What is it?
Working name for yet another Wushu/Exalted hack by Aprogressivist.
- Exalted, of course.
- Wushu for the game engine, as such.
- Wuxalted.
- Wuxalted Redux; Aprogressivist's previous attempt, for what it's worth.
This section describes the traits used to define characters in WXLTD.
Define a grandiose Motivation for your character, as in Exalted 2E. This is the character's driving goal and desire in life; whenever your character takes significant steps towards achieving her Motivation, you may add +2 to your TN during related Conflicts. Furthermore, if she succeeds in the Conflict, she may regain a Mote.
Primary Virtue
Choose one of the four Virtues described below. This is your character's strongest Virtue; whenever that Virtue is tested, you may add +1 to your TN during a Conflict.
- Compassion
- Conviction
- Temperance
- Valor
Furthermore, Exalted (and only Exalted) may, once per Conflict, choose to gain a point of Limit instead of having to lose a Mote. Every time this happens, however, roll one d6 and add your new Limit score to it; if the total is 8 or more, your character undergoes Limit Break and must suffer her Flaw (see below).
Limit Break & Flaws
{More on how to choose a Flaw later.}
When undergoing Limit Break, characters find themselves restricted by their Flaw, and must act out according to it. If they resist their Flaw, they suffer the following penalties:
- Solars: TN reduced to 1 for all Conflicts until the Limit Break ends.
- Lunars & Sidereals: Subtract 1 from TN for all Conflicts until the Limit Break ends.
- Dragon-Blooded: May not regain Motes by fulfilling their Motivation.
A character's Limit score is reset to zero at the end of the Limit Break. Furthermore, if a character did not resist her Flaw during Limit Break, she regains a Mote at the end of it.