Cloak PL10

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CLOAK PL: 10 Real Name: Tyrone Johnson Dual Identity: Known to the public Base of Operations: Holy Ghost Church, New York City, New York, United States of America Group Affiliation: Partner of Dagger; former Marvel Knight Nationality/ethnicity: American/black

Stats: Attributes: Strength: 15 (+2) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 15 (+2)

Saves: Damage +13, Fortitude +5, Reflex +0, Will +0 Defense: 20 Melee attack bonus: +8 (normal)/+9 (with Drain) Ranged attack bonus: +0 Hero Points: 5

Skills: Hide +3, Intimidate +10, Knowledge: street culture +8

Feats: Assessment (due to his innate knowledge of life-force), Attack Focus (Drain), Chokehold (the folds of his cloak are alive), Darkvision, Detect(life-force), Durability, Extra Limb (the folds of his cloak are alive), Improved Grapple (the folds of his cloak are alive), Improved Pin (the folds of his cloak are alive), Immunity (aging, critical hits, disease, starvation)

Powers: Cloak of Darkness (Alternate Form: shadow +8 (Extras: Amazing Save (Damage), Drain (Extra: Boost (Constitution), Flaw: Limited: One Attribute (Constitution)), Obscure, Protection, Teleport; Source: Mutation)

Weaknesses: Disturbing: Despite looking perfectly human, albeit shrouded in a night's-black cloak, Cloak has an innate hunger for sentient life-force, and others can sense this easily.

Quirk: Overwhelming love for Dagger. Cloak is hopelessly in love with Dagger. The fact that she returns this love merely cements his loyalty to her. Cloak would literally do anything to remain by Dagger's side, or to protect her from perceived enemies.

Transformation: Cloak needs to use his Drain Extra periodically, or else the demon inside him will grow too strong and seek to feed regardless of Cloak's wishes. If he does not feed on life-force at least once a day, he will transform into a psychotic sociopath hellbent on Draining Constitution until he can feed no longer.