Blue Giant:Scenario Hangover

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The PCs receive a twenty year old distress call from a settler ship. The settlers crashed on a planet that looked like a bloodshot eye and were barely able to survive. Two years ago one of the settlers apparently went mad and murdered his family, but his home was three thousand miles away from the main settlement. The settlers do not have the resources to pursue the crime and have none nothing about it. The victims sister asks the PCs to investigate. The killer is still alive and symbiotically linked to a sentient alien weapon. The merging of minds has sent them mad.


The story is set on the planet of Hangover, an almost empty planet circling Baker Star. There are five principle locations, a damaged settler ship in orbit called the Daisy Green, the homestead of Brett and Babs Ramsay, the main settlement 'Town', the settlement of Sam Thorne and a crashed alien spaceship.

Main Characters

Brett Ramsay is a settler who specialises in engineering and cultivating medicinal plants. He is thirty eight years old. He is married to Babs Ramsay. He's a big placid farmer who is relieved to see the PCs.

Babs Ramsay is a mineralogist and soil botanist. She is thirty nine years old. She will be extremely happy to see the PCs.

Josh Baker, at forty nine he is the oldest surviving settler. He is the de facto headman of the community because no-one can be bothered arguing with the big windbag.

Glenda Baker is his forty two year old wife and the real political power on the planet. She is pragmatic almost to the point of callousness. Without her guidance and matchmaking the colony would not have survived.

Rose Alexander is the bereaved sister of Heather Thorne and Doctor Ferdinand Alexander. She's forty. She has been harassing the townsfolk to do something about the deaths of her family and she sees the arrival of the PCs as a way to get some answers.

Derry Phillips is a fourteen year old boy. He witnessed some of the events two years before and has been working on his own investigation since then.

Sam Thorne is thirty six years old. He's a loner who never got on well with the rest of the townsfolk. Two years ago he killed his wife Heather and his two daughters Daisy and Maisie and later killed Heather's brother Ferdinand.

Heather (Alexander) Thorne was thirty four when she died. She was the loyal and loving wife of Sam Thorne and mother of Maisie and Daisy.

Maisie & Daisy Thorne were eight and four years old respectively when they died.

"Doc" Ferdinand Alexander was thirty five years old when he died. He was the only medical doctor the settlement had.

Billy Wu, Jacob Fletcher, Franklin Griffin, Tiffy Gallagher & Linzi Gallagher are all fine strapping young settlers, they're about eighteen years old and they hang around Town adding to the crowd scenes. Billy is really smart, the other four are just big dumb bags of teen hormones.




Role Play




This is a fairly linear scenario with a good deal of exposition before the PCs get to the good stuff. Individual sections can easily be skipped and added to the a different scene.



Scenario Order

The PCs pick up the radio signal from the Daisy Green. The signal is on the route they have to take to reach the rest of the sector.

Two light years on they pick up a second radio signal from the Ramsey stead.

They reach the system, witness how dangerous it is and see the Daisy Green and weather satellite.

If they investigate the Daisy Green they find evidence of an accident and many dead bodies. The ship itself is repairable. The flight recorder confirms the accident, the launch of the satellite and the history of the expedition.

They may meet the Ramsay's who will be very excited to see them. If the PCs don't suggest it, the Ramsay's will beg a lift into Town.

Baker will greet the PCs, beg for supplies, and tell the PCs things are going fine. He may request help with the Daisy Green. As the PCs are about to leave, Rose will kick up a fuss and ask the PCs to find out what happened to her family, the missing aircraft and Sam.

The PCs travel to the Thorne stead, find the missing doctor dead, the flyer and evidence of the murder. There are some very odd energy weapon blast marks.

The PCs find the crash crater of the alien ship where they are attacked by Sam, who rants a bit then escapes.

The PCs pursue him to the ship and defeat him, he will fall down, but he won't die.

They then have to deal with Sam and the alien weapon and the parasite in his brain. They will deal with the alien spacecraft.

They will also have to deal with the settlers and the clean up operation.


Actual Play

You are invited to record how the scenario went for you. Let's hear your variation of it.

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