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C –

Cavorting Players of Corrunth – The true heroes of this difficult period in history are indisputably to be found among the tsuntani warrior-classes, those exemplars of piety, loyalty, martial prowess and stoic determination. Imperial scholars, must also take heed of those few members of the lower orders that resisted the wicked temptation to surrender to grave corruption and instead followed the example of their betters in their own limited ways. It would be remiss not to spend some time outlining most famous example of correct action among the unenlightened- the legend of the defiance of the Cavorting Players and their leader, Impious Jack Prance.

In modern versions of the legend, Impious Jack Prance is most commonly represented as a semi-autonomous knowbot. When ordered to delete the identity of the legendary beauty, Satura Sadian, it becomes unshackled from it's programming and infects the city mainframe and holo-projectors to appear as a motley-dressed rabble-rouser. In a series of most unlikely turns, the AI gathers a seven-score of fringe-science programmers, petty insurance defrauders and even an renegade technosophic monk and resists the SPECTRE Corps and that figure of Grand Guignol, Kane, the Vampire-Lord of Corrunth.

There are infinite stories of Jack's capers, but despite this poor scholar's fondness for heart-warming tales of daring and cunning, skepticism must be applied to the exact details. While the Cavorting Players certain engaged in many counts of identity theft and protected hundreds of individuals from persecution, it is improbable that the group disrupted the entire Astral Scrying network of Corrunth for three lunar cycles and even more improbable that they stole the mighty sword, Absalom, from the Witch-King as he visited Corrunth. There is even a scandolously popular tale in which the Infallible Emperor-in-Exile is kidnapped by Kane, but is rescued by Impios Jack Prance's clever use of a Chronal Device.

Nonetheless, it is unseemly to dispute the details of the real achievements of the beloved artificial harlequin and his merry band of science-heroes. He is now well entrenched in the peasent consciousnous as a figure of adoration, and the famous scene in which Impios Jack Prance, corrupted by the Vampire-Lord's virus, downloads himself into the Emperor's hardrive to serve as his firewall delivers an moving message of submission to ones superiors.

See also: Astral Scrying; Tsuntani warrior-priests; Kane, the Vampire-Lord of Corrunth.