaping, Strike; Cost 4pp/Rank, Total 8pp) Super Dexterity +2 (Source: Training, Cost 4pp/Rank, Total 8pp) TOTAL 66pp