James d'Orien

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Character Name: James d'Orien Neutral Good Human Fighter 3/Blade of Orien 3

Personality Description: I haven't really thought about it so feel free to experiment.

Appearance: Haven't really thought about suffice to say he's hardened veteran.

History: Born into a relatively influential family in House Orien. He developed his dragonmark at the age of two so when he was seven his parents moved to the city of Passage. It was on the lightning rail to Passage that he decided he would be a blade of Orien. The lightning coach was going through its longest stretch before Passage when some bandits boarded it. Hiding in his cabin he saw a crossbow bolt take down his farther the bandits then turned his crossbow on James' mother. The bolt had flown through the air only to be stopped when a Blade of Orien had teleported in front of the bolt taking it on his chest. The rest of the bandits where dispatched shortly after by the rest of the guards. James never forgot the sacrifice made by the Blade of Orien who died that day. Asking his mother who he was she told him he was Thomas d'Orien who had been on the train to Passage for his wedding. When James came of age he immediately went to apply for training as a guard. He served for a couple of years on the Orien caravans before during that time he became a small hero among the Orien caravans for his deeds of valor and devotion to duty. But it was after he became a Blade of Orien that he truly shone. He was on a regular lightning coach heading for Sharn when it was attacked by fifty bandits. The lightning coach had only ten guards and James was the only Blade of Orien on the coach. The bandits attacks were ferocious and they quickly dispatched most of the guards with James and two others being the only survivors. Knowing that the bandits would try to stop the train James and the guards rushed to the driving compartment just in time to see the driver killed by a bandit who had snuck ahead. James quickly dispatched the bandit and started trying to control the elemental while the two guard held the bandits off. Despite grievous wounds the two guards held the compartment for hours while James struggled to control the elemental. They where nearing Sharn when one of the guards failed to parry a strike a was impaled on the bandit's sword. Amazingly the guard managed to dispatch two more men before falling. His comrade fell quickly afterwards. Realizing this James drew his sword defended himself as best he could while still trying to control the elemental. He was able to hold the bandits off for several minutes before being struck by a mace on the head. The last thing he saw as he fell towards the ground was the coach entering the Sharn station.

He awoke several days later in a Jorasko clinic surrounded by doctors and and House Orien officials. As it turned out one of the guards had been able to send a message spell warning the Sharn station of the attack. He the two guards who held the door, the one who sent the message and several passengers who defended the other passenger from the bandits where all awarded The Order of the Unicorn for bravery.

After that he got several more missions under his belt before meeting Drake.