Midnight RPG - Chapter 31.118

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Kyuad and Durgaz had a private conversation in the woods.

Kyuad's primary reason for having the conversation in private was stated as relating to what he intended to do: namely create undead from the available corpses. He was sure that eventually Durgaz would find out, even if no one else did, and he wanted to make sure Durgaz was okay with it.

During the conversation, Durgaz mentioned the Fey Plague that Aradil has kept alive and was currently sending north to the orc armies. Kyuad had a moment of plotting inspiration and suggested that the group keep the plague alive for as long as possible. The purpose of this was to create a reason for the humans to have confidence about the alliance that was going to be suggested shortly.

His reasoning: The humans are in a state of fear about the races of fey that surround them in Eredane. They know full well that at any moment, if the elves and dwarves were to join forces, they could wipe out the race of men from the lands. This is the main reason that the only time humans have been willing to let their guard down and ally themselves with elves or dwarves was when they had no choice in the matter.

If however, the humans in power were to believe that there was an "ultimate weapon" (let's call it a nuke) that could be used to retaliate against a possible fey betrayal, their actual risk would be much less. Even if the fey were to turn against humanity, the men in power could use the nuke to ensure who was going to survive the conflict.

This of course would be a terrible mistake if the humans who knew about the nuke wanted to then use it to just turn things back on the fey and kill them all in order to take power, and that's not something we could let happen. So it must be destroyed.

However, its usefulness lies in its potential threat, not in its actual utility. The trick would then be to make the fey (elves and dwarves, primarily) believe that it has been destroyed, and make the humans believe that the destruction was a ruse and they still have it. Of course, this would need to be a ruse in itself, since the nuke is actually destroyed and gone.

How? Ah yes, that's the tough part. How do we keep the weapon long enough to prove we have it, then find a way to preserve it in such a way as to let the humans believe they still have it, but keep it from ever affecting any other fey?

Undead or humans could guard the carriers of the plague for a time. But finding new volunteers to carry it on would not be easy.

We could have someone in power who knows the secret of how to remake the plague after it is destroyed. Therefore, it is never truly "gone" but just "not yet activated."

Bottom Line is that this should really be the last thing considered - only to be used if nothing else can possibly work to unify those who resist the Shadow.