King Goblin PL20
Goblin King
Once Norman Osborn was the Green Goblin, a constant threat and mortal enemy to Spider-Man. However, eventually he succeeded in his goal and managed to “end” Spider-man’s existence. After that he turned his attention to his other obsession… power. Decades later… a seemingly un-aged Norman isn’t the Green Goblin anymore, he doesn’t need to transform to gain his power and he doesn’t use scary masks to make himself more intimidating. He is the Goblin King, like the Kingpin before him he is a myth and legend among both criminals and law enforcement. He runs everything… crime… business… politics… media… everything. Unlike Fisk, its pretty well-known (at least by non-delusional lower classes) who the Goblin King is… it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out… but no one talks about it. To the national eye, Osborn is the Adonis-like mayor of New York whose influence nationwide rivals that of even the president. He hasn’t put on a costume or flown on a glider in decades… its beneath him now. He’s still a beast in a fight… he completely totally Malcolm afterall… but he rarely engages in such nonsense himself. He has legions of minions and the money to hire just about any independent contractor for that sort of thin. Moreover, he’s got his personal assassin/bodyguard in the form of the Vulture.
Goblin King: ( PL 18 )
Init +14 ; Defense 25 (15 Flat Footed); Spd 30ft; Atk +7 melee (+8S or L unarmed), +10 ranged; SV Dmg +11, Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +3; VP: 9; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff 15, Computers 15, Demolitions 15, Diplomacy 15, Gather information 15, Intimidate 15, Move Silently 15, Repair 15, Science (Chemistry, Engineering, Physics) 20, Sense Motive 10, Taunt 15, Pilot 2
Feats: All-Out-Attack, Assessment, Chokehold, Connected, Dual Damage (Unarmed), Fame, Headquarters, Immunity [Aging], Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Inspire, Leadership, Minions, Move-By-Attack, Penetrating Attack (Unarmed), Sidekick (Vulture), Startle, Surprise Strike, Vehicles
- Super-Intelligence +8 [Extra: Innate, Super-Charisma; Cost 4pp; Total: 32pp], *Super-Strength +6 [Regeneration, Super-Constitution, Super-Dexterity; Cost: 11pp; Total: 66pp],
- Summon Minion +14 [Extras: Heroic (Villainous... whatever), Type x2 (Broad: Super-Villains); Power Stunts: Progression x2; Flaws: Attitude: Indifferent; Cost: 4pp; Total: 60pp]
- Goblin Armor +8 [Extras: Energy Blast; Features: Sloped, Reflective; Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack (Energy Blast); Source: Super-Science; Cost 2pp; Total 20pp]
- Goblin Toys - Weapon +8 [Extras: Multi-Ammo x2 (Disintegration, Cloud, Tranquilizer, Slick, Slow, Dazzle); Features: Close Quarters, Spring Loaded; Flaws Dispersed Firepower; Cost 2pp; Total 18pp]
- Goblin Mark X Attack Glider (Vehicle-Jet) – Size-Small; Base Defense +21 (+10, +1 Size); Hardness 12; Max Speed (Flight): 12; Maneuverability 12; Extras (PL 12): Energy Blast, Protection, Remote; Power Stunts: Aerial Combat, Move-By-Attack, Skill Focus: Pilot, Super-Flight; Features: Boosters x10, Hover Mode, Ram Plating, Superior Handling, VTOL
- Antagonists [Major] – Not just the good guys… many envious villains and crime bosses secretly despise Osborn.
- Driven (Megalomania) [Major] – Pretty self-explanatory.
- Paranoid [Major] – Again, pretty self-explanatory… tyranny and paranoia… goes hand-in-hand.
- Disturbing