The Host’s Hierarch of Nobility
The Host’s Hierarch of Nobility, determining the lowness of bows, honourifics and general matters of prestige are complex. The Realm uses this system to model it’s hierarchy instead of using titles and ranks like Duke, Count, Prince, Lord, Knight, and every citizen of the Realm with socialize 2 or better can do the mental calculations to determine where people fit on this scale and how to act in their presence. Please use this system is guiding your OOC understandings of your relative prestige and importance.
For guidelines, I’ve made a system using a scoring method for the appropriate backgrounds and traits (Reputation, Backing, Breeding, Connections, Essence, Resources and Command, all weighed differently, with bonus point to the score for females, assuredly fertile dynasts and people with Appearances over 4, and penalties for scandals and being a sorcerer, to work the social biases into the game) and then placed you all in a rough hierarchy. Note that from a design perspective, this system is meant to give weight to the abstract qualities like Reputation and Connections, so as to fully integrate their worth, and isn’t meant to be fair so much as to model the unfairness inherent to the system. Mnemon has been added to the scale for an example of where you all fit on an absolute scale.
If people are within a few points of you on either side, you are peers. If they are more than that, they are subtly recognized and inferiors or superiors in the ever-changing ranks of the Terrestrial family.
- 0-4: Don’t really count as Dynasts but as tools of the Realm.
- 4-8: Dynasts. Usually the young, the lost or the feckless, but not utter nobodies.
- 8-12: Knights. Here citizens start to really kowtow.
- 12-16: Nobility. The Special People, who really define the Dynasty.
- 16-20: Leaders of the Realm. The Realm has these instead of Counts, Dukes, Earls, etc.
- 20+: Royalty. OMG! Ra! Fear the mighty rulers of all creation!
- Female 1
- Fertile 1
- Appearance 1
- Breeding 6
- Command 1
- House Backing 3
- Order Connections 4
- Legion Connections 3
- Deliberative Connections 2
- Reputation 6
- Resources 3
- Family 7
- Age 3
- Essence 16
- Immaculate Martial Chain 7
- Sorcery -1
Score: 63 points
V’Neef Sodat-
- Fertile 1
- House Aspect 1
- Breeding 4
- Deliberative Connections 4
- Thousand Scales Backing 4
- Reputation 4
- Resources 2
Score: 20 points
Peleps Illibe-
- Fertile 1
- House Aspect 1
- Navy Backing 5
- Command 2.5
- Deliberative Connections 4
- Reputation 4
- Resources 1.5
- Lost Egg -2
Score- 17
Sesus Sikandi-
- Female 1
- Fertile 1
- Appearance 1
- House Aspect 1
- Reputation 5
- Breeding 4
- Warstrider 1
- Resources 1.5
Score- 16.5
Mnemon Ai-
- Fertile 1
- House Aspect 1
- Legion Backing 4
- Command 2.5
- Breeding 5
- Reputation 3
Score- 16.5
Leedal Cordelia-
- Female 1
- Fertile 1
- Appearance 1
- House Aspect 1
- Breeding 3
- Resources 2.5
- Reputation 3
- Society Connections 3
Score- 15.5 points
Master Crashing Wave-
- Order Backing 6
- Essence 4
- Immaculate MA Form 3
- 5-Dragon Mastery 2
Score: 15 points
Ragara Monchrief
- Fertile 1
- Appearance 1
- Breeding 3
- Scales Backing 4
- House Backing 1
- Command 2
- Resources 2
- Society Connections 1
Score: 15 points
Cynis Magnos-
- House Backing 2
- Fertile 1
- House Aspect 1
- Order Connections 4
- Merchant Connections 2
- Resources 2.5
- Immaculate M.A 1
Score: 13.5 points
Mnemon Daikanis
- Breeding 5
- House Aspect 1
- Academy Backing 3
- House Backing 2.5
- Reputation 2
- Essence 4
- Demonology -4
- Never married -1
Score: 12.5 points
Cathak “Fenrir” Passada
- Appearance 1
- Fertility 2
- Breeding 4
- House Backing .5
- Academy Connections 2
- Reputation 1
- Resources 2
Score: 12.5
Tepet Enkada-
- Fertile 1
- House Backing 1.5
- House Aspect 1
- Breeding 4
- Academy Connections 1.5
- Family 1
- Reputation 3
- Scandals/debts -1
- Sorcery- -1
Score: 11 points
Leedal Endar-
- Fertile 1
- House Aspect 1
- Breeding 1
- Subtly Understood Connections 2
- Reputation 2
- Resources 1.5
Score- 8.5
Cynis Falen Scorpia
- Female 1
- Sterile -1
- Legion Backing 2
- Command 1.5
- Warstrider 1
- Reputation 2
- Resources 1.5
Score- 8
Nellens Veiu- Scored for the cover identity only
- Breeding 3
- Resources 1
- Mag Connections 3
Score: 7 points
Brass Wolf-
- Appearance 1
Score: 1 point. The price of being a member of a slave-legion.
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