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Trinity is home to several unique weapons, as well as several weapons of vaguely real-world origin that are used to flesh out various cultures.

Simple Weapons[edit]

Simple Weapons
Weapon		Cost	Sm	Med	Crit		Range Inc	Weight	Type
Light Melee
  Baton		  5g	1d3	1d4	x2		--		 2 lb.	Bludgeoning
One-Handed Melee
  Pole		 10g	1d4	1d6	x2		--		 6 lb.	Bludgeoning


A rather short, compact staff. Similar to a club; however, this item is more finely and carefully crafted, allowing it to be used as a martial arts weapon.


Similar in construction to a staff, but shorter, so as to be usable in one hand. A pole may be used as a martial arts weapon.

Martial Weapons[edit]

Martial Weapons
Weapon		Cost	Sm	Med	Crit		Range Inc	Weight	Type
Light Melee
  Shuko		  5g	1d3	1d4	19-20/x2	--		1 lb.	Slashing
One-Handed Melee
  Claw		 20g	1d4	1d6	19-20/x2	--		 1 lb.	Slashing


A tight-fitting glove with three blade extending from the knuckles, the claw is an unwieldy but powerful weapon. A character wielding a claw gets a +4 bonus on rolls against being disarmed, and a +2 bonus on sunder attempts. The claw is a martial arts weapon.


A tight-fitting glove with four small blades jutting from the top of the palm, the shuko is more of a utilitarian tool than a weapon, though it serves effectively enough. A character wielding a shuko gets a +4 bonus on rolls against being disarmed, and a +4 bonus on Climb checks. The shuko is a martial arts weapon.

Exotic Weapons[edit]

Exotic Weapons
Weapon		Cost	Sm	Med	Crit		Range Inc	Weight	Type
One-Handed Melee
  Sash		 12g	1d6	1d8	x3		--		 3 lb.	Bludgeoning and Piercing
Two-Handed Melee
  Katana	325g	1d8	1d10	19-20/x2	--		 8 lb.	Slashing
  Rug		 30g	1d10	2d6	19-20/x3	--		10 lb.	Bludgeoning
Three-Handed Melee
  Zweihandir	200g	2d8	3d6	19-20/x4	--		60 lb.	Slashing


The preferred weapon of the west, the katana is essentially a specialized bastard sword. All katanas are automatically masterwork (this is reflected in the cost, above).


While the vast majority of actual rugs are constructed of normal cloths, rugs fabricated for combat use are typically made of steelcloth. Characters proficient with a rug may use a normal rug as a weapon, but such a weapon normally only deals nonlethal damage. A character actively defending herself with a rug gains half again as much benefit from doing so (if the character normally gains +4 to AC while fighting defensively, she would instead gain +6 while wielding a rug). In addition, the rug is a reach weapon, allowing the wielder to strike creatures within a 10 foot range; the rug can be used to hit adjacent opponents, as well. The rug is a martial arts weapon.


Typically constructed of lightweight steelcloth, the sash is a vicious weapon in the appropriate hands. A character proficient with a sash can use a normal cloth sash as a weapon, but such a weapon normally only deals nonlethal damage. The sash is a martial arts weapon.


With a long history of use, the zweihandir is the epitome of weaponry designed for front-line fighters. Normal humanoids must use their knee or similar appendage to brace the weapon; as such, actively wielding a zweihandir reduces the wielder's movement speeds by half, to a minimum of 5 feet.