Zir, "Cleric of the Sovreign Host"
- Changeling Rogue 4/Barbarian 1/Chameleon 1
- Height: 5'8"
- Hair: Mousey Brown
- Eyes:Grey
- Build: Lean, androgenous, unremarkable
- Skin: Tanned, weatherbeaten.
- Deity: The Sovreign Host + The Traveller - emphasis on Aureon, Olladra, and The Traveller
- Alignment CG
- Str: 10
- Dex: 16
- Con: 12
- Int: 18
- Wis: 14
- Cha: 9
- Move: 40ft
- BAB: +4
- HP: 4d6 + d12 + d8 + 6 = 50
- AC: 19 (Flat footed 15, touch 13)
- Fort: +4 (Normally +6)
- Ref: +6 (Evasion)
- Will: +3 (Normally +5)
- (Desert Wind Cloak) Ranged Touch AB: +7 Damage: 6d6 1/Encounter
- +1 Rapier AB: +8/18-20 Damage: d6+1
- +1 Composite Longbow AB: +8
- Sneak Attack +2d6
Weapon + Armour proficiencies:
- All Martial Weapons
- Hand Crossbow
- Light + Medium Armour
- Shields (Not Tower)
- Weapon Finesse
- Able Learner (RoD 150)
- Investigate (Eb 55)
Racial Features:
- +2 save vs sleep and charm
- +2 on Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive
- Natural Linguist (Speak Language as class skill)
- Minor Change Shape
Class Features:
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Trapfinding
- Evasion
- Uncanny Dodge
- +1 to knowledge checks (from Racial Substitution @ Rogue 3)
- +10ft Movement
- Rage: 1/day
- Aptitude Focus 1/day (defaults to Divine Focus)
Languages spoken:
- Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
Skill Tricks:
- Conceal Spellcasting
- Social Recovery
Skills: 36+58+8-4=98pts
- Bluff 9 - 1 + 2 = +10
- Sense Motive 8 + 2 + 2 = +12
- Diplomacy: 5 - 1 + 4 = +8
- Disguise: 8 - 1 + 10 = 17
- Search 7 + 4 = +11
- Disable Device 8 + 4 = +12
- Hide 6 + 3 = +9
- Move Silently 7 + 3 = +10
- Spot 8 + 2 = +10
- Listen 6 + 2 = +8
- Sleight of Hand 7 + 3 = +9
- Tumble 9 + 3 + 2 = +14
- Jump: 5 + 3 + 2 = +10
- Spellcraft: 4 + 4 = 8
- Knowledge: Religion : 1 + 4 + 1 = +6 (normally +8)
Normal spells prepared:
- Cure serious wounds
- 2* Cure Light Wounds
- Bless
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Read Magic
- Resistance
- Light
- Heyward's Handy Haversack (2000)
- Vesment of Many Styles (500) (RoE 174)
- +1 Mithral Shirt (2100)
- Mithral Buckler (1015)
- +1 Composite Longbow (2100)
- +1 Rapier (2020)
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750)
- Goggles of Minute Seeing (1250) (10735)
- Novice Desert Wind Cloak (3000) (13735)
- Everburning Grey Ioun Stone 50 (13785) (Normally stored in box with removable sides
- Quiver, 20 Cold Iron arrows
- Quiver, 15 Silversheen arrows, 5 Adamant arrows
- Masterwork thieves tools
- Sap
- 3 concealed daggers (1 cold iron, 1 alchemical silver)
- Belt Pouch
- 2 waterskins
- Silver symbol of the Sovreign Host
- Wooden symbol of the Traveller
- Spellbook (blank)
- Spell component pouch (on belt)
- Soap
- Ink, pen, parchment
- Tent
- 10 days trail rations
- Bedroll
- Travelling money