Tangency Timeline
This is intended as a reference for interested posters, and those new to RPGNet, and Tangency in specific. Each item will be in chronological order, with the title, date and description of the event. Contributor in parentheses.
January 2001
- Tangency Opens
- the creation of the new forum for the discussion of things not game related (NoCarrier)
- The great Open crash
- brought about the exodus to Tangency and led to the growing sense of community that still makes Tangency really unique. (David Johansen)
- The new software.
- In which the old threaded, fast loading, and stable software was replaced with the current slow loading, unstable software. (David Johansen)
- The Gay greeks thread and following coming out of various posters.
- Tangency's gay dawn. Before this gender issues were generally unexplored. (David Johansen)
- The great religion flamewars.
- This being roughly equivilant to the Last Alliance of Men and Elves in terms of its long term effects on Tangency's character. (David Johansen)
- The Mod Wars and attendant exodus I - III.
- In which various popular posters and moderators went head to head over the policies by which Tangency is ruled. The mod wars are often cited as beginning with the banning of a popular poster, but I believe that the war was generally on for a few weeks before the banning. The instigation of the first draft of the rules comes in around this time. Many posters flee to needcofee, monkeyambrosia, and other sites.
- The banning of the Bistromath.
- This guy had the highest post count of all time for a long while but he eventually was banned for unpardonable sins. His banning was unusual in that it didn't instigate a modwar. (David Johansen)
- The GMS bannings
- also fall into the modwars period. (David Johansen)
- The separation of Other Media and Other Games Open.
- In my opinion while this helps to prevent the blatantly hostile environment from overflowing into more peaceful threads, it also guts Tangeny leaving little more than goofiness and flamewars. I was in favour of it but wouldn't be if asked again. (David Johansen)