Alia:Empire of Rhode

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The Empire of Rhode

The empire of Rhode is, in fact warring on two fronts, with the Republic of the Isles in the north and with the elves of the Shadow Wood forest in the south. The economic and military might of Rhode is great, due to the large amount of fertile land, the temperate weather and good supply of natural resources, bolstered by Rhode's use of slave labour. They appear to be doing well in both wars.

Royalty,Nobility and Commoners of Rhode

Rhode is an Imperial Monarchy. Lands are divided into duchies, counties, marches and baronnys and ruled and administered by their hereditary nobility. All pay tribute to the Emporer and to their Duke, both in taxes and troops. The system of government is entirely based on the feudal system. The empire has no single standing army, but rather each noble, by his oath of fealty must equip and train men, and send them to serve the Emporer or Duke in his wars.

All land is owned by the nobility, by law. Most land and businnesses are also administered by hirelings of the noble families but there are a small number of commoners who rent from the nobility and run their own operations. Being low-born is a great impediment in the southern kingdoms.

Population breakdown by class is as follows:

  • 0.1% high noblity - ranking land owners with taxation rights
  • 0.9% "low" nobility - landless knights or noble merchants and traders
  • 4% commoner merchants and traders
  • 5% serving class
  • 5% skilled labourers - artists, and skilled crafters (smiths, coopers, brewers, sculptors, etc.)
  • 65% free common labourers - carters, farmers, miners
  • 20% slaves

The Royalty of the Empire

Rhode has a single emporer and number of princes. The emporer appoints those princes in his favor to rule the non-hereditary posts of the six Duchies of Rhode. Other princes are granted titles at the Emporer's pleasure.

Sovereign Nobility

Peers are the true nobility of Rhode. Counts, Marquis and Barons are all titled, hereditary ranks, with full taxation rights over their land, and bound by an oath of fealty to their Prince and to their Emporer. Each is responsible for equiping and training a certain number of footmen, and for providing mounted knights to be sent to war at the Emporer's or their Duke's word.

Marquis have sovereign power over a march or border city. Counts have soveriegn power over large county or city. Barons have soveriegn powers over smaller baronies.

These landed nobles are named after the counties, marches, cities and baronies they rule. A nobles word are as law to all commoners, and to all lower or equal ranked nobles in their domain. Visiting nobles are usually treated with respect, but may be banished from the domain by the right of the ruling lord.

Landless Knights

Knights (form of address Sir or Madam) are a non hereditary rank granted to an individual in exchange for service and fealty. The spouse of a Knight has no noble rank. Knights are typically the younger sons or daughters of titled nobility or baronets, or of knights. The rank of knight is granted to an individual cavalryman or spellcaster in exchange for military service. They are nobility by law, and have the right to bear arms or magical devices, to wear a white belt to identify them as nobles, to own land. The grantor of the knighthood will give the knight 1000gp, and a portion of his land as well as 50% of the revenue from such land. The knight is expected to provide all of his martial equipment, weapons, a mount, armor and or magical equipment and supplies as well is to build and or maintain a hall or manor. Experienced knights usually have a small retinue of retainers and cohorts as well.


Slavery of non-human races is legal in the south. Humanoids like Orcs and Goblins are considered too foul to enslave and are always killed. The most common slaves are half-orcs and halflings. Half-orcs have been subjugated by the Church and have been taught that there rightful place in the hierarchy of life is as slaves to humans. Halflings are mostly Golanites and are pacifists, and as such they are easy to capture and are model slaves, although their small size makes them unsuitable for heavy work. Gnomes are also quite common although they are seen as more troublesome than halflings and just as unsuitable for heavy labour in addition their mastry of illusion has led to several slave breakouts. Dwarves are prized for their craftmanship, but are known to be troublesome slaves. They are regarded as worth it and are always well guarded. Some wood elves have been taken as slaves. So far, little gain has come of it, many wood-elves dying in their attempts to escape, sometimes taking some of their slave masters with them.

Citizens of Rhode and the families of Citizens are exempt from slavery. Citizenship is aquired by birth and is held by most humans, high elves and half elves who reside in Rhode. Citizenship is revoked for criminals, and several years to life enslavement is a common punishment for crimes. Children of human slaves, born in Rhode are commonly granted citizenship upon their 16th birthday.

Slaves comprise about 20% of the population of Rhode, and are responsible for about one third of all labour. By tradition and law, slaves are not used for agriculture, but rather for dangerous occupations. Typical jobs done by slaves include, unskilled labour in foundries and other heavy industry, mining, and construction. Slave operations often use a mix of slaves and skilled labourers, for example, in construction of a keep, slaves will be used for heavey labour of lifting stones into place, while strone masons will do the stone cutting and supervision.

Racial breakdown of slaves are: 10% Foreign Humans, 10% Criminal Human, 50% Half Orc, 20% Halfling, 5% Dwarf, 3% Gnome, 2% Elf.

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